
2018年1月8日 星期一

The Hill's 12:30 Report: Oprah sparks 2020 talk with Golden Globes speech | CNN says Oprah 'actively thinking' about run | Jake Tapper cuts off Stephen Miller in heated interview | Bannon tries to make amends | Immigration, border wall sticking points in funding talks | Fire breaks out at Trump Tower — Presented by Georgetown University

The Hill 12:30 Report
CNN's Jake Tapper tweeting about his interview with White House senior adviser Stephen Miller. / Source: Credit: @JakeTapper / Twitter

The gif is worth watching --> http://bit.ly/2D8m4Sp 


Jake Tapper's end-of-the-weekend tweet sums up today's newsletter well:
CNN's Jake Tapper cut off White House senior adviser Stephen Miller during a heated interview yesterday. Why was the interview so heated?: Asked about Trump's tweet claiming to be "a very stable genius," Miller defended the president and turned to criticizing CNN for its coverage of the White House.

Miller: "Not only do I think they help it, but I think in the toxic environment that you've created here and CNN and cable news, which is a real crisis of legitimacy for your network," Miller said. http://bit.ly/2qG4FOi

How Tapper ended the interview: Tapper said, "I get it. There's one viewer that you care about right now and you're being obsequious and you're being a factotum in order to please him, OK." Tapper then added, "And I think I've wasted enough of my viewers' time. Thank you, Stephen." 

Watch the full interview: http://cnn.it/2EmuBjL

Video of the awkward end: http://ti.me/2D97olX

It caused quite the stir online: http://bit.ly/2EkVVPu

Stephen Miller reportedly had to then be escorted off the set of CNN by security after being asked to leave multiple times. "Two sources close to the situation told Business Insider that after Stephen Miller's CNN taping was done this morning, Miller was politely asked to leave several times. He ignored those requests. Security was apparently called and he was escorted out." http://bit.ly/2maUHjm

It's Monday -- a few Winter Olympics events kick off a month from today! http://cnn.it/2ElBhyE I'm Cate Martel with a quick recap of the morning and what's coming up. Send comments, story ideas and events for our radar to cmartel@thehill.com@CateMartel and on Facebook.

To view the 12:30 Report online --> http://bit.ly/2D9hGCH


Now I'm just waiting for her to change her Twitter handle to @realOprahWinfrey:
While accepting a lifetime achievement award at yesterday's Golden Globes, Oprah Winfrey gave a moving speech that has sparked speculation of a 2020 run for president. Excerpt: "I want all the girls watching here and now to know that a new day is on the horizon." Oprah said. "And when that new day finally dawns, it will be because of a lot of magnificent women, many of whom are right here in this room tonight, and some pretty phenomenal men fighting hard to make sure that they become the leaders who take us to the time when nobody ever has to say 'me too' again." http://bit.ly/2m6i8th

So is she running?: In an interview after, she denied any interest in running for president. https://bloom.bg/2CPGTUO

Yeah, but she's running?: Via CNN's Brian Stelter, two of Oprah's close friends said she is "actively thinking" about running in 2020. http://cnnmon.ie/2CRsiIt

Well, just in case, she has one endorsement: Right after, Meryl Streep endorsed Oprah running for president. http://wapo.st/2Fh2OCz

Here's a list of winners from last night's Golden Globes: http://cbsn.ws/2FfVp6w

A fire at Trump Tower:
A heating and cooling unit on the roof of the Trump Tower in Manhattan caught on fire just before 7 a.m. Injuries?: Two injuries were reported -- one firefighter and one civilian. Is the fire contained?: Yes. Via CNN, "New York Police Department Cadet Jamio Khan says the NYPD was alerted to a one alarm fire on the roof of Trump Tower at 728a. Cadet Khan says there were no evacuations or injures, but vehicular traffic is blocked in the area." http://bit.ly/2qEaj3x

Video of firefighters extinguishing the flame on the roof: http://bit.ly/2qASfqO


Another week, another shutdown countdown clock...
(It's T minus 11 days by the way):
Via The Hill's Cristina Marcos and Jordain Carney, lawmakers return to Washington today with just 11 days until the next deadline to avoid a government shutdown. What's the holdup?: Fights over immigration and figuring out top-line budget levels. What Republicans want: An increase in defense spending. What Democrats want: An equal increase in defense and non-defense spending. That has emerged as a key sticking point in the talks. http://bit.ly/2FcoqQN

Immigration: A bipartisan group of senators are meeting at the White House tomorrow as negotiations on a replacement for the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals immigration program intensify. How: Senators have signaled that they aren't close on an agreement, which is complicating separate talks on funding the government.

Surveillance: The House will consider legislation to reauthorize an electronic surveillance program that would expire on Jan. 19. Context: The National Security Agency is currently able to collect communications of foreigners abroad, even if they are in contact with Americans. Privacy proponents say that means Americans' communications are being collected without a warrant and is unconstitutional. 

Replacements: The House Republican Steering Committee will choose a new Budget Committee chair tomorrow and will also fill a coveted spot on the House Ways and Means Committee.

Nominations: The Senate will work through a slate of nominations as lawmakers continue to negotiate behind closed doors. 

Context and details for each: http://bit.ly/2FcoqQN


SPOTTED — Bannon on the White House lawn with a boom box over his head like in a '90s sitcom playing Justin Bieber's 'Is it too late now to say sorry?: http://bit.ly/2m8pImZ
President Trump's former chief strategist, Stephen Bannon, gave a semi-apology after his public feud with TrumpRemember when Bannon called Don Jr.'s meeting with the Russians "treasonous?": Bannon now says that was a mischaracterization. In Bannon's words: "Donald Trump Jr. is both a patriot and a good man," Bannon said. "He has been relentless in his advocacy for his father and the agenda that has helped turn our country around." http://wapo.st/2CRCikZ

Well, I did call it a "semi-apology"...

*Reads this cover* *Reaches for coffee mug* *Takes sip of coffee* *Spits it out for dramatic effect*:
Check out today's cover of the New York Daily News. It's really...something. http://bit.ly/2m9ZUH4
In The Hill, former deputy assistant and strategist to President Trump Sebastian Gorka argues that people shouldn't believe Michael Wolff's book about Trump. http://bit.ly/2CVH41y

Tidbit: Via The New York Times's Jeremy Peters, "Here is Michael Wolff in Nov. 2016 insisting that Trump & Co. aren't really dysfunctional or unfocused. They're just strategic and smarter than the rest of us." http://bit.ly/2qIQtEg


*Tilts head*

Join Georgetown University's Graduate Liberal Studies programs for an info session on 1/16 at 2043 Rayburn. Hear from Congressman Mike Turner, network with faculty and alumni, and enjoy lunch on us! 

Learn more.


The House and Senate will meet later today. President Trump is in Washington, D.C., but is heading to Tennessee for a speech and then to Georgia for the college football national championship game. Vice President Pence has no public events on his schedule.

1 p.m. EST: President Trump leaves for Nashville, Tenn.

2 p.m. EST: The House meets. Welcome back!

3 p.m. EST: The Senate meets.

5:10 p.m. EST: President Trump leaves Tennessee for Marietta, Ga., where he will speak at the American Farm Bureau.

5:30 p.m. EST: The Senate votes.

6:30 p.m. EST: Postponed voted in the House.

6:45 p.m. EST: President Trump attends the college football national championship game.


4:10 p.m. EST: President Trump speaks at the American Farm Bureau Federation's Annual Convention in Tennessee. Livestream: http://cs.pn/2AI4qSI

Today is National English Toffee Day.

The most incredible story I've read today:
Cleveland Browns fans celebrated the team's horrific 0-16 season with a "Perfect Season Parade 2.0." The video is laugh-out-loud funny: http://es.pn/2AGngcz

If this hasn't been enough for you, here are more photos from the parade: http://es.pn/2D8oS1T


It's not all rainbows and flat whites and unicorn Frappuccinos:
Via BuzzFeed's Delaney Strunk, there's a secret Harry Potter menu at Starbucks. How to order from it: http://bzfd.it/2CQbaCR
And to make your Monday go by faster, here are confused ducks trying to land in a frozen pond. I laughed way too hard at this. http://bit.ly/2CS7alm
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