
2019年2月5日 星期二

DAILY DOSE: Working With the Body


Working With the Body

By Tzvi Freeman

It used to be that the soul fought with the body, until one conquered the other by force.

Then the Baal Shem Tov came and taught a new path: The body, too, could come to appreciate those things the soul desires.

In the place of self-affliction and fasting, the Baal Shem Tov showed his students the way of meditation and joy. Every need of the body, he taught, could provide a channel to carry the soul high.

Hayom Yom, 28 Shvat. 16 Tamuz 5716. Igrot Kodesh, vol. 6 page 157. Ibid, vol. 10, pg. 240.

By Tzvi Freeman

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