
2018年1月21日 星期日

DAILY DOSE: Naturally Outrageous


Naturally Outrageous

By Tzvi Freeman

When G‑d desired to create the world, He went for the most outrageous solution. With the power of His very Essence, He burst it into being out of the absolute void. And He continues doing so every moment.

He could have done things otherwise. He could have taken an orderly approach and allowed a creation to gradually evolve, while staying aloof and beyond the whole thing. Even though that doesn't make sense to us, He could have made a universe with a different set of logic so that it would have made sense.

But as it stands, the world was created with an outrageous solution. That is why such solutions tend to be the most natural ones to this day. With all your essence, go for it head-on.

By Tzvi Freeman

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