
2017年12月27日 星期三

DAILY DOSE: Broken & Whole

This email is dedicated in honor of Lou and Claire D'Angelo with love from their grandchilden Lia Bella and David Zvi Sarlui.

Broken & Whole

By Tzvi Freeman

The broken shards of the first tablets are stored in the ark together with the whole ones.—Talmud Bava Batra 14b.

When you find the Infinite, where will you put it?

In your broken vessel?
It will not stay.

In a new whole one?
It will not fit.

Let the heart be broken in bitterness for its confines. Let it be whole in the joy of a boundless soul.

This is the secret that the human being holds over the angels: Only the human heart can be broken and whole at once.

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By Tzvi Freeman

This email was sent to: tweatsho.email004@blogger.com

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