
2018年1月11日 星期四

The Hill's 12:30 Report: Breaking - House renews surveillance program, rejects reforms | Trump tweets on spy program spark confusion | Trump to allow Medicaid work requirements | Bannon lawyers up | High stakes for both sides in immigration fight | Dems plan protests for Trump's State of the Union | DC's plan to regain 'Fittest City' title — Presented by Georgetown University

The Hill 12:30 Report
If you like your FISA you can keep it:
Trump sparked confusion Thursday with two tweets about a controversial surveillance program. / Source: Getty
In a victory for the Trump administration, the House just approved legislation to renew controversial government surveillance powers while voting down new limits on how authorities can use the information that is collected. http://bit.ly/2D5vXTO

The vote: 256-164. Most Republicans supported it; most Democrats opposed the bill. Details: 45 Republicans voted against it; 65 Democrats voted for it. http://bit.ly/2AQ1pja

Lol: The Huffington Post's Matt Fuller tweeted: "*quietly changes FISA pre-write from 'narrowly passed' to 'passed resoundingly'*" http://bit.ly/2D14FOs

What's next: The bill now heads to the Senate, which is expected to swiftly take up and pass the measure before the surveillance program expires on January 19.

The effort to limit the surveillance: The failed amendment to restrict surveillance powers was offered by Rep. Justin Amash (R-Mich.). It fell 183-233.

Reaction: Sen. Rand Paul (R-Ky.) was not pleased. He tweeted: "No American should have their right to privacy taken away! #FILIBUSTER." http://bit.ly/2qUmpFJ

Just a few hours before the vote, President Trump appeared to contradict his own administration's position. He tweeted: "'House votes on controversial FISA ACT today.' This is the act that may have been used, with the help of the discredited and phony Dossier, to so badly surveil and abuse the Trump Campaign by the previous administration and others?" To confuse the confusion :)  Trump later offered his support for the bill. He tweeted: "With that being said, I have personally directed the fix to the unmasking process since taking office and today's vote is about foreign surveillance of foreign bad guys on foreign land. We need it! Get smart!"  http://bit.ly/2D5vXTO

It's Thursday. I'm Cate Martel with a quick recap of the morning and what's coming up. Send comments, story ideas and events for our radar to cmartel@thehill.com, @CateMartel and on Facebook.

To view the 12:30 Report online --> http://bit.ly/2DnOFDm


President Trump's former chief strategist Stephen Bannon has hired Washington lawyer Bill Burck to help prepare him to testify before the House Intelligence Committee. Details: Burck has been hired just for the hearing. His representation is not related to special counsel Robert Mueller's probe into alleged ties between the Trump campaign and Russian election meddling. http://bit.ly/2FtA3my

Latest with the immigration battle -- *both sides sharpen blades in slow motion*:
Via The Hill's Niall Stanage, the quest for a deal on immigration is testing the mettle of activists on both sides of the issue -- with conservatives and liberals each facing the possibility of a devastating defeat. Why conservatives were outraged: On Tuesday President Trump suggested he would sign almost any piece of immigration legislation that was presented to him. Why liberals were outraged: At a news conference the next day, Trump reiterated that any deal would have to include funding for a border wall. http://bit.ly/2DkiHaY
Any Democratic concession on immigration would appall many liberals. Dems have signaled they are willing to consider reining in family-based migration and the diversity visa lottery to reach an agreement with President Trump and the GOP. But with Republicans already indicating their desire to help immigrants in the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program, some immigration activists fear the Democrats are ceding too much ground. http://bit.ly/2mpw6r5
A group of House Republicans unveiled their own solution to DACA. The bill would call for more aggressive enforcement measures in exchange for addressing the thousands of young undocumented immigrants whose fate has been in limbo for months. Details: http://bit.ly/2D2u6zj
Per a Quinnipiac University poll, "Just 20% of REPUBLICANS says DREAMers should have to go. White House has almost no leverage here." (Via The Washington Post's Aaron Blakehttp://bit.ly/2EwZ1jA

Big change to Medicaid:
Via The Hill's Peter Sullivan, the Trump administration just unveiled guidance to allow states to impose work requirements in Medicaid. Why this is a major shift: This is the first time a work requirement will be imposed in the health insurance program for the poor. How Dems are reacting -- as you'd expect: Democrats are sharply opposed to the changes, saying people will lose coverage if they can't meet the requirements or simply because new bureaucratic hurdles will discourage them from applying. http://bit.ly/2qZ03mH

Walmart adds more yellow sun rays to its logo:
Walmart announced that it will be raising workers' starting wages to $11 an hour. Why: "We are early in the stages of assessing the opportunities tax reform creates for us to invest in our customers and associates and to further strengthen our business, all of which should benefit our shareholders," the company's CEO, Doug McMillon, said in a statement. When the wage change will start: February. http://bit.ly/2qUB57K

This is the fourth time in four months that we're supposed to have this reaction
 --> http://gph.is/2sPGauG:
Lawmakers are scrambling to avoid a government shutdown as they barrel toward a Jan. 19 funding deadline without a clear path forward. http://bit.ly/2DjhZe7

The major holdup: Protections to immigrants known as "Dreamers." President Trump has set the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals program to end March 5, so Congress is working on a solution to avoid Dreamers getting deported.

What Republicans expected to do: Offer another short-term stopgap measure for the fast-approaching deadline while they figure out a longer-term solution. 

Will Dems go along with that plan?: Unclear. Democrats are tight-lipped about whether they'd go along.

Why the timing is even tighter: Lawmakers have an abbreviated work schedule because of Monday's Martin Luther King Jr. holiday.

What else Congress has to address soon: A controversial surveillance program, the Children's Health Insurance Program and the National Flood Insurance Program are all scheduled to soon expire.


Get ready for Jan. 30:
Democrats are already plotting ways to protest during President Trump's State of the Union later this month. Boycotts: At least one lawmaker plans to boycott the speech entirely, with more Democrats possibly opting to skip the event as well. As a protest: Female Democrats, including House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.), plan to wear black to show solidarity with victims of sexual misconduct, just as Hollywood stars did at an awards show over the weekend. http://bit.ly/2D57IW4

Omg, this looks like Wilson the volleyball from Castaway --> http://bit.ly/2D1eZ99

Join Georgetown University's Graduate Liberal Studies programs for an info session on 1/16 at 2043 Rayburn. Hear from Congressman Mike Turner, network with faculty and alumni, and enjoy lunch on us! 

Learn more.


The Senate is in. The House was in this morning. President Trump is in Washington, D.C., today and Vice President Pence is doing a day trip to Las Vegas for events.

Noon: The Senate voted on judicial nominees.

1:30 p.m. EST: President Trump leads a roundtable on prison reform at the White House.

1:45 p.m. EST: The Senate votes on a nominee.

2:45 p.m. EST: President Trump meets with his national security team in the Oval Office.

4:15 p.m. EST: Vice President Pence lands in Las Vegas for the grand opening of a new Air Force program.

12:45 a.m. EST: Vice President Pence gets back to Washington, D.C.


2:15 p.m. EST: White House press secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders gives the press briefing. Livestream: http://bit.ly/2AOFYiB

5:45 p.m. EST: Vice President Pence speaks at the grand opening of AFWERZ Vegas, a new Air Force program. Livestream: http://bit.ly/2CSYxE9

7:15 p.m. EST: Vice President Pence speaks to airmen and their families at the Nellis Air Force Base. Livestream: http://bit.ly/2EwBzms

Today is National Milk Day.

OK, D.C. Here's the plan. I'm gonna need to see a little more hustle from everyone. I said 'drop and give me another 20!!!':
After three years in a row of Washington, D.C., winning the title America's Fittest City, Minneapolis beat the nation's capital. The worst part: D.C. lost by 1 point. Anyway: "That's why Vida Fitness and the DC Department of Parks and Recreation are coming together to launch Take Back #1, a citywide campaign that hopes to push D.C. back into the No. 1 spot in 2018." What this will include: A "series of free workouts, walks and runs, nutrition seminars and health expos leading up to the May announcement." Game on, Minneapolishttp://wapo.st/2FqK7gb
And because you made it to the end, meet the friendliest penguin. It loves greeting neighbors: http://bit.ly/2AQsAua
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