
2018年5月8日 星期二

Where Is Mount Sinai?


Your Questions
Where Is Mount Sinai?

Where Is Mount Sinai?

Why don't the rabbis know where it is?

by Yehuda Shurpin

How to Be Happy

How to Be Happy

Life is hard. So many painful, disturbing and distressing events occur to us and to the world around us. Can we really be joyful in this kind of environment?

By Sarah Chana Radcliffe

What Does “Bentching” Mean?

What Does "Bentching" Mean?

"Please bentch me that I should ace this test."


Counting the Omer with Dr Chighel

Counting the Omer with Dr Chighel

A fun and informative peek into how and why we count the Omer between Pesach and Shavuot. In the 49-day period of the Omer, each day is another refinement of a particular emotional virtue represented in Kabbalah by the lower seven Sefirot. Each virtue is a sublimation of a corresponding vice.

By Michael Chighel

Watch (6:32)
Why We Need Each Other

Why We Need Each Other

Growing Weekly: Parshat Bechukotai

By Michoel Gourarie

Watch (2:03)
Jerusalem: The City of Oneness

Jerusalem: The City of Oneness

From all the cities of the world, Jerusalem was chosen as the capital of the Land of Israel. The Talmud relates, that when Jews would arrive in Jerusalem, they all "became united as one." Indeed, in Psalms, it is called "the city in which all are joined together." And as we pray today for our true return to Jerusalem the arrival of Moshiach, forever, Jerusalem remains important and meaningful, uniting each and every Jew, man, woman, and child.

Watch (6:01)

The Fiftieth Year

The Fiftieth Year

Mundanity, holiness and beyond—a study of the spiritual significance of the Shemittah and Jubilee cycles.

Based on the teachings of the Lubavitcher Rebbe

5 Powerful Insights From the Rebbe on the Parshah

5 Powerful Insights From the Rebbe on the Parshah

Enjoy four short thoughts and a video adapted from the teachings of the Lubavitcher Rebbe on Parshat Behar and Bechukotai.

Compiled by Mordechai Rubin


What I Learned From a Crushed Toenail

What I Learned From a Crushed Toenail

I figured that with a bit of time and TLC my toenails would heal and I'd be back to my bouncing self.

By Nechemia Schusterman

When a Communist Gives You a Tallit . . . You Keep It!

When a Communist Gives You a Tallit . . . You Keep It!

"When a communist gives you a tallit, you should not be in a hurry to discard it."

By Bob Bruch

"Be Fruitful and Multiply" - The Commandment to Raise Children

"Be Fruitful and Multiply" - The Commandment to Raise Children

The Rabbis of the Talmud and Midrash specify that in the merit of the mitzvah of procreation, especially, we will merit the coming of Moshiach.

By Yisroel Dovid Klein


Jewish News
High School Girls Record Women’s Untold Stories of the Rebbe

High School Girls Record Women's Untold Stories of the Rebbe

Students interview their relatives and share their stories on WhatsApp.

By Tzipora Reitman

Young Alumni Dedicate Torah Scroll to Drexel Chabad

Young Alumni Dedicate Torah Scroll to Drexel Chabad

Two 25-year-old graduates channel their business success.

By Karen Schwartz

Rabbi Addresses National Day of Prayer in Rose Garden

Rabbi Addresses National Day of Prayer in Rose Garden

Quotes from the Rebbe's teachings at ceremony.

By Chabad.org Staff


In the Nick of Time

In the Nick of Time

By Asharon Baltazar


Caramel-Swirl Vanilla Ice Cream for Shavuot

Caramel-Swirl Vanilla Ice Cream for Shavuot

By Miriam Szokovski

Art: Phoenix in the Garden of Eden

Art: Phoenix in the Garden of Eden

By Alyse Radenovic


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