
2018年1月22日 星期一

The Hill's 12:30 Report: Breaking - Dems take deal, clearing way to end shutdown | What's next | Deal would fund government through Feb. 8 | McConnell promises Dems immigration debate | Senate shutdown dress code | Pence in Israel

The Hill 12:30 Report
We have a deal to end the government shutdown -- open sesame!:
Lawmakers have a deal to reopen the government. Credit: Getty
Senate Democrats are accepting a deal with Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) for an immigration vote, clearing the way for passage of a bill to reopen the federal government later today. What sparked this: McConnell this morning promised to take up an immigration bill that would protect an estimated 800,000 Dreamers from deportation, under an open amendment process, if Democrats would agree to end the government shutdown. http://bit.ly/2G6IdBy

From Senate Minority Leader Charles Schumer (D-N.Y.) on the Senate floor: "The Republican majority now has 17 days to prevent the Dreamers from being deported." http://bit.ly/2n530Ob

What's next: The Senate will now vote the keep the government open. Once that passes the upper chamber, it heads to the House and then to President Trump's desk. The House was told to stay close to Washington, so once the Senate passes this measure, the process should go pretty quickly.

Happening now: The Senate votes: Livestream of the Senate floor: http://cs.pn/2DCOO8r

How long the Senate will fund the government: Through Feb. 8.

Why this vote was big: The vote came after both sides appeared to dig in over the weekend and ratchet up the blame game. Democrats had also been pushing McConnell for a vote on legislation to help young immigrants but it was unclear if his offer was enough.

Livestream of the House floorhttp://cs.pn/2Dtw7Aw

Live blog of the latest updateshttp://bit.ly/2mZMFt3


It's Monday. The Patriots made it to the Super Bowl again! Direct all hate mail to cmartel@thehill.com. ;) I'm Cate Martel with a quick recap of the morning and what's coming up. Send comments, story ideas and events for our radar to cmartel@thehill.com@CateMartel and on Facebook.

To view the 12:30 Report online --> http://bit.ly/2n3KC78


A pinky promise. A smile. A 'Parent Trap' secret handshake http://bit.ly/2BjnpTS
Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) just promised to take up an immigration bill protecting the nearly 800,000 Dreamers from deportation and allow an open amendment process if Democrats agree to reopen the government. 
Responding to McConnell's promise, "Sen. Tom Cotton (R-Ark.) says he doesn't hear anything new in what McConnell is assuring on immigration, beyond what he's been saying for weeks." http://bit.ly/2Dq12he

I think everyone in Washington could use a break from each other:
GOP Sen. Lindsey Graham (S.C.) blamed White House aide Stephen Miller for making an immigration deal impossible. In his words: "Every time we have a proposal it is only yanked back by staff members. As long as Stephen Miller is in charge of negotiating immigration, we're going nowhere," Graham told reporters. Keep in mind: Miller is well known for his conservative views on immigration. http://bit.ly/2DXadXy

The White House hits back: "As long as Senator Graham chooses to support legislation that sides with people in this country illegally and unlawfully instead of our own American citizens, we are going nowhere. He's been an outlier for years," said White House spokesman Hogan Gidleyhttp://bit.ly/2DXadXy


This a.m. on the Twitter machine:
President Trump slammed Democrats for the shutdown, accusing the party of closing the federal government to appease "their far left base." He tweeted: "The Democrats are turning down services and security for citizens in favor of services and security for non-citizens. Not good! http://bit.ly/2DrxgIS
Via BuzzFeed's Tanya Chen, if you call the White House's comment line, you'll hear this on the answering machine. 'Thank you for calling the White House. Unfortunately, we cannot answer your call today because congressional Democrats are holding government funding -- including funding for our troops and other national security priorities -- hostage to an unrelated immigration debate....' Full message: http://bzfd.it/2n0M9vH

So what were all the major developments over the weekend to reopen the government?! *looks around*: 
The shutdown barreled into the workweek after senators Sunday night failed to clinch a deal to reopen the government. Why the shutdown's impact dramatically increases today: It's the first weekday. Hundreds of thousands of government employees face possible furloughs, some federal functions could cease, and it remains to be seen whether public museums and tourist attractions will stay open. http://bit.ly/2G6LP6n

Spotted on its way into McConnell's office: A large TV was wheeled into Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell's (R-Ky.) office last night during the Vikings-Eagles game. Photo: http://bit.ly/2n1kCtd

An ironic thing about shutdowns: Governments shutdowns actually cost money. This shutdown could cost tens of millions of dollars a day -- maybe more. (Via Politico's Danny Vinik) Explanation: http://politi.co/2DxkKLr 

Behind-the-scenes: Via The Washington Post's Erica Werner, Paul Kane, Ed O'Keefe and Robert Costa, here's a tick tock of how Friday night actually went down: http://bit.ly/2G6LP6n


These outfits are a little refreshing, tbh: 
Via The Wall Street Journal's Byron Tau and Kristina Peterson, "One of the first victims of the government shutdown: the dress code." Lawmakers were seen on Capitol Hill, known for its formal dress code, in pretty casual weekend outfits. Full story: http://on.wsj.com/2rsKAex

Lookin' good, Sen. Graham: Photo of Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.): http://bit.ly/2DuOglH

My favorite paragraph: From Rep. Jared Polis (D-Colo.): "They often tell me I'm out of compliance by wearing sneakers," said Mr. Polis. "I found out that if you wear black sneakers they look enough like dress shoes that the parliamentarians leave you alone. So that's a little pro tip for anybody," the lawmaker said, flourishing a black sneaker. http://on.wsj.com/2rsKAex

^^Fun fact: GQ once named Rep. Polis as the worst dressed lawmaker in Washington. Lol. 


Furloughed workers, you should start a 'Tour de Washington':
Some bars and restaurants in D.C. are offering deals for furloughed workers. List of shutdown deals: http://bit.ly/2G6MULt

Including this bar's punny cocktail menu: 


Ok, this video is incredible:
Watch --> http://bit.ly/2G1fFcx

Yes, you read that right. They call themselves "the Crisco cops." 

The House and Senate are in, trying to reopen the federal government. President Trump is in Washington, D.C., and Vice President Pence is in Israel.

Noon: The Senate took a vote on ending the shutdown. http://bit.ly/2n2bCVL

Jan. 30: President Trump's "State of the Union" address. 

Just announced -- 2019: Vice President Pence said the new U.S. Embassy in Jerusalem will open before the end of 2019. http://bit.ly/2Dv2CCt


1:05 p.m. EST: Vice President Pence and Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu deliver joint statements. Livestream: http://bit.ly/2n3LRUe

1:30 p.m. EST: White House press secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders gives a press briefing. Livestream: http://bit.ly/2G60cbk

Friday: Former Republican presidential candidate Jeb Bush speaks at an American Enterprise Institute event about the future of educational choice. Livestream: http://bit.ly/2BlpfDI


Today is National Blonde Brownie Day.


Amazon Prime, you complete me:
Amazon is raising the monthly rate of the Prime membership. Old price: $10.99 per month. New price: $12.99 a month. Yeah, but: The annual membership is remaining at $99 for now. Details: http://r29.co/2DvRntz

And because it's a busy Monday and we could all use some happy thoughts, here's a dog that could legitimately be mistaken for a loaf of bread: http://bit.ly/2Dwi5lh

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