
2018年1月11日 星期四

Tipsheet: GOP angst over midterms grows

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GOP angst over midterms grows
By Scott Wong
For some Republicans, it’s starting to feel like 2006 — a wave election year that swept Democrats back into power in the House and Senate.

The retirement of two longtime California Republicans this week — just the latest in a string of House Republicans heading for the exits — has caused panic among some in the GOP who say it’s yet another sign that an anti-Trump, Democratic wave is forming.
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Listen to the HillCast AM View: Coastal states push back on offshore drilling expansion
By Alexis Simendinger
On today's AM View, Alexis Simendinger discusses offshore drilling and states' responses
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Left fears Democrats will give too much on immigration
By Alexander Bolton and Mike Lillis
Senate Democratic negotiators are getting pushback from pro-immigrant activists and other base constituencies who worry they are poised to give too much away in a deal protecting “Dreamers.”
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Congress barrels toward another shutdown crisis
By Jordain Carney
Lawmakers are scrambling to avoid a government shutdown as they barrel toward another funding deadline without a clear path forward.
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Trump officials move to allow Medicaid work requirements
By Peter Sullivan
Rep. Darrell Issa (R-Calif.) announced Wednesday that he will not seek reelection this year, increasing Democrats’ chances of flipping his swing district in their favor.
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Trump refuses to commit to Mueller interview
By Jordan Fabian and Ben Kamisar
President Trump said Wednesday it is “unlikely” he will have to sit down with special counsel Robert Mueller for an interview, arguing that there was "no collusion" between his campaign and Russia.
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Democrats planning protests for Trump’s first State of the Union
By Cristina Marcos
Democrats are already plotting ways to protest during President Trump’s State of the Union later this month. 
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The Memo: Immigration battle tests activists’ muscle
By Niall Stanage
The quest for a deal on immigration is testing the mettle of activists on both sides of the issue — with conservatives and liberals each facing the possibility of a devastating defeat.
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House headed for cliffhanger vote on NSA surveillance
By Katie Bo Williams
The Trump administration on Thursday unveiled guidance allowing states for the first time to impose work requirements in Medicaid, a major shift in the health insurance program for the poor.
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Banks rack up big wins in Trump’s Washington
By Sylvan Lane
Banks are ascendant in Washington, scoring major wins and enjoying the support of a friendly White House a decade after the financial crisis.
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This is how Congress can avoid a bad budget deal for Americans
By Romina Boccia
OPINION | Congressional Republicans have repeatedly run on promises to restore fiscal responsibility and get the nation’s $20 trillion-plus debt under control. Yet now that they are in charge of both chambers, their actions have fallen far short of their promises.
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Get ready for unprecedented number of cybersecurity threats in the coming year
By Fouad Khalil
OPINION | As organizations and government entities across the globe struggle to maintain confidentiality, integrity and availability of their systems and data, they are now facing a continuous flow of new and updated regulations and standards designed to enforce the implementation of appropriate levels of privacy and security controls by entities of all sizes, across industries.
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The New York Times: Republicans in House issue a hard-line plan on immigration
By Thomas Kaplan and Sheryl Gay Stolberg
The measure would cut the number of legal immigrants entering the U.S., curtail the hiring of illegal workers and allow the detention of minors arrested at the border with their parents.
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The Wall Street Journal: Trump’s DACA overture worries immigration hawks
By Laura Meckler
Supporters fear president will break with campaign’s promises of tougher enforcement to cut deal with Democrats on Dreamers.
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The Washington Post: Democrats go it alone on Russia probe after partisan breakdowns
By Karoun Demirjian
Increasingly, Democrats in the House and Senate see Republicans as dedicating more energy to trying to discredit the law enforcement and intelligence agencies investigating the president than seriously examining the allegations that have been unearthed.
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The Associated Press: Another GOP governor seeks exclusion from drilling proposal
By Matthew Daly
Opposition to the Trump administration’s plan to expand offshore drilling is mounting as Democrats from coastal states accuse President Donald Trump of punishing states with Democratic leaders and a second Republican governor asks to withdraw his state from the plan.
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Reuters: Exclusive: Canada increasingly convinced Trump will pull out of NAFTA
By David Ljunggren
Canada is increasingly convinced that President Donald Trump will soon announce the United States intends to pull out of NAFTA, two government sources said on Wednesday, sending the Canadian and Mexican currencies lower and hurting stocks.
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