
2018年1月11日 星期四

Overnight Cybersecurity: House votes to renew NSA spying | Trump tweets spark confusion | Signs Russian hackers are targeting Olympics | Bannon expected to appear before House Intel panel

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Welcome to OVERNIGHT CYBERSECURITY, your daily rundown of the biggest news in the world of hacking and data privacy. We're here to connect the dots as leaders in government, policy and industry try to counter the rise in cyber threats. What lies ahead for Congress, the administration and the latest company under siege? Whether you're a consumer, a techie or a D.C. lifer, we're here to give you ...



--HOUSE VOTES TO RENEW NSA SPYING: In a victory for the Trump administration, the House on Thursday approved legislation to renew government surveillance powers while voting down new limits on how authorities can use the information that is collected. Just a few hours before the vote, President Trump roiled the waters by sending out a tweet that appeared to contradict his own administration's opposition to the changes, which were offered by Rep. Justin Amash (R-Mich.). That amendment failed by a vote of 233-183. " 'House votes on controversial FISA ACT today.' This is the act that may have been used, with the help of the discredited and phony Dossier, to so badly surveil and abuse the Trump Campaign by the previous administration and others?" Trump tweeted. The White House had said it supported the underlying surveillance bill but strongly opposed Amash's amendment. Trump later clarified that he "has personally directed the fix to the unmasking process since taking office and today's vote is about foreign surveillance of foreign bad guys on foreign land." After rejecting Amash's amendment, the House passed an underlying bill backed by members of the House Intelligence and Judiciary committees that renewed the NSA's warrantless surveillance program with just a few small changes. The bill, passed by a vote of 256-164, now heads to the Senate, which is expected to swiftly take up and pass the measure before the surveillance program expires on Jan. 19. Later Thursday, the Senate approved a motion to proceed on the legislation, teeing up a vote in the upper chamber next week.

--AT ISSUE IS A CONTROVERSIAL SPY PROVISION called Section 702 of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA), which allows the intelligence community to spy on non-American targets outside the United States without a warrant. Privacy and civil liberties advocates have long pushed for reform of the program, raising alarm over the so-called "backdoor search loophole" that allows for data incidentally collected on Americans to be used in law enforcement investigations. It was catapulted onto the front page amidst the controversy over "unmasking." Republicans have long speculated that former national security adviser Michael Flynn was caught up in 702 surveillance and inappropriately unmasked by Obama administration officials. That process, surveillance experts say, is not directly related to congressionally dictated 702 authorities -- it's governed by administration regulations. "There are FISA issues swirling around that have absolutely nothing to do with 702," Rep. Mike Conaway (R-Texas) said before the vote. "Those are being used by opponents, those who want it to go dark, in a perfectly legitimate debate technique to try to muddy the waters."

--AFTER THE HOUSE PASSED THE BILL, the White House denied any apparent contradiction in the two tweets posted by Trump ahead of the vote, insisting the president had "full understanding" of the law. The tweet seemed to contradict his own White House, which one day earlier endorsed the law in a statement. White House press secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders repeatedly defended the president as reporters asked about whether the tweets conflicted with each other. "We don't think there was a conflict at all. The president fully supports 702 and was happy to see that it passed the house today, but he does have some overall concern with the FISA program more generally," she said, referring to the name of the surveillance law. "The president doesn't feel that we have to choose between protecting American citizens and protecting their civil liberties."

Click here for more on Trump's tweet, here for the House vote, and here for the White House response.



BANNON REPORTEDLY WILL APPEAR BEFORE HOUSE INTEL NEXT WEEK: Former White House chief strategist Stephen Bannon is expected to appear before the House Intelligence Committee on Tuesday as part of its investigation into Russian interference in the 2016 election.

Reuters reported Bannon's expected appearance before the committee Thursday hours after reports surfaced that Bannon had hired Washington lawyer Bill Burck to help him prepare for his testimony.

Bannon's hiring of Burck is reportedly solely for the hearing and is not related to special counsel Robert Mueller's investigation into potential ties between the Trump campaign and Russia.

Burck, a partner at the law firm Quinn Emmanuel, also represents White House counsel Don McGahn and former White House chief of staff Reince Priebus, according to Law360.

The House Intelligence Committee requested testimony from Bannon and former Trump campaign manager Corey Lewandowski last month.

Bannon, who left the White House in August, was working as Trump's chief strategist when Trump fired former FBI Director James Comey last year.

Bannon has attracted massive scrutiny in recent days as a result of his testimony in Michael Wolff's explosive book, "Fire and Fury," which has spurned a series of damaging headlines for the Trump administration.

To read more, click here.



Meet Harley, the FBI's canine cyber genius. (The Wall Street Journal)



NUKES FACE CYBER THREAT: A British think tank is raising the alarm in a new report that warns nuclear weapons may face a "relatively high" risk of cyberattacks as technology becomes more advanced and hackers grow more sophisticated.

Leaving nuclear weapons systems vulnerable to cyber criminals could have dangerous consequences, including them possibly setting off the weapon during a time of crisis through data manipulation. 

"There are a number of vulnerabilities and pathways through which a malicious actor may infiltrate a nuclear weapons system without a state's knowledge," the research released Thursday by British think tank Chatham House states.

"At times of heightened tension, cyberattacks on nuclear weapons systems could cause an escalation, which results in their use," it continued. "Inadvertent nuclear launches could stem from an unwitting reliance on false information and data. Moreover, a system, that is compromised cannot be trusted in decision-making."

The report notes that a system infiltrated by a malicious actor could affect a nuclear weapons system's ability to "launch a weapon, prevent an inadvertent launch, maintain command and control of all military systems, transmit information and other communications, [and] the maintenance and reliability of such systems."

A range of issues could compromise systems that "were first developed at a time when computer capabilities were in their infancy and little consideration was given to potential malicious cyber vulnerabilities," according to the report.

To read the rest of our piece, click here.


WHAT'S IN THE SPOTLIGHT: RUSSIAN OLYMPIC HACKING? New evidence has emerged that hackers linked to the Russian government are targeting Olympic organizations just weeks before the start of the 2018 Winter Games in South Korea.

On Wednesday, a group calling themselves "Fancy Bears" released purported hacked emails and documents from the International Olympic Committee (IOC). The group is believed to be associated with the similarly named group Fancy Bear, the cyber-espionage group that has been linked to Russia's military intelligence agency, the GRU.

Fancy Bear, also known as APT 28, has been implicated in the hack of the Democratic National Committee ahead of the 2016 presidential election.

The group claims that hacked information from the IOC, which has not been verified, is proof "that the Europeans and the Anglo-Saxons are fighting for power and cash in the sports world."

Relatedly, cybersecurity firm ThreatConnect said Thursday that it had identified spoofed domains imitating the World Anti-Doping Agency, the U.S. Anti-Doping Agency, and the Olympic Council of Asia consistent with prior hacking campaigns linked to Fancy Bear.

The discovery of the domains, the firm said in a blog post, raises "the question of a broader campaign against the upcoming 2018 winter games."

ThreatConnect said that it could not verify the legitimacy of the emails leaked by Fancy Bears, but noted that the group was likely formed to leak information generated from Fancy Bear/APT 28 operations.

The developments follow the International Olympic Committee's decision to bar Russia's Olympic team from the 2018 Winter Games over state-sponsored doping allegations.

Fancy Bears similarly released hacked emails in 2016 from officials at the World Anti-Doping Agency and the U.S. Anti Doping Agency.

To read the rest of our piece, click here.



Links from our blog, The Hill, and around the Web.

Cryptocurrencies on the rise in Iran. (The Hill)

Equifax subject of most consumer bureau complaints in all but one state, analysis shows. (The Hill)

Senate committee to hold bitcoin hearing. (The Hill)

Exclusive: Issa mulls running in neighboring district. (The Hill)

McAfee has the details on cyberattacks against North Korean defectors and journalists. (McAfee)

An Ohio state lawmaker is prepared to introduce legislation to secure elections from cyberattacks. (Cleveland.com)

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Overnight Regulation: Fight erupts over gun export rules | WH meets advocates on prison reform | Officials move to allow Medicaid work requirements | New IRS guidance on taxes

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Welcome to Overnight Regulations, your daily rundown of news from the federal agencies, Capitol Hill and the courts. It's Thursday evening here in Washington where senators say they are on the verge of a bipartisan deal to protect young immigrants known as Dreamers. Read about that here



The Trump administration's expected plan to transfer the licensing of gun exports from the State Department to the Commerce Department has Democratic lawmakers and foreign policy advocates readying for a fight.

The proposal under review by the White House Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs (OIRA) has yet to be made public, but experts fear it will lead to less oversight of commercial sales of assault weapons like submachine guns and flame throwers to foreign buyers.

The State Department said the goal of the change is to reduce regulatory burdens on manufacturers, small gunsmiths, and exporters. One major change is that exporters and manufacturers, including small gunsmiths, would no longer have to register with the State Department's Directorate of Defense Trade Controls and pay the $2,250 annual registration fee.

Here's why opponents are on edge: 

They fear the change will make it easier for deadly weapons to end up in the hands of terrorists and drug cartels.

Democrats say the shift would eliminate congressional review that's now required under the Arms Export Control Act for any commercial sales of lethal weapons worth $1 million or more. 

Here's why supporters say concerns are premature: 

The rule is expected to mimic a proposal that was drafted and slated for release under the Obama administration, but stalled after 20 children and six adults were killed in the mass shooting at Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown, Conn.

A former administration official familiar with the rule discussions said export licenses still would have been required for assault weapons under the Obama-era rule. Licensing requirements would have been eased, however, for the less sensitive gun parts like screws and springs. 

Find the story here



Health care: The Trump administration on Thursday unveiled guidance allowing states for the first time to impose work requirements in Medicaid, a major shift in the health insurance program for the poor.

The move opens the door for states to apply for waivers to allow them to require Medicaid enrollees to work in order to receive coverage, something that has never before happened in the 50-year history of the program.

Seema Verma, the administrator of the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS), says the move will help people get out of poverty.

"Our policy guidance was in response to states that asked us for the flexibility they need to improve their programs and to help people in achieving greater well-being and self-sufficiency," Verma said in a statement.

Democrats are sharply opposed to the changes, saying people will lose coverage if they can't meet the requirements or simply because new bureaucratic hurdles will discourage them from applying.

Democratic groups are expected to sue over the changes, arguing that the administration does not have the power to make them without action from Congress.

Peter Sullivan has the story here.


Criminal justice: President Trump and Jared Kushner, his son-in-law and senior adviser, met with criminal justice reform advocates Thursday, giving new hope that action to reverse the nation's burgeoning incarceration rates is still possible.

A White House official told The Hill the meeting was focused on prison reform and reentry, as well as the successes states like Georgia, Kansas and Kentucky have had in enacting programs aimed at reducing recidivism rates and rehabilitating inmates.

Trump said during the meeting that his administration is committed to helping former inmates become productive, law abiding members of society.

The meeting emboldened some advocates who saw it as sign the White House is officially on board with criminal justice reform.

"It has long been an excuse used on the Hill that we need to see where the White House is on this issue and this is a positive signal the folks on the Hill have been waiting on," said Holly Harris, executive director of Justice Action Network.

"I don't think there's going to be any more justifications to hold up this legislation."

Read the story here. 


Taxes: The IRS and Treasury Department on Thursday issued new guidance on tax withholdings from employees' paychecks, a key step in the implementation of the new tax law that President Trump signed last month.

The new guidance will allow many taxpayers to start seeing bigger paychecks due to the new law. The IRS is encouraging employers to implement the new withholding tables by Feb. 15.

"We estimate that 90 percent of wage earners will experience an increase in their take home pay," Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin said in a news release. 

Naomi Jagoda has the story here


Environment: The Environmental Protection Agency's internal inspector general is again expanding its investigation into the travel habits of agency head Scott Pruitt.

An internal memo dated Jan. 10 alerts the agency of the amendment to the investigation, which expands the dates of travel covered in the probe to include Pruitt's travel through the end of 2017. The memo noted that the decision to expand the probe came in response to "additional congressional requests."

Sen. Tom Carper (D-Del.) requested the investigation include Pruitt's December trip to Morocco, which reportedly cost $40,000 in taxpayer dollars.

Timothy Cama has the story here


Finance: Equifax was the subject of more consumer bureau complaints than any other financial services company in all but one state in 2017, according to an analysis of agency data published Thursday.

In every state but North Dakota, more residents complained to the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB) about the credit reporting company than any other firm.

The analysis is according to LendEDU, a financial resources website, which complied the most frequently appearing companies in the CFPB's Consumer Complaint Database. The database tracks and -- to the ire of the finance industry -- publishes every complaint received by the CFPB about a bank or financial services company.

Sylvan Lane has the story here


Tech: The Senate Banking Committee will hold a hearing with top financial regulators in early February examining the implications of bitcoin.

Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC) Chairman Christopher Giancarlo and Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) Chairman Jay Clayton will testify before the committee at the hearing, a source with knowledge of the matter confirmed to The Hill.

Both agencies have largely not taken firm regulatory action on bitcoin or other cryptocurrencies over the past several months, but have issued warnings to investors about digital currencies in recent months.

Over the past year, bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies have exploded in value. Bitcoin hit an all-time high of over $19,000 within the past month. At the start of 2017, it was trading below $1,000.

Ali Breland and Sylvan Lane have more here.



Facebook, Google have a tough new job in Germany: Content cop -- The Wall Street Journal

'Fiduciary rule' poised for second life under Trump administration -- The Wall Street Journal

Ford urges 2,900 pickup owners to stop driving after new Takata death -- Reuters

Bitcoin bashed on the head in a global game of regulatory whack-a-mole -- Bloomberg

Study suggests Trump's "Muslim ban" actually improved attitudes toward Muslims –Vox 

New tax guidelines rely on workers to double-check their paychecks – The Washington Post

Got a tip? Send it to your Overnight host at lwheeler@thehill.com and follow me on Twitter @wheelerlydia. 

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