
2018年1月24日 星期三

Is the Tide Pod Challenge Kosher?


10 Shevat
10 Shevat: A Day of Two Rebbes

10 Shevat: A Day of Two Rebbes

The sixth Lubavitcher Rebbe, Rabbi Yosef Yitzchak Schneersohn, passed away on this date in 1950. Exactly one year later, Rabbi Menachem Mendel Schneerson accepted the leadership of the movement, and set about transforming the face of world Jewry . . .

7 Teachings from the Rebbe's "Mission Statement"

7 Teachings from the Rebbe's "Mission Statement"

When a Rebbe Ascends, We Must All Ascend With Him

By Eli Rubin


Your Questions
Is the Tide Pod Challenge Kosher?

Is the Tide Pod Challenge Kosher?

One common misconception is that if something is kosher, then it must be healthy to eat.

by Yehuda Shurpin

What Does "Heimish" Mean?

What Does "Heimish" Mean?

It's based on the Yiddish word heim, which means "home," it describes things that are homey or familiar.


Why It's Okay That Free Will Is Paradoxical

Why It's Okay That Free Will Is Paradoxical

Isn't everything predetermined by the mechanics of the universe? I'm just a programmed machine; how can I be blamed for being what I am? Since G-d knows the future, what choice do we have in it?

By Tzvi Freeman


How Did the Parting of the Red Sea Happen?

How Did the Parting of the Red Sea Happen?

The parting of the Red Sea was performed by G‑d after the Exodus. The Israelites walked on dry land, and Pharaoh and the Egyptians drowned.

By Menachem Posner

Miriam's Well: Unravelling the Mystery

Miriam's Well: Unravelling the Mystery

Why is the well called by Miriam's name? And what happened to Miriam's Well after the Jews entered the land of Israel?

by Yehuda Shurpin


A Little Change (and Faith) Keeps Life Exciting

A Little Change (and Faith) Keeps Life Exciting

When you get used to something, after a while you take it for granted. You don't see the blessing in it or value it as much. It becomes less endearing

By Elana Mizrahi

Why Do People Say I’m So Ungrateful?

Why Do People Say I'm So Ungrateful?

I'm ungrateful! At least that's what my parents and friends tell me. They say I never appreciate anything anyone does for me, and that I'm always finding fault with everyone and everything.

By Rosally Saltsman


Jewish News
Mendel Morosov, 101, Personification of Chassidic History and Wit

Mendel Morosov, 101, Personification of Chassidic History and Wit

Transmitted stories and wisdom from generations of Rebbes and Chassidim.

By Dovid Margolin and Eli Rubin

‘Washington Post’ Highlights Santa Fe Rabbi’s Soviet-Era Inspiration

'Washington Post' Highlights Santa Fe Rabbi's Soviet-Era Inspiration

A focus on uniting people, after a family history of witnessing divisiveness.

By Dovid Margolin


The Chicken Farmer and the Man in the Bus Stop

The Chicken Farmer and the Man in the Bus Stop

Life on the farm was hard. The community remained painfully small, and there were few if any other young chassidic families for miles around.

By Menachem Posner


Your G-d or the G-d of Your Father?

Your G-d or the G-d of Your Father?

Something Spiritual on Parshat Beshalach

By Yehuda Stern

Watch (1:38)
“America Is No Different”

"America Is No Different"

In 1940, my father-in-law, the Rebbe, was miraculously saved from the Nazis and brought to the safe shores of America. Upon his arrival he declared: "America is not different;" he would continue all the activities to strengthen Judaism which he began overseas.

Watch (7:54)

Comforting Chicken Noodle Soup

Comforting Chicken Noodle Soup

By Miriam Szokovski

Art: 12 Tribes of Israel: Asher - The Prosperous One

Art: 12 Tribes of Israel: Asher - The Prosperous One

By Lesley Friedmann


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