
2017年12月21日 星期四

Overnight Tech: FCC floats record fine for Sinclair | Senators criticize DHS face scans | Facebook drops 'disputed news tags'

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FCC PROPOSES RECORD $13.4 MILLION FINE FOR SINCLAIR: The Federal Communications Commission has proposed to fine the Sinclair Broadcast Group $13.4 million for airing sponsored programming without disclosing its funders -- the largest such fine the agency has ever issued.

The proposed fine comes more than a year after an anonymous tipster told the FCC that Sinclair-owned stations had been airing segments about the Huntsman Cancer Institute without disclosing that the group had been paying for the programming.

The cancer research center was founded by Jon Huntsman Sr., a billionaire businessman and the father of U.S. Ambassador to Russia Jon Huntsman Jr.

The FCC found that the Huntsman Cancer Foundation, which funds the cancer center, had paid Sinclair to produce and distribute segments promoting the research center's work that was "made to look like independently generated news coverage."

In a statement, Sinclair said the fine was unreasonable and that it plans to contest it.

"Sinclair proudly supports the Cancer Foundation and its educational mission," the statement said. "Any absence of sponsorship identification in these public service segments was unintended and a result of simple human error."

The proposed fine is the largest the FCC has ever put forward for violations of its sponsorship identification rules.

The fine comes as Sinclair is awaiting FCC approval of its $3.9 billion takeover of Tribune Media, a deal that would give the resulting company access to about 70 percent of the nation's television audience.

Democrats have opposed the deal and have accused Republican FCC Chairman Ajit Pai of helping push the merger through by clearing out regulatory roadblocks.

Read more here.


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SENATORS COME AFTER DHS FACE SCANS: Two senators slammed the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) in a letter Thursday, accusing the agency of using unauthorized facial scans and potentially violating federal law.

Sens. Ed Markey (D-Mass.) and Mike Lee (R-Utah), members of the Senate Commerce, Science and Transportation Committee, asked that DHS halt its use of facial recognition technology in airports in the sharply worded letter to DHS Secretary Kirstjen Nielsen

"We are concerned that the use of the program on U.S. citizens remains facially unauthorized," the two wrote.

DHS is currently testing a program to scan the faces of American citizens and foreign nationals in nine cities across the country, including Atlanta, New York and Los Angeles. The program has been carried out voluntarily with airlines.

Read more here.


UNION SUES OVER FACEBOOK JOB ADS: A union sued multiple companies in the United States over Facebook ads targeted toward young people, alleging that the ads amount to age discrimination against older job-seekers.

Reuters reported Wednesday that the Communications Workers of America union filed the lawsuit in a San Francisco federal court.

The complaint alleged that Amazon, T-Mobile and Cox Communications have put age limits on individuals who are able to see ads meant for job recruitment. Facebook is not a defendant in the suit filed by Communications Workers of America, but the complaint alleges that Facebook also uses this tool when it recruits for jobs at the social media company.

Read more here.


FACEBOOK TO GET RID OF 'DISPUTED' TAGS FOR NEWS STORIES: Facebook will get rid of its "disputed article" tag for news articles that users have flagged as likely hoax stories.

The company rolled out the flagging tool in December of 2016 as a part of its larger campaign to keep fake news stories off its platform; however, in a post on Thursday, Facebook product manager Tessa Lyons said that the feature wasn't working as hoped.

"Academic research on correcting misinformation has shown that putting a strong image, like a red flag, next to an article may actually entrench deeply held beliefs -- the opposite effect to what we intended," Lyons wrote.

Read more here.


DETROIT OFFERING MASSIVE TAX BREAKS FOR AMAZON: State and local officials from Michigan, as well as Canada, have offered Amazon enormous tax breaks to lure the tech giant's second headquarters to Detroit, according to confidential documents obtained by the Detroit Free Press.

The documents reportedly show that state and local officials are willing to forego decades of tax receipts for the potential economic gain they anticipate will come if Amazon decides to bring its new headquarters, referred to as HQ2, to the Detroit and Windsor, Canada, area.

The paper found that city officials were willing to give Amazon the entirety of 10 years worth of state income tax earnings from many of Amazon's new Detroit employees and then 50 percent of their state income tax for the next 10 years.

Read more here.


ICED TEA COMPANY TRIPLES STOCK WITH DIGITAL CURRENCY MOVE: An iced tea company is the latest business to capitalize off the new hype around cryptocurrency.

The Long Island Iced Tea Corp., which sells beverages, changed its name to the Long Blockchain Corp. and announced that it was looking at partnerships with companies that invest in blockchain, the technology digital currency bitcoin is built on.

Shares of its stock initially rose by roughly 500 percent on Thursday after the name change. Its share price has since gone down but is still more than three times the pre-announcement level.

Read more here.



Goldman Sachs to establish digital currency trading desk: report

Gizmodo: Uber says drivers not earning advertised salaries are their own fault

Fortune's cover story on bitcoin

The Guardian: Facebook signs deal with Universal to give users access to licensed music

CNET: Reddit was a misinformation hotspot in 2016 election, study says

Motherboard: The FCC's next stunt: Reclassifying cell phone data service as 'broadband internet'

Media Matters names Mark Zuckerberg its "Misinformer of the Year"

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Overnight Cybersecurity: Senators unveil election security bills | North Korea denies WannaCry role

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Welcome to OVERNIGHT CYBERSECURITY, your daily rundown of the biggest news in the world of hacking and data privacy. We're here to connect the dots as leaders in government, policy and industry try to counter the rise in cyber threats. What lies ahead for Congress, the administration and the latest company under siege? Whether you're a consumer, a techie or a D.C. lifer, we're here to give you ...



--SENATORS UNVEIL ELECTION SECURITY BILL: A bipartisan coalition of Senate lawmakers introduced legislation on Thursday meant to strengthen U.S. election cybersecurity following Russian election interference. The bill would authorize block grants for states to upgrade outdated voting technology. It would also create a program for an independent panel of experts to develop cybersecurity guidelines for election systems that states can implement if they choose, and offer states resources to implement the recommendations. In addition, the legislation aims to expedite the process by which state officials receive security clearances necessary to review sensitive threat information and instructs the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) and other federal entities to more quickly share this information with relevant state officials. The "Secure Elections Act" was introduced Thursday morning by Sens. James Lankford (R-Okla.), Susan Collins (R-Maine), Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.), Amy Klobuchar (D-Minn.), Kamala Harris (D-Calif.), and Martin Heinrich (D-N.M.).

To read the rest of our piece, click here.

--...HIGHLIGHTS MEASURES FROM EARLIER BILLS: Experts widely agree that the two major problems addressed by the bill need attention. Our aging elections equipment often uses old components now known to be vulnerable to various hacking techniques. And if officials don't have security clearances, it is impossible to promptly share threats between the federal government and the states that run elections. Two bills, both introduced by cosigners of the Secure Elections Act, used similar solutions to address the problem. Collins and Heinrich introduced comprehensive legislation on Halloween that included streamlining the process for state officials to get security clearances. Similarly, Graham and Klobuchar introduced legislation for federal grants for equipment upgrades.

--...NOT JUST A SECURITY ISSUE: Age doesn't just introduce security concerns. Over time, things break. Some of the earliest digital voting machines are rapidly approaching their expected end of life. Whether a hacker changes a vote or a broken touch screen misrecords the vote, the result is the same - someone's vote didn't count.



702: As of press time, the House passed in its funding bill a short-term extension of the 702 provisions of the FISA act, allowing law enforcement agencies to surveil foreign citizens outside the U.S. without a warrant.

Earlier Thursday, law enforcement agencies were getting anxious.

Midday, the heads of the FBI, CIA and NSA, alongside the Director of National Intelligence cosigned a letter imploring the Legislative Branch to reauthorize the prograam.

"There is no substitute for Section 702. If Congress fails to reauthorize this authority, the Intelligence Community will lose valuable foreign intelligence information, and the resulting intelligence gaps will make it easier for terrorists, weapons proliferators, malicious cyber actors, and other foreign adversaries to plan attacks against our citizens and allies without detection," they wrote.

A sizable group of opponents, including the Sens. Rand Paul (R-Kent.), and Ron Wyden (D-Ore.) argue that U.S. citizens slip through the safety measures meant to filter out people not supposed to be surveilled.



LONG ISLAND ICED TEA COMPANY TRIPLES ITS STOCK PRICE BY CHANGING ITS NAME TO 'LONG BLOCKCHAIN.' To be fair, Long Island is not known for its non-alcoholic iced tea. 



NORTH KOREA NOT THRILLED BEING BLAMED FOR WANNACRY: North Korea's Ministry of Foreign Affairs on Wednesday fiercely denied the United States assertion Pyongyang launched the disastrous WannaCry malware.

"As we have clearly stated on several occasions, we have nothing to do with cyber-attack and we do not feel a need to respond, on a case-by-case basis, to such absurd allegations of the U.S.," a spokesman told the state media publication KCNA.

"However, we can never tolerate the U.S. reckless move of using the issue of cyber-attack for the purpose of making direct accusation against our state," he said.

Though the KCNA website was down, the statement was archived at North Korean media aggregator KCNA Watch.

WannaCry infected hundreds of thousands of computers in only a few days, forcing the British national hospital system to turn away patients and harming government systems in Russia, India and China.

On Tuesday, U.S. homeland security adviser Tom Bossert announced that the U.S. had conclusively linked WannaCry with North Korean leadership.

"This move is a grave political provocation by the U.S. aimed at inducing the international society into a confrontation against the DPRK," the spokesman said.

To read the rest of our piece, click here.



RUSSIA (AGAIN) (SORRY): A string of U.S. actions raises questions of whether the U.S.'s strategy of ignoring Russian hacking will ever pay off with the close ties with Moscow the president promised.

In June of 2016, Donald Trump asked a rally in California "Wouldn't it be nice if we actually got along with Russia? Wouldn't that be good?"

And for 18 months, Trump has stood behind that line. He has delayed a sanctions bill for the DNC affair, revealed code-word classified information to Russian ambassadors, and generally denied any Russian involvement in the 2016 elections - despite the full confidence his intelligence agencies have in that fact.

Within the last 48 hours, Trump has approved an arms sale to Ukraine to push back Moscow's forces, and invoked Magnitsky act sanctions against five Russians including the son of the Russian prosecutor general. The Department of Defense has also accused Russia of violating the deconfliction boundaries in Syria.

The moves garnered praise from security hawks in the Senate.

"With this decision [to arm Ukraine], the Trump administration is reminding Vladimir Putin and his cronies that they lost the Cold War, and we won't tolerate their bullying of our friend Ukraine," Said Sen. Tom Cotton (R-Ark.) in a statement.

But it did not get the same praise by Russia.

State-run media referred to the Ukraine sale as "a sideways move to nowhere," and Russia's Foreign Ministry called the new Magnitsky list"grotesque" and vowed a response.



Links from our blog, The Hill, and around the Web.

The latest poll shows more than half of Americans disapprove of Trump's handling of the Russia investigation. (The Hill)

Eric Schmidt, the executive chairman of Google parent company Alphabet, will step down. (The Hill)

Lithuania follows America's lead and bars Kaspersky Lab from sensitive computers. (Reuters)

The Russian bank Globex was hacked over the SWIFT network, to the tune of $940,000. (Reuters)

How the newly negotiated Wassenaar Arrangement fixes the old version's flaws - including the part where it inadvertently banned the international sale of critical cybersecurity products. (Cyberscoop)


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SearchCap: Google webmaster videos, new mobile search experiments & Assistant SDK updates

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'SEO Snippets' — new Google video series to help webmasters & SEOs


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Facebook will no longer flag fake news link with 'Disputed' label
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People are less likely to share a fake news article if they're shown links evidencing its falsehoods instead of a claim that it's false, per Facebook.


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