
2018年2月28日 星期三

Overnight Tech: DHS denies report Russians hacked voter rolls | FCC looks to speed up 5G deployment | YouTube bans neo-Nazi channel | Panel approves FTC nominees | Spotify to file $1B IPO

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DHS DENIES RUSSIA BREACHED VOTER SITES: The Department of Homeland Security (DHS) is denying the accuracy of an NBC News report that alleged Russia breached voter sites or registration systems in seven U.S. states prior to the 2016 election.

"NBC's reporting tonight on the 2016 elections is not accurate and is actively undermining efforts of the Department of Homeland Security to work in close partnership with state and local governments to protect the nation's election systems from foreign actors," DHS acting press secretary Tyler Q. Houlton said in a statement on Tuesday night.

His comments come after U.S. intelligence officials told NBC News that an analysis requested by then President Barack Obama in the last weeks of his administration showed that Russian operatives penetrated the websites or databases of Alaska, Arizona, California, Florida, Illinois, Texas and Wisconsin.

The officials said that several states were warned about the breaches before the 2016 election, but none were told that Moscow was behind it.

But DHS pushed back, saying in its statement: "We have no intelligence – new or old – that corroborates NBC's reporting that state systems in seven states were compromised by Russian government actors.  We believe tonight's story to be factually inaccurate and misleading."

Six of the seven states that officials said were targeted deny they were breached, based on their own investigations, NBC News reported. All state and federal officials that spoke with the news outlet said that votes were not tampered with.

Illinois said they had detected a cyberattack on its voter registration system in 2016 but that nothing had been altered.

This is not the first NBC News report on possible Russian hacking that has drawn fire from DHS. Earlier this month, the agency pushed back against a report from the news outlet that claimed Russian hackers had "successfully penetrated" U.S. voter systems before the election.

Read more here.


Please send your tips, comments and compliments to Ali Breland (abreland@thehill.com) and Harper Neidig (hneidig@thehill.com) and follow us on Twitter: @alibreland and @hneidig. We're also on Signal and WhatsApp. Email or DM us for our numbers.


SEC LAUNCHES WIDE CRYPTOCURRENCY PROBE: The Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) has sent out a significant number of subpoenas and information requests probing companies and advisers that work in the cryptocurrency or digital token industry, reports The Wall Street Journal.

The actions come after warnings from the SEC about how it would examine and potentially increase enforcement action on digital tokens and cryptocurrencies.

The agency has previously taken action on cryptocurrency scams and what it believed to be unregistered securities masquerading as initial coin offerings (ICOs) -- a fundraising method for cryptocurrency-based projects.

Read more here.


SENATE PANEL APPROVES FTC NOMINEES: The Senate Commerce Committee approved President Trump's four nominees to the Federal Trade Commission (FTC).

The panel unanimously voted to confirm Joseph Simons, Trump's pick to chair the agency, Rohit Chopra, Noah Phillips and Christine Wilson.

The FTC has had just two commissioners since the Trump administration came into office more than a year ago.

Simons, Phillips and Wilson are Republicans and Chopra is a Democrat. Trump still needs to nominate one more Democrat to get the consumer protection agency back to full strength.

Read more here.


FACEBOOK SAYS TRUMP CAMPAIGN PAID HIGHER AD RATES THAN CLINTON: A top Facebook executive who was in charge of the platform's advertising during the 2016 presidential race said Tuesday that President Trump's campaign paid a higher rate for advertising on Facebook than Hillary Clinton's team.

"After some discussion we've decided to share the CPM comparison on Trump campaign ads vs. Clinton campaign ads," Andrew Bosworth wrote on Twitter, referencing the cost per 1,000 impressions, a metric used to determine the price of an online ad.

"This chart shows that during [the] general election period, Trump campaign paid slightly higher CPM prices on most days rather than lower as has been reported," tweeted Bosworth, who is now in charge of Facebook's consumer hardware.

Bosworth's release of the information came after former Trump campaign digital director Brad Parscale tweeted last week that he believed his campaign received cheaper advertising rates on Facebook.

Read more here.


POLL: MAJORITY WORRY TECH LACKS REGULATION: A majority of Americans are concerned that the government isn't doing enough to regulate technology companies, according to a new Axios-Survey Monkey poll.

The online survey, which was carried out from Feb. 21 to 23, found that 55 percent of respondents are "more concerned" that the government won't regulate technology companies enough in the future.

In November, the same poll found that 40 percent were more concerned that government wouldn't do enough to regulate tech.

Read more here.


FCC TO VOTE ON PROPOSAL TO SPEED 5G DEPLOYMENT: The Federal Communications Commission will vote next month on a proposal to speed up the deployment of 5G networks by allowing certain wireless facilities to bypass environmental impact reviews and other assessments.

Republican Commissioner Brendan Carr announced the proposal in a speech Wednesday, saying that removing regulatory barriers will help the U.S. remain competitive as countries around the world prepare to roll out the new technology.

"The rest of the world is very conscious of our leadership in 4G, and they are questioning whether we will have the resolve to take the deregulatory steps necessary to extend our leadership into 5G," said Carr. "Regulators in Europe, Asia, and other parts of the world all want to ensure that their countries lead the way in 5G."

Read more here.


TWITTER ADDS BOOKMARK FEATURE: Social media giant Twitter introduced new features on Wednesday, including a bookmark feature that allows users to save tweets to read later.

In a video post on the platform Wednesday afternoon, Twitter announced the bookmark feature designed to help users save articles or videos to a private list for later reference.

"Found something historic? Don't want to forget a joke? Article that you want to read later? Save the Tweet with Bookmarks, and come back to it whenever you want. Only you can see your Bookmarks," the caption accompanying the video announcement reads.

Read more here.


SPOTIFY FILES FOR IPO: Streaming music service Spotify filed for an initial public offering with the Securities and Exchange Commission on Wednesday, proposing going public with a $1 billion valuation.

The company said in its filing that, as of December, it had 159 million monthly active users and 71 million paid subscribers.

"Our brand reflects culture -- and occasionally creates it -- by turning vast and intriguing listening data into compelling stories that remind people of the role music plays in their lives and encourages new fans to join Spotify each week," the filing reads.

Read more here.


YOUTUBE BANS NEO-NAZI CHANNEL: YouTube has banned the channel of an American neo-Nazi group linked to five killings nationwide for violating hate speech policies.

Atomwaffen Division was banned days after the Anti-Defamation League (ADL) asked YouTube to remove anti-Semitic videos, according to Motherboard.

The video reportedly called for gassing Jews and inciting a "race war."

"These videos are not only disgusting racist content that has no place in our society, but they incite hatred against one religious group -- in this case, Jews -- therefore violating YouTube's own Community Guidelines," the ADL said in a statement Tuesday.

Read more here.



The Senate Energy Committee will hold a hearing on the cybersecurity of the nation's energy infrastructure at 10:00 a.m.

The Department of Transportation will hold a public meeting on automated vehicles at 1:00 p.m.



Bloomberg: Amazon, Apple struggle to sit out NRA gun-control debate

Reuters: Facebook finds no new evidence Russia interfered in Brexit referendum

The Guardian: Bill Gates: Cryptocurrencies have 'caused deaths in a fairly direct way'

Op-ed: California's rules on highly automated vehicles set to go live in April


Join The Hill on Wednesday, March 21, for Leadership in Action: The Hill's Newsmaker Series featuring Sen. Lamar Alexander (R-Tenn.) and Reps. Nanette Barragán (D-Calif.), and Joe Crowley (D-N.Y.). RSVP Here

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Overnight Regulation: Trump talks 'comprehensive' approach on guns | Energy industry seeks leeway in climate rule replacement | Regulators want details on Kushner loans | Senate panel approves FTC picks

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Welcome to Overnight Regulation, your daily rundown of news from the federal agencies, Capitol Hill, the courts and beyond. It's Wednesday night in Washington, where President Trump and lawmakers honored the late Rev. Bill Graham at the Capitol.



President Trump on Wednesday called for a comprehensive approach to gun reform, challenging a number of long-held Republican positions and diving head first into the politically charged debate over guns.

The president, who has been eager to take action following a deadly shooting at a Florida high school this month, hosted a bipartisan group of lawmakers at the White House to explore potential ways to curb gun violence.

But instead of focusing on areas of bipartisan consensus, Trump spent a majority of the hour-long meeting voicing support for a hodge-podge of ideas that are anathema to the National Rifle Association (NRA) and likely to give conservatives heartburn.

The president appeared eager to position himself as a Republican who is willing to stand up to the powerful gun group and pushed GOP lawmakers to do the same. 

"Some of you are petrified of the NRA," Trump said. "They do have great power over you people. They have less power over me. I don't need it, what do I need?"

Still, Trump did express support for ending gun-free school zones, which is a priority backed by the NRA. The president also said he likes the idea of arming trained teachers and faculty members with weapons, though suggested it may be a decision better left up to the states.

Trump seemed to be in his element during the televised, freewheeling meeting, which allowed him to play the role of dealmaker-in-chief. 

The Hill's Melanie Zanona has more here.

Trump told lawmakers he would ban bump stocks "quickly." President Trump said Wednesday he will sign an executive order banning bump stocks, devices that allow semi-automatic to be modified to shoot hundreds of rounds per minute.

"I'm going to write that out, because we can do that with an executive order ... we'll have that done pretty quickly, they're working on it right now, the lawyers," Trump said during a White House meeting, interrupting Sen. John Cornyn (R-Texas) when he began to discuss the gun device.

Bump stocks came to the forefront of the gun control debate after the deadly mass shooting at a Las Vegas music festival in October that left nearly 60 dead and more than 500 injured. The gunman in that incident allegedly used a bump stock device, but there has not been mention of one used in the most recent mass shooting in a Florida high school.

What's the status of the regulations? The Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF) put out a notice of proposed rulemaking in December. But it has been unclear whether the ATF actually has the authority to ban bump stocks.

Does DOJ have authority? Attorney General Jeff Sessions on Tuesday said Justice Department lawyers believe they do have the authority to ban the devices through regulations.

Read the full story from Jordain Carney here.


More on the gun debate: 

Democratic Sen. Joe Manchin (W.Va.) Wednesday said a bill banning sales of the AR-15, the gun reportedly used in this month's Florida high school shooting, couldn't pass Congress.

"This is a difficult one. There is not enough votes to pass that, to repeal that," Manchin told MSNBC's "Morning Joe" when asked if Congress should ban the gun.

Pressed if he personally would vote for an AR-15 ban, Manchin said the people he knows who own the gun aren't using it to break the law. "I wouldn't take their gun away."

Manchin is facing reelection this year, and participated in a White House meeting on gun control Wednesday.

Congress is under growing pressure to pass new legislation after the shooting, but what, if anything, could muster enough support to clear the GOP-controlled Congress remains unclear.

Jordain Carney has more here.

The National Rifle Association (NRA) pressed President Trump not to raise the legal age for purchasing certain guns during a weekend meeting, according to a report by CNN.

Citing a senior administration official, CNN said officials with the NRA argued the age limit for buying high-powered rifles, often described as assault weapons or assault rifles by their opponents, should remain at 18.

The administration official told CNN that Trump and the NRA will not have the same opinions on everything.

Rebecca Savransky has the story here.

Dick's Sporting Goods announced early Wednesday it will stop selling assault-style rifles.

Dick's also said it will no longer allow people who are under the age of 21 to purchase a gun and stop selling high-capacity magazines.

The move by one of the largest sports retailers comes just weeks after a mass shooting at a Florida high school that killed 17 people and wounding more than a dozen others. The shooting has sparked a wave of activism among students, who have been demanding that lawmakers act to prevent future school shootings.

Rebecca Savransky has more on the decision here.



The Senate Energy and Natural Resources Committee holds a hearing on the cybersecurity of the nation's energy infrastructure.

The Senate Science, Commerce and Transportation Committee holds a hearing on implementing positive train control, a key safety feature.

The Senate Environment and Public Works Committee holds a hearing on the president's infrastructure plan.



Energy: Energy companies and their allies want the Trump administration to give them a wide amount of leeway when writing a replacement to the Obama administration's climate change rule for power plants.

In comments submitted to the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), which were due this week, fossil fuel interests, utilities, business groups and others asked the agency to write a rule that doesn't require any coal-fired power plants to shut down, doesn't mandate any actions outside of the power plants themselves and that gives state leaders maximum flexibility in deciding how to comply.

"EPA should fully recognize state authority to determine standards of performance that are less strict than they might otherwise be based on a particular source's remaining useful life or other factors," the National Mining Association told the agency.

"This, of course, is no more than what section 111(d) [of the Clean Air Act] explicitly provides, but EPA should clearly express in the replacement rule that it intends to allow states to fully consider these factors given that EPA prevented states from doing so in the [Clean Power Plan]," it said, referring to the section of law under which the Obama administration wrote its rule.

The EPA solicited the comments last year as part of an effort to repeal and replace the Clean Power Plan, the central piece of the Obama administration's second-term climate change agenda.

If industry has their way, the EPA would give states instructions for how to craft their own emissions goals. The EPA would have little authority to second-guess those plans, nor would the agency be able to set emissions limits.

Read more from Timothy Cama.

Technology: The Senate Commerce Committee approved President Trump's four nominees to the Federal Trade Commission (FTC).

The panel unanimously voted to confirm Joseph Simons, Trump's pick to chair the agency, Rohit Chopra, Noah Phillips and Christine Wilson.

The FTC has had just two commissioners since the Trump administration came into office more than a year ago.

Harper Neidig has the story here.

Finance: Banking regulators in New York have asked a German bank and two local lenders for details on their relationships with White House adviser Jared Kushner, President Trump's son-in-law.

New York's Department of Financial Services sent requests to Deutsche Bank, Signature Bank and the New York Community Bank for documentation on their communications with Kushner businesses regarding loan requests, according to Bloomberg.

A spokeswoman for the family's businesses, Kushner Cos., which Kushner divested himself from upon entering the administration, said the company had not received a letter and told Bloomberg the inquiries were "harassment solely for political reasons."

Josh Delk has more here.

Technology: The Federal Communications Commission will vote next month on a proposal to speed up the deployment of 5G networks by allowing certain wireless facilities to bypass environmental impact reviews and other assessments.

Republican Commissioner Brendan Carr announced the proposal in a speech Wednesday, saying that removing regulatory barriers will help the U.S. remain competitive as countries around the world prepare to roll out the new technology.

The proposal would exempt small wireless facilities from having to obtain environmental and historic reviews that Carr says were intended for larger cell sites. He believes that the move would halve the deployment time for small sites and cut regulatory costs by as much as 80 percent.

Read more from Harper Neidig here.

Environment: A group of Democratic state attorneys general has taken 80 legal actions against the Trump administration over environmental policies, and is promising even more.

report released by a group helping the attorneys general outlined the lawsuits and other actions in areas like greenhouse gas pollution, energy efficiency, methane, water pollution, ozone and more, often resulting in victories.

Four of the attorneys general told reporters Tuesday that they will not relent in their legal fights.

Read more from The Hill's Timothy Cama.

Energy: American solar company SunPower will lay off about 3 percent of its workforce in March, a decision that comes after President Trump began imposing new tariffs on imported solar materials earlier this month

SunPower has already started the process of laying off between 150 and 250 workers, largely from its research and development and marketing positions, CEO Tom Werner told The Hill. The cuts will amount to about a 10 decrease in operational expenses.

The cuts made by the publicly traded company, which is based in San Jose, Calif., are largely an effort to stop the bleeding from the new costs associated with the 30 percent tariffs, Werner said.

The tariff, announced in late January, was seen as a major blow for the $28 billion solar industry, which gets about 80 percent of its solar panel products from imports.

SunPower is one of many U.S. solar companies hoping to qualify for a waiver from the tariff. 

Read more from Miranda Green here.

Environment: Two Democratic lawmakers are raising concerns over the Interior Department's expected decision Wednesday to lower royalty rates on oil drilled offshore.

Sen. Maria Cantwell (Wash.) and Rep. Raúl Grijalva (Ariz.), the top Democrats on the Senate and House natural resources committees, respectively, sent a joint letter Tuesday night to Interior Secretary Ryan Zinke pressing him for details on the department's decision-making process.

Interior's Royalty Policy Committee (RPC) is expected to vote Wednesday to lower royalty rates from 18.75 percent to 12.5 percent, based on recommendations made by another panel in early February. The lowest rate government is allowed to charge for such leases is 12.5 percent. Democrats likened to move to a fire sale.

Miranda Green has the rest of the story here.

Courts: A majority of justices on the Supreme Court appeared skeptical Wednesday of a Minnesota law banning political hats, T-shirts, buttons or badges from being worn in polling places.

Chief Justice John Roberts questioned whether the law was too broad.

"It does reach quite a bit beyond what I think a reasonable observer would think is necessary," he said.

The case centers on whether the restrictions violate the First Amendment.

State officials have interpreted the law to include any clothing or accessory that a reasonable observer sees as having a political connotation, including anything that names a candidate or politically affiliated group like the AFL-CIO or Chamber of Commerce.

Lydia Wheeler has the story here.

Technology: A majority of Americans are concerned that the government isn't doing enough to regulate technology companies, according to a new Axios-Survey Monkey poll.

The online survey, which was carried out from Feb. 21 to 23, found that 55 percent of respondents are "more concerned" that the government won't regulate technology companies enough in the future.

In November, the same poll found that 40 percent were more concerned that government wouldn't do enough to regulate tech.

Luis Sanchez has the rundown here.

Energy: The Trump administration's delays in funding projects for a Department of Energy (DOE) program created significant uncertainty for funding recipients, the Government Accountability Office (GAO) found.

All of the projects that were supposed to get funds from the Advanced Research Projects Agency-Energy (ARPA-E) eventually got their money.

But the review program that the Trump administration undertook for several months last year to figure out if the projects fit within the new administration's priorities caused a great deal of problems.

DOE's financial assistance review process created uncertainty, which led to a variety of impacts -- the most frequently cited of which were potentially delayed project timelines and difficulties staffing project teams," the GAO said in a Wednesday report, citing 10 funding recipients it picked to interview.

Timothy Cama has the rest of the story here.



CFTC steps up enforcement against fraud, manipulation -- The Wall Street Journal

Special education rule issued by Obama administration is delayed -- The Wall Street Journal

Key Republican warns big tech: Step up or be regulated -- Axios

Google's shopping rivals call for action from EU antitrust watchdog -- Reuters

Facebook's EU regulator says WhatsApp yet to resolve data sharing issue -- Reuters

CFTC allows employees to invest in cryptocurrencies -- Bloomberg


Send tips, story ideas and your favorite Olympic sport to nweixel@thehill.com and follow me on Twitter @NateWeixel


Join The Hill on Wednesday, March 21, for Leadership in Action: The Hill's Newsmaker Series featuring Sen. Lamar Alexander (R-Tenn.) and Reps. Nanette Barragán (D-Calif.), and Joe Crowley (D-N.Y.). RSVP Here

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Overnight Health Care: Trump proposal could lead 3M people to leave ObamaCare, study finds | Dem pushes DEA for data on opioid distributors | Scott Walker signs bill to stabilize ObamaCare market

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Study: Trump insurance proposal could lead to 3M people leaving ObamaCare

A Trump administration proposal that would allow businesses to band together to buy insurance would shift more than 3 million enrollees out of ObamaCare's marketplaces and lead to premium increases, according to a new analysis released Wednesday.

The administration's proposed rule would expand association health plans, which allow small businesses or self-employed individuals to band together to buy coverage.

An analysis from health consulting firm Avalere estimates that 3.2 million enrollees would shift from ObamaCare's individual and small group markets to association health plans by 2022.

As a result, by 2022 premiums for individuals buying health insurance through ObamaCare would increase by 3.5 percent and by 0.5 percent for small businesses that purchase plans through the law's small group market.

Read more here.


Dem urges DEA to release data on opioid distributors

A Democratic lawmaker is urging the Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) to release data on the distribution of opioids across the country to those involved in hundreds of lawsuits against opioid manufacturers and distributors.

"I would just encourage the DEA to be as responsive as possible," Rep. Kathy Castor (D-Fla.) told a DEA official during a House Energy and Commerce health subcommittee hearing Wednesday.

"If there is a law that is preventing you from sharing certain data, the Congress needs to understand that," Castor said.

A Cleveland-based federal judge is overseeing various lawsuits from cities and municipalities against opioid manufacturers and distributors.

At a hearing Monday, U.S. District Judge Dan Polster told the DEA to inform him by next week if it will release some data showing transactions by opioid manufacturers and distributors, Cleveland.com reported.

The database shows how many drugs were sold, where they were sent and the pharmacies that purchased them. In early February, the judge ordered the plaintiffs and the DEA to come to an agreement on what part of the database the DEA would produce.

Absent an agreement, the judge could order the full release of the database, something the DEA opposes, according to Cleveland.com.

Read more here.


Scott Walker signs bill aimed at stabilizing ObamaCare market

Gov. Scott Walker (Wis.), a Republican who has been one of ObamaCare's most vocal opponents, signed a bill Tuesday that would shore up the law's insurance markets.

The bill would authorize the state to apply for a federal waiver to offer a reinsurance program covering 80 percent of medical claims costing between $50,000 and $250,000.

The program would cost $200 million, with the federal government paying 75 percent of the costs, and is meant to lower premiums for everyone else by paying for claims filed by the sickest, most expensive patients.

Estimates from the state say reinsurance would lower health-care premiums for those in the individual market by 13 percent in 2019 and 12 percent in 2020.

"Our Health Care Stability Plan is our solution to Washington's failure; we want to provide health care stability and lower premiums for Wisconsin," Walker said.

But state Democrats called Walker's push for stabilization hypocritical. Walker had previously called for the law to be repealed and replaced.

Read more here.


Lawmakers seek information on curbing opioid addiction in Medicare

Top Republicans and Democrats on the House Ways and Means Committee are requesting information from critical stakeholders on how to prevent and treat opioid addiction in Medicare, as the panel seeks to craft bipartisan legislation to curb the opioid epidemic.

Specifically, they're asking insurers, benefit managers, providers and prescribers to submit information on how the Medicare program can help stem the opioid epidemic -- noting that one in three beneficiaries in Medicare's prescription drug program received a prescription opioid in 2016.

Chairman Kevin Brady (R-Texas) and ranking member Richard Neal (D-Mass.) -- along with Health Subcommittee Chairman Peter Roskam (R-Ill.) and the top Democrat, Sandy Levin (Mich.) -- sent the request Tuesday.

By March 15, they're asking the stakeholders to provide information on overprescribing, data tracking, treatment, communication and education.

Read more here.


What we're reading

Bank loans signed in the hospital leave patients vulnerable (Kaiser Health News)

Lawmakers seek to add measure on drug prices to massive spending deal (Washington Examiner)

Celgene stumbles again, as FDA declines to review multiple sclerosis drug critical to company future (Stat)


State by state

Red and blue states move further apart on health policy (The Wall Street Journal)

Health care revamp at the L.A. County jails (Kaiser Health News)

Oregon effort to declare health care a right falters (Associated Press)


From The Hill's opinion pages

FDA must step up on rare diseases after cuts to Orphan Drug Tax Credit


Join The Hill on Wednesday, March 21, for Leadership in Action: The Hill's Newsmaker Series featuring Sen. Lamar Alexander (R-Tenn.) and Reps. Nanette Barragán (D-Calif.), and Joe Crowley (D-N.Y.). RSVP Here


Send tips and comments to Jessie Hellmann, jhellmann@thehill.com; Peter Sullivan, psullivan@thehill.com; Rachel Roubein, rroubein@thehill.com; and Nathaniel Weixel, nweixel@thehill.com.

Follow us on Twitter: @thehill@jessiehellmann@PeterSullivan4@rachel_roubein, and @NateWeixel.

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