
2018年1月4日 星期四

Stuck at home? Check this out


Stuck at Home?

By the Grace of G-d

Do you live on the East Coast? The winter stormclassed a "bomb cyclone"is affecting millions of people. Schools closed, flights canceled, plans postponedand frigid winds make everything feel worse.

But Torah teaches us that everything that happens to us is an opportunity. And if you are stuck at home with free time, this is a gift from G‑d. A gift that allows you to spend more time with loved ones, to relax and, most importantly, to enrich your Jewish knowledge and connection to G‑d.

We put together a few recommendations for you to enjoy and share.

(By the way, if you don't live in the Northeast, we are jealous of you :), but seriously, feel free to enjoy this email nonetheless or forward it to someone who is affected by the storm.)

First off: Please make sure to stay warm and safe, reach out to your neighbors and relativesespecially those living aloneto make sure they are OK.

Then make yourself a warm cup of tea (hot cocoa also works) and enjoy some of the following selections:

Spend One Hour Experiencing the Rebbe's Farbrengen

How do you view the world? Does it sometimes look like a dark, scary place? What does G‑d think of it? In this immersive, one-hour excerpt of a "farbrengen," you will hear the Rebbe talk and the chassidim sing, and you will be transported to a higher plane. Click here to watch


Enjoy Chassidic Music

"A niggun is the pen of the soul." In our music section, you can listen to hundreds of songs and watch many music videos of chassidic melodies, ranging from exuberant to introspective. If you are not sure where to start, we recommend this series of videos: Click here to watch


Watch a Course That Can Change Your Life

Our presenters have produced some great courses in the past years. Perhaps you joined some of them. One of most popular was "Finding Balance." Registration is required (but free), and you can move between episodes, take the quiz, read the comments and join the conversation.

To join the four-part course: Click here to watch


Fun for Kids

If you have little ones at home, you might want to check out our kids' site. You will find videos, crafts, recipes, coloring pages, stories and more. You can check it out here: www.chabad.org/kids


Shabbat Is Coming

Finally, don't forget that Shabbat is tomorrow night. Use the free time you have today to learn more about this special gift from G‑d, a day of rest and rejuvenationnot only when it snows, but every single week. You will also find a link to Shabbat candle times as well as other resources.


Artwork displaying a Shabbat meal

And if you still have time, why don't you whip up a batch of delicious challah, using this tried and true recipe?

We hope you enjoy! And as always, we would love to hear your feedback and thoughts.

Shabbat Shalom,

Your Friends @ Chabad.org

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