
2018年6月27日 星期三

DAILY DOSE: With the Body

This email is dedicated in honor of the wedding of
Fruma Hurwitz
(daughter of Chabad.org authors Rabbi Yitzi and Dina Hurwitz)
to Levi Karp
12 Tammuz, 5778

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With the Body

By Tzvi Freeman

Fasting and punishing the body is not a path for our generation. Today, we must lift the body up, rather than beat it down.

Not only because most of us are too fragile to weaken our bodies any more. Not only because the faintness of hunger can interfere with your ability to do good in the world.

But principally because now has come the time to reveal the divine within our own sinews of flesh and blood.

And to do that, you must work with the body, according to its needs.

By Tzvi Freeman

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