
2017年12月18日 星期一

Tipsheet: GOP on precipice of major end-of-year tax victory

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GOP on precipice of major end-of-year tax victory
By Jordain Carney
Republicans are on the brink of a massive achievement as they edge closing to finishing the first year of a GOP Congress under President Trump.

Votes in the House and Senate are anticipated early this week on a sweeping tax-cut package that will dramatically alter filings for corporations, businesses and families throughout the country.
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Listen to the HillCast AM View: GOP tax plan is a political gamble and PR challenge, and today's latest news
By Alexis Simendinger
GOP’s $1.5 trillion tax bill puts promises of simplicity, fairness and wage benefits to the test this week.

Also on today's AM View, GOP state leaders say their budgets will be impacted by the new tax provisions.
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McCain to miss vote on tax bill, receive treatment in Arizona
By Brett Samuels
Sen. John McCain (R-Ariz.) will return to Washington in January after undergoing physical therapy and rehabilitation in Arizona, his office announced late Sunday.
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This week: Congress braces for tax and spending showdown
By Cristina Marcos and Jordain Carney
Congress is set to end this year with a bang as Republicans aim to send their tax overhaul to President Trump and avoid a government shutdown in the span of just five days.
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Ground shifts on immigration
By Juan Williams
OPINION | The Republican approach to immigration is shifting as the 2018 midterm elections loom.
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Trump says he's not considering firing Mueller
By Julia Manchester
President Trump said Sunday he is not considering firing special counsel Robert Mueller, amid concerns that the administration was trying to halt the investigation into Russian election meddling.
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Mueller gets bipartisan defense despite controversies over bias
By Mallory Shelbourne
Democratic and Republican lawmakers on Sunday defended special counsel Robert Mueller and his investigation amid attempts by conservatives to discredit the probe.
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Three Trump judicial nominees stumble — with Republicans
By Lydia Wheeler
Controversy is swirling over the quality of candidates that President Trump is nominating to lifetime appointments on the federal courts.
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Putin thanks Trump for tip that prevented terror attack
By Kyle Balluck
Russian President Vladimir Putin thanked President Trump during a call on Sunday for information that helped prevent a terrorist attack in St. Petersburg, according to a White House readout.
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Trump faces hurdles to military build-up
By Rebecca Kheel
President Trump faces significant hurdles to fulfilling his promise to bulk up the military even after his signing of a defense policy bill on Tuesday.
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Mueller has a partisan pack of wolves and an illegitimate investigation
By Ned Ryun
OPINION | It seems every day we're finding out more about the partisan and conflicted nature of Special Counsel Robert Mueller's team. Some of the conflicts have been known for months. But others, such as the actions of some FBI investigators on the independent counsel’s team, are just coming to light and further call into question the objectivity and non-partisanship, and therefore the legitimacy of the investigation.
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Want to pass the DREAM Act? Let's combine mercy with justice
By Ronald Mortensen
OPINION | Why hasn’t Congress been able to pass the Development, Relief, and Education for Alien Minors (DREAM) Act despite 16 years of trying?
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The Wall Street Journal: GOP tax bill would set up years of challenges
By Richard Rubin
Expiration dates guarantee any changes would be revisited.
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The Associated Press: Trump to unveil ‘America First’ national security strategy
By Jonathan Lemire and Hope Yen
Prioritizing national sovereignty over alliances, President Donald Trump is poised to outline a new national security strategy that envisions nations in a perpetual state of competition, reverses Obama-era warnings on climate change, and de-emphasizes multinational agreements that have dominated the United States’ foreign policy since the Cold War.
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CNN: House panel to interview publicist Rob Goldstone, Rep. Wasserman Schultz on Monday
By Jeremy Herb and Manu Raju
The House Intelligence Committee has several interviews scheduled Monday to kick off a packed week of witnesses in the panel's Russia probe.
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The Washington Post: Years of conservative attacks hamper IRS oversight of political activity by nonprofits
By Robert O'Harrow Jr.
The fall in oversight, a byproduct of cuts to the IRS budget, comes as the number of politically active and financially complex charities grows. It represents a success for conservatives who were emboldened by the 2013 revelations of the IRS’s extra scrutiny of tea party groups. “This completely neutered” the IRS, one observer said. “The will is totally gone.”
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The New York Times: They spoke out. Now EPA workers are being watched.
By Eric Lipton and Lisa Friedman
Workers who have voiced concern have then had their emails scanned for references to President Trump or the agency’s director, Scott Pruitt, federal records show.
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DAILY DOSE: Chanukah Forever


Chanukah Forever

By Tzvi Freeman

Our world today is built upon the foundations of two similar cultures: the Jewish and the Greek. Both treasured the world of ideas.

Yet, to this day, they represent two worldviews, still locked in battle.

To this day, we struggle: Does human dignity mean that our minds are the measure of all things?

Or does it mean to be in the divine image, inextricably bound up with the Infinite that lies beyond the mind?

The Greeks reached the pinnacle of intellect at their time. Their ideal was a world built upon the human mind.

But the Jewish people had experienced a deeper reality, indescribable and inexplicable. They understood that a world built on human reason alone could not stand.

The Greek conquerors rose, fell and vanished. The Jewish people still stand strong.

And so, we light candles on Chanukah. Not light to see by. Not light for any use at all. Pure light.

Light that is forever.

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By Tzvi Freeman

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2017年12月17日 星期日

News Alert: Three Trump judicial nominees stumble — with Republicans

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Three Trump judicial nominees stumble — with Republicans
Controversy is swirling over the quality of candidates that President Trump is nominating to lifetime appointments on the federal courts.

In the last week, the GOP chairman of the Senate Judiciary Committee has pressed the White House to not proceed with two controversial candidates — including one who had never tried a case in court.
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News Alert: Mueller gets bipartisan defense despite controversies over bias

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Mueller gets bipartisan defense despite controversies over bias
Democrat and Republican lawmakers on Sunday defended special counsel Robert Mueller and his investigation amid attempts by conservatives to discredit the probe.

Conservative pundits and some Republican lawmakers have questioned Mueller’s investigation after a report about the potential bias of an FBI agent previously assigned to the Russia probe.

But Trump defenders on Saturday took an additional step to cast doubt on Mueller’s investigation, with a lawyer for the president’s transition team telling congressional committees in a letter that Mueller’s investigation illegally obtained some emails generated during the presidential transition. Mueller denied that the documents were obtained illegally.

Even while Mueller faces intensifying criticism from some quarters, both Republicans and Democrats during Sunday show interviews defended the integrity of the Russia investigation, which has consumed the Trump administration for the better part of its first year in the White House.
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