
2017年12月18日 星期一

DAILY DOSE: Chanukah Forever


Chanukah Forever

By Tzvi Freeman

Our world today is built upon the foundations of two similar cultures: the Jewish and the Greek. Both treasured the world of ideas.

Yet, to this day, they represent two worldviews, still locked in battle.

To this day, we struggle: Does human dignity mean that our minds are the measure of all things?

Or does it mean to be in the divine image, inextricably bound up with the Infinite that lies beyond the mind?

The Greeks reached the pinnacle of intellect at their time. Their ideal was a world built upon the human mind.

But the Jewish people had experienced a deeper reality, indescribable and inexplicable. They understood that a world built on human reason alone could not stand.

The Greek conquerors rose, fell and vanished. The Jewish people still stand strong.

And so, we light candles on Chanukah. Not light to see by. Not light for any use at all. Pure light.

Light that is forever.

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By Tzvi Freeman

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