
2018年9月3日 星期一

Be one of the first!

Your opportunity to partner with us is inside
Get a Head Start: AHigh Holiday Appeal

This past year has been a dizzying one for Chabad.org.

Lots of new content and features, more people than ever satisfactorily served, some patches of financial hardship, and practically limitless team dedication.

Every single day our rabbis, educators, programmers, app developers and designers put their hearts and souls into ensuring that every single individual across the globe can get a head start on their Jewish informational, inspirational and communal needs; that everyone has the resources he or she needs to pursue a life of meaning and connectedness; and that no Jew is lost (G-d forbid) to our People.

In order to continue and to expand this work – to respond to the ever-growing number of people worldwide who turn to us seeking answers and meaning and tools and more, and to hopefully provide you and yours with your specific needs, we must secure the proper funds to do so unencumbered.

So we are getting a head start this year on our annual High Holiday Appeal.

Our goal is to get 7,500 partners like yourself to participate generously in our High Holiday Appeal, to help ensure that our work continues healthily into the coming year.

Would you please partner with us?

Please join our Yom Kippur campaign. Donate today.

(Please consider selecting a recurring donation to keep your gifts producing throughout the year.)

You can also contribute via PayPal, E-Check (ACH) or Bank Wire / Transfer.

Checks can be mailed to:
Chabad.ORG • 770 Eastern Parkway • Room 405 • Brooklyn, NY 11213

Please also remember Chabad.ORG in your will.

Our extraordinary team members – your partners! – are out there every day working for you and yours. Please help support their efforts and be there for them.

It really is that personal. I know that our team members are honored to have you as their partner, and I trust that you feel similarly about them. Please support their hard work!

May G-d in Heaven grant this partnership endless success, and may He provide you with a Head Start on all the New Year blessings for a Happy, Healthy and Sweet New Year to you and all yours!

On behalf of the entire Chabad.org Team


Rabbi Zalman Shmotkin

Please join our Yom Kippur campaign. Donate today.

P.S. - Please help us make this an unprecedented year of growth! Donate online at www.Chabad.org/donate (it only takes two minutes), or send a check to:

770 Eastern Parkway • Room 405
Brooklyn, NY 11213

If you want to discuss securities, wills or the like, please email director@Chabad.org.

P.P.S. – Rosh Hashanah is next week, September 9-11 and Yom Kippur is September 18-19. Visit www.Chabad.org/HighHolidays for guides, study, multimedia, synagogue listings and everything else related to these extraordinary days.

