
2018年1月3日 星期三

What Does the Torah Say About Taxes?


What Does the Torah Say About Jews and Taxes

What Does the Torah Say About Jews and Taxes

Taxes have always been a very divisive issue. In fact, taxes are what split Israel into two kingdoms during biblical times.

by Yehuda Shurpin

A Brief History of Shabbat

A Brief History of Shabbat

The creation of rest . . . Sarah's miraculous Shabbat lamp . . . Bread from heaven . . . "Work" defined . . . The invention of cholent . . . Sacrifice and martyrdom . . . Candle-lighting campaign . . . The World to Come . . .

By Yanki Tauber

The Jewish Name

The Jewish Name

The Kabbalists say that a person's destiny is wrapped up in the combination of Hebrew letters that make up his or her name.


5 Concrete Ways to Wake Up Full of Energy

5 Concrete Ways to Wake Up Full of Energy

To be Jewish is to understand that there is much to do, that time is fleeting, and that each day affords us the priceless gift of life.

By Yvette Miller

The Most Exquisite Bouquet I’ve Ever Received

The Most Exquisite Bouquet I've Ever Received

When I received an email from Chaim Boruch's teacher saying that the class would be going on a trip to a farmers' market, I could not contain my excitement.

By Chana Scop


Moses' Mother

Moses' Mother

Somewhere there is a boundary, a line that separates the near from the far, the within from the without. If you can straddle that line, if you can stand with one foot inside and the other foot outside, you can be both

By Yanki Tauber

Moses: The Man of G-d

Moses: The Man of G-d

The greatest prophet who ever lived, Moses transcribed the Torah (also known as the Five Books of Moses), the foundational text of Judaism.

By Menachem Posner


The Donkey in the Pit

The Donkey in the Pit

A donkey fell into a pit, and try as he might, his owner couldn't pull him out. Finally, the farmer decided that since the animal was old, and the pit needed to be covered up anyway, he'd just bury the old donkey right there...

By Yaakov Lieder

Superhero Episode V: Meditation on a Squirrel

Superhero Episode V: Meditation on a Squirrel

Fifth Episode in a Kabbalistic SciFi Fantasy Series

By Tzvi Freeman


What It Means to Grow Up

What It Means to Grow Up

Something Spiritual on Parshat Shemot

By Yehuda Stern

Watch (1:43)
Controversial and Dangerous Therapies

Controversial and Dangerous Therapies

A leading physician asks, "When is it ethical to provide experimental or risky treatment for a patient?" Special attention is given to differences between secular and halachic principles of patient care.

By Mark Glaser

Watch (48:35)
The One Mitzvah That Kept My Kids Jewish

The One Mitzvah That Kept My Kids Jewish

In the 1970s, Charles Ramat had a number of audiences with the Rebbe. During one of these meetings, he asked the Rebbe about something he was struggling with.

Watch (2:49)

Rishe’s Chunky Chicken-Barley Soup

Rishe's Chunky Chicken-Barley Soup

By Miriam Szokovski

Art: Consider Every Day Your Last

Art: Consider Every Day Your Last

By Adele Steinberg


Jewish News
Rabbi Zev Dov Slonim, 83, Leading Rabbi in Jerusalem

Rabbi Zev Dov Slonim, 83, Leading Rabbi in Jerusalem

Chief Rabbi of Central Jerusalem conceptualized the 'Chitas.'

By Menachem Posner

In Nigeria: 600 Tanyas Printed in Six Different Cities

In Nigeria: 600 Tanyas Printed in Six Different Cities

A local effort to connect Jews to their roots and bring blessings to a country.

By Karen Schwartz


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