
2018年5月22日 星期二

What Exactly Is a Nazirite?


Editor's Note

Have You Seen 'Mitzvah Studies'?

Dear Friend,

Behind each of the Divine commandments that define Jewish life stands a rich world of Torah insight, discussion and debate. This is the world of the Talmud and of the masters of Jewish learning—from the time of Moses until the present day—who probe the meaning of the mitzvahs and the manifold details of their practice and application. This is the theoretical world of the yeshivah, in which students delight in the nuanced flourishes of an elegant argument, and thrive on the drama of astute proofs and sharp rebuttals. This is the world that we invite you to enter.

"Mitzvah Studies" is an experimental project and we want to hear about your experience reading, thinking and engaging with these articles. If you enjoy them please share them with your friends, and let us know too! If you have questions or suggestions we would love to hear to hear from you! You can also subscribe to future articles via email.

Click here to see the first three articles in this exciting new series.

The Chabad.org Editorial Team


Your Questions
Why Is the Priestly Blessing Only on Yom Tov?

Why Is the Priestly Blessing Only on Yom Tov?

by Yehuda Shurpin

What Really Happens at Shiva?

What Really Happens at Shiva?

The mourners typically gather in a single home to observe shiva together.

By Menachem Posner


The Hiding Wife

The Hiding Wife

It is a "descent for the sake of ascent," a crisis in the marriage which ultimately deepens and enhances it by unearthing deep wells of loyalty and commitment which remain untapped in an unchallenged relationship.

Based on the teachings of the Lubavitcher Rebbe

What Exactly Is a Nazirite?

What Exactly Is a Nazirite?

The nazirite is a holy calling—rising above the mundane by observing a meticulous lifestyle

By Menachem Posner


When Abstinence Is a Sin

When Abstinence Is a Sin

Is spirituality at odds with the physical world?

By Yacov Barber

Watch (5:06)

"Remember the Day of Shabbat" - The Commandment of Kiddush

"Remember the Day of Shabbat" - The Commandment of Kiddush

Mitzvah Studies - Article 3

By Yisroel Dovid Klein

Aaron of the Bible

Aaron of the Bible

Aaron personified kindness. His life's work was the endless and vigorous promotion of peace.

By Mendel Adelman


Yes, It’s My Eighth Child!

Yes, It's My Eighth Child!

A pregnant belly is always fodder for anyone and everyone's input. Funny thing is, the comments are mostly predictable and almost always along the same lines.

By Chana Vigler


Two Sages and a Single Basket of Fish

Two Sages and a Single Basket of Fish

Rav Anan had unwittingly caused an unjust verdict.

By Menachem Posner


Stawberry Apple Pear Fruit Compote

Stawberry Apple Pear Fruit Compote

A healthy, refreshing and versatile treat.

By Miriam Szokovski


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