
2018年1月20日 星期六

Tipsheet: Congress looks for way out of government shutdown

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Congress looks for way out of government shutdown
By Alexander Bolton
Congressional leaders are scrambling to wriggle their way out of a government shutdown that went into effect shortly after midnight when the Senate defeated a House-passed stopgap spending measure.
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Trump: Democrats 'could have easily made a deal' to avert shutdown
By Alicia Cohn
On the morning after a government shutdown, President Trump cast blame on Democrats for deciding to "play shutdown politics" when they "could have easily made a deal."
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Schumer says he offered to discuss border wall as part of Trump deal
By Timothy Cama and Lydia Wheeler
Senate Minority Leader Charles Schumer (D-N.Y.) said early Saturday that he agreed to discuss the U.S.-Mexico border wall as part of negotiations with President Trump, but wasn't able to win him over.
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Listen to The Hill's Power Politics podcast: Meadows says House majority loss wouldn't 'change a whole lot'
By Alexis Simendinger
In an interview for The Hill’s Power Politics podcast, Rep. Mark Meadows (R-N.C.) seesawed between optimism about the midterm outlook, and an unblinking acceptance that Republicans might lose nearly 30 House seats in November, which would hand the majority to Democrats.
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Fierce battle erupts over releasing intelligence report
By Katie Bo Williams and Jonathan Easley
A battle erupted Friday over a push by Republican lawmakers to release a report they say will reveal high-level government abuse around the federal investigation into possible ties between Trump campaign officials and Russia.
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Justice Dept intends to re-try Menendez in corruption case
By Avery Anapol and Max Greenwood
The Justice Department announced Friday that they intend to re-try Sen. Bob Menendez (D-N.J.) on corruption charges after a deadlocked jury resulted in a mistrial in November.
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Twitter finds over 1,000 new Russian-linked accounts
By Ali Breland 
Twitter said Friday that it has suspended 1,062 new accounts it has found to be linked to the Internet Research Agency, a Russian "troll farm" which disseminated content intended to interfere in the U.S. political process.
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Supreme Court to take up Trump travel ban
By Lydia Wheeler
The Supreme Court on Friday afternoon agreed to review the legality of President Trump’s latest travel ban.
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HHS extends Trump's emergency declaration for opioids
By Rachel Roubein
The Trump administration has extended the opioid public health emergency issued by President Trump, days before that declaration was set to expire.
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Trump pushes Senate to vote on 20-week abortion ban
By Jessie Hellman
President Trump on Friday called on the Senate to pass a bill banning abortions after 20 weeks. Trump called for the measure while speaking to attendees at the annual March for Live demonstration from the White House Rose Garden via live satellite video. 
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Historic dysfunction in American politics defines Trump presidency
By Dan Mahaffee
OPINION | Based on the tone of the first year of this administration, Washington will remain as partisan as ever, even as the economy continues to grow and the American people feel optimistic. What will perhaps define the second year of President Trump is whether the other institutions of the American economy and society can endure the division in our politics.
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Pence, when you visit Cairo take a stand on human rights abuses
By Joe Stork
OPINION | Mr. Vice-President, when you visit Cairo on Jan. 19, there are a few people you should meet, and a few things you should discuss with President al-Sisi.
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The Associated Press: In run-up to shutdown, an erosion of trust derailed talks
By Steve Peoples, Andrew Taylor and Jonathan Lemire
The president was angry.
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Reuters:Trump's dealmaker image tarnished by U.S. government shutdown
By James Oliphant
For President Donald Trump, this weekend was supposed to be a celebration.
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CNN Money: Here's what the last government shutdown looked like
by Chris Isidore 
About 850,000 federal employees were sent home, with a total of 6.6 million work days lost.
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The New York Times: Shutdown? It could be forgotten in a Trumpian flash
By Jonathan Martin
In the fall of 2013, Republican hard-liners engineered a 16-day shutdown of the federal government, implausibly insisting that President Barack Obama acquiesce to their demand that the Affordable Care Act be stripped of all funding.
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The Washington Post: Massive confusion spreads through federal bureaucracy ahead of shutdown deadline
By Juliet Eilperin, Lisa Rein and Damian Paletta
As the federal government prepared to shut down late Friday, massive confusion spread throughout the bureaucracy as senior Trump administration officials painted radically different scenarios of whether basic governmental functions would continue or halt.
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