
2019年2月3日 星期日

DAILY DOSE: This Is Good


This Is Good

By Tzvi Freeman

"Who is rich? He who is satisfied with his lot." (Pirke Avot 4:1)

With each event of life, you have a choice:

You can complain that you didn't get what you deserve.

Or you can have faith that the One above, who is good and provides only good, is taking care of your life in its every detail…

…because what you can understand is only a limited good, but what you cannot understand is good beyond your understanding;

…because all that you encounter is but another step in your mission to repair this world…

…because nothing in G‑d's world can truly be bad, everything He created only carries us upward…

…and then you are rich.

Wealth, it turns out, is all a matter of interpretation.

5742 volume 3 page 1662.

By Tzvi Freeman

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