
2018年1月19日 星期五

Tipsheet: Blame game ramps up as shutdown nears

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Blame game ramps up as shutdown nears
By Alexander Bolton and Jordain Carney
Lawmakers drifted closer to a shutdown of the federal government late Thursday after the House approved a funding bill on a largely party-line vote, with Democrats in the Senate vowing to defeat the measure.
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Listen: Promises and distrust push Washington closer to a budget brink
By Alexis Simendinger
As Washington looks to see if Senate negotiators can come up with a deal before 11:59 p.m. Friday and avoid a shutdown, The Hill's AM View talks to American Enterprise Institute’s Norm Ornstein about how tribal thinking in Congress and at the White House complicated events this week.
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What happens if the government shuts down
By Timothy Cama and Lydia Wheeler
Federal agencies are bracing for a government shutdown, as Congress fights to reach a short-term spending deal before funding runs out at midnight on Friday. Here’s how some federal agencies plan to weather a shutdown.
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The Trump Presidency: Year One
By The Hill Staff
One year ago Saturday, Donald J. Trump was sworn in as the 45th president of the United States, kicking off an unpredictable year. It was a year of highs and lows for the president. Here's a look back at Trump's unprecedented first year in office.
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Trump faces pivotal decision on tariffs
By Timothy Cama
President Trump is days away from deciding whether to impose trade tariffs or quotas on imported solar panels. His decision will close a major chapter in a dispute that puts tens of thousands of jobs on the line and has tested longstanding alliances.
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Trump scheduled to depart Friday afternoon for Mar-a-Lago
By John Bowden 
President Trump is scheduled to depart Washington, D.C., on Friday afternoon for his Mar-a-Lago resort in Florida amid Congress' ongoing negotiations to fund the government past midnight on Friday.
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Dem shutdown strategy: Force McConnell to deal
By Alexander Bolton 
Senate Democrats say they have the votes to block a government funding stopgap measure that is expected to pass the House on Thursday evening, but they’re hoping to avoid a government shutdown that could inflict political damage on their vulnerable incumbents. 
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California feels targeted by Trump
By Reid Wilson
SACRAMENTO, Calif. — In the wake of President Trump’s election, hundreds of thousands of protesters turned out in cities across California to rally against a man they abhorred. Some went so far as to propose ceding from the country altogether. 
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Trump appointee Carl Higbie resigns
By Brett Samuels
Trump administration appointee Carl Higbie resigned Thursday after CNN reported on his past use of racist, sexist, anti-Muslim language on the radio.
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Ex-Comey aide grilled by House panel for over seven hours
By Katie Bo Williams and Morgan Chalfant 
Two House panels on Thursday questioned former FBI Director James Comey’s former chief of staff during a closed-door interview that lasted more than seven hours.
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Congress doesn’t need the president’s permission
By William O’Keefe
OPINION | For too long, an imperial presidency has been tolerated and too many members of Congress spend their time posturing and promoting their own self-interest instead of the nation’s. There could be no better time than now for Congress to reassert its role as a co-equal branch of government.
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Bring civility back to politics in 2018
By Carolyn Lukensmeyer
OPINION | Let’s make a New Year’s resolution, as a country, to work together to revive civility in our political system. Let’s agree that we will let our political leaders know we expect them to live up to our expectations of civility and respect for our country, their constituents and our institutions, and we will hold them accountable when they do not.
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The Wall Street Journal: Trump administration accelerating Israeli Embassy move
By Felicia Schwartz and Jess Bravin
The Trump administration is accelerating efforts to move the U.S. Embassy in Israel from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem and has decided to modify an existing property to accommodate the new mission that will open next year, U.S. officials said.
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The Associated Press: Pence has long pushed for Trump policies on Israel
By Ken Thomas and Tom LoBianco
Since his days in Congress a decade ago, Pence has played a role in pushing both for the shift in U.S. policy related to the capital and for placing limits on funding for Palestinian causes long criticized by Israel.
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The Washington Post: Short-term budget would give Trump authority to change intel spending, lawmakers say
By Karoun Demirjian and Shane Harris
The budget extension lawmakers must vote on by Friday evening to avoid a government shutdown will, as written, give President Trump greater ability to reshuffle money the administration spends on intelligence priorities for the next month, according to congressional sources raising concerns about the text.
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Reuters: China looks to call bluff on Trump trade action
By Michael Martina and Kevin Yao
 As influential voices within the U.S. business community warn China that U.S. President Donald Trump is serious about tough action over Beijing’s trade practices, there is little sense of a crisis in the Chinese capital, where officials think he is bluffing.
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The New York Times: The chaos president vs. his iron-fisted chief of staff
By Maggie Haberman and Julie Hirschfeld Davis
The one thing sure to make President Trump angry, as anyone who has ever worked closely with him knows, is any suggestion that his staff is managing him.
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