
2019年2月6日 星期三

13 Facts About Jewish Leap Years


Your Questions
Why Did Moses Go Up on Mt. Sinai for Forty Days?

Why Did Moses Go Up on Mt. Sinai for Forty Days?

The significance of the number forty

by Yehuda Shurpin

Why Was the Holy Temple on a Mountain?

Why Was the Holy Temple on a Mountain?

And one man's dedication to growth, even on his last day

By Levi Avtzon


By the Numbers
13 Facts About Jewish Leap Years

13 Facts About Jewish Leap Years

By Menachem Posner

5 Reasons to Spend a Semester in Yeshiva

5 Reasons to Spend a Semester in Yeshiva

My Chabad rabbi has been bugging me to take off one semester to study in a yeshiva "some time before graduate school." It's still not clear to me what this yeshiva place is all about, and definitely not clear why I should take off in the middle of my studies to go there.

By Tzvi Freeman


The. Worst. Superbowl. Ever.

The. Worst. Superbowl. Ever.

We like excitement. We want to see action. We crave bravery, courage, and risk taking.

By Mendy Kaminker

A Father’s Commitment and Where it has Led

A Father's Commitment and Where it has Led

By Chaim Mischel

My Father’s Lasting Sentiments: Peace and Harmony

My Father's Lasting Sentiments: Peace and Harmony

Now that he's facing many health problems, so much of what seemed to make my dad unique is gone.

By Yvette Miller


Is Religion a Rubber Ducky?

Is Religion a Rubber Ducky?

If being an adult means being rational, then what does it mean to be a child? Does it mean being irrational? To the extent that religion involves the childlike gesture of "faith" (Emunah), it would seem to be an irrational, immature enterprise. Unless of course there is a viable adult alternative to Rationalism and Irrationalism alike.

By Michael Chighel

Watch (6:25)
Where Is G‑d’s Home?

Where Is G‑d's Home?

A strange detail in the construction of the Temple's "Holy of Holies" reveals the secret of where G‑d lives.

By Dov Greenberg

Watch (2:22)

The Ark of the Covenant Explained

The Ark of the Covenant Explained

A golden box containing the tablets with the Ten Commandments, the ark stood in the Holy of Holies, the Temple's innermost sanctum.

By Shlomo Chaim Kesselman

A Portable Home

A Portable Home

It is hard to understand the depth of the crisis into which the destruction of the First Temple plunged the Jewish people.

By Rabbi Jonathan Sacks

How Living From Abundance Creates Greater Happiness

How Living From Abundance Creates Greater Happiness

It should come as no surprise that doing good correlates to feeling good.

By Hanna Perlberger


Jewish News
First Jewish Burial a Sign of Jewish Vitality in Puerto Vallarta, Mexico

First Jewish Burial a Sign of Jewish Vitality in Puerto Vallarta, Mexico

New cemetery fulfills an important need for retirees while spurring Jewish involvement

By Menachem Posner

Before Passing at 88, Holocaust Survivor Finally Has His Bar Mitzvah

Before Passing at 88, Holocaust Survivor Finally Has His Bar Mitzvah

75 years late, family and friends joined a milestone for Mordechai (Murray) Miller

By Karen Schwartz

Shuttered for 332 Years, 13th-Century Budapest Synagogue Hosts a Bar Mitzvah

Shuttered for 332 Years, 13th-Century Budapest Synagogue Hosts a Bar Mitzvah

Buda Castle Synagogue, closed since 1686, now home to a flourishing congregation

By Menachem Posner

Nobel Laureate Gives Georgia Students Insight Into Material and Spiritual Wealth

Nobel Laureate Gives Georgia Students Insight Into Material and Spiritual Wealth

Professor Robert Aumann inspires at impromptu campus Chabad talk

By Yehuda Sugar


The Man Who Gave Charity to Himself

The Man Who Gave Charity to Himself

"I will not travel with you," stipulated Rabbi Menachem Mendel, "unless you give me twenty silver coins."

By Yerachmiel Tilles


Kale Chicken Salad with Lemon-Tahini Dressing

Kale Chicken Salad with Lemon-Tahini Dressing

By Miriam Szokovski

Art: Fishing Festival in Jaffa

Art: Fishing Festival in Jaffa

By Darius Gilmont


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