
2018年3月6日 星期二

SearchCap: Bing JSON-LD, Google Search app & Gboard update

Featured story

Conductor will help WeWork offer 'holistic' proposition to enterprise customers


Mar 6, 2018 by Greg Sterling

It will now be able to manage customers' physical and digital presence.

From Search Engine Land
Optimize your search, Facebook and display targeting with call analytics
  Mar 6, 2018 by Digital Marketing Depot

Digital advertising is ruthlessly competitive. Your AdWords, Facebook and display ROI depends on your ability to show the right ad to the right audience for the right cost. But, while targeting audiences based on who they are is critical, marketers are leaving qualified leads and revenue on the table.

Disney theme parks now on Google Street View
  Mar 6, 2018 by Greg Sterling

Users can now virtually tour almost every inch of Disney's many theme parks.

30 questions to ask that so-called PPC 'expert' before hiring him/her
  Mar 6, 2018 by John E Lincoln

Just say no to the expert if he/she can't answer the following 30 PPC, content and remarketing questions, says contributor John Lincoln.

Google's Gboard for Android keyboard now supports 300+ languages
  Mar 6, 2018 by Barry Schwartz

Google says Gboard for Android now covers 74% of the world's population.

Inside the judging chamber: 21 tips for crafting impressive awards submissions
  Mar 6, 2018 by Search Engine Land

What the Search Engine Land Awards judges look for when reviewing and scoring entries in the annual competition to reward the most innovative and impressive search marketing campaigns.

Gabriel García Márquez Google doodle honors novelist behind the classic 'One Hundred Years of Solitude'
  Mar 6, 2018 by Amy Gesenhues

Today would have been Márquez's 91st birthday.

Google is extending Search capabilities to iMessage and other browser apps on iOS
  Mar 5, 2018 by Ginny Marvin

New extensions bring the search engine into more apps on iOS.

Bing has confirmed support for JSON-LD formatted Schema.org markup
  Mar 5, 2018 by Michelle Robbins

Though not yet available in the toolset, buildout of verification support within Bing Webmaster Tools is in progress.

From Marketing Land
Bundle your agency services to boost revenue
  Mar 6, 2018 by Digital Marketing Depot

Though the leading marketing sectors, such as technology, software and many consumer brands, have been utilizing marketing automation for years, it is still a relatively underutilized technology in many sectors. This puts agencies in a great position to pitch services in the form of a bundled offer.

Facebook unveils Trip Consideration for travel advertisers
  Mar 6, 2018 by Susan Wenograd

New optimization option aims to reach trip-takers in the early stages of consideration.

Report: Just under 400 brands ran video ads on Snapchat Discover channels in past 3 months
  Mar 6, 2018 by Amy Gesenhues

MediaRadar study shows nearly half of the video ads on Snapchat Discover channels came from media & entertainment brands.

How well do you know your customer?
  Mar 6, 2018 by Evan Magliocca

You may think you know your customer, but what is your understanding based on? Contributor Evan Magliocca lays out some of the ways brands' insights fall short.

Maximizing conversion rates
  Mar 6, 2018 by Chris Sherman

Learn how to create a structured approach to improving online conversions to significantly impact both sales and ROI.

What is GS1 SmartSearch Schema markup and why should e-commerce sites use it?
  Mar 6, 2018 by Tony Edward

Contributor Tony Edwards explains the new, more advanced schema markup for products called GS1 SmartSearch and how it helps listings gain visibility in the search results.

Get inside your customer's head: A guide to writing irresistible calls to action
  Mar 6, 2018 by Jacob Baadsgaard

Contributor Jacob Baadsgaard looks at common search motivations and different types of CTAs you can use to motivate people so they can't help but click.

Facebook gives more than 50 publishers access to 'Breaking News' label
  Mar 5, 2018 by Amy Gesenhues

The site first rolled out its "Breaking News" indicator in a test run last November that included a small number of local and national publishers.


Search Engine Land's SMX West returns to the West Coast March 13–15, 2018 in San Jose

Attend SMX West for actionable tactics to drive your SEO and SEM campaigns. If you're obsessed with SEO and SEM, don't miss this opportunity to learn from the experts. View pass options and register today!


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Marketing Day: Snapchat video ads report, Facebook’s Trip Consideration targeting tool & more

Featured story

Report: Just under 400 brands ran video ads on Snapchat Discover channels in past 3 months


Mar 6, 2018 by Amy Gesenhues

MediaRadar study shows nearly half of the video ads on Snapchat Discover channels came from media & entertainment brands.

From Marketing Land
Bundle your agency services to boost revenue
  Mar 6, 2018 by Digital Marketing Depot

Though the leading marketing sectors, such as technology, software and many consumer brands, have been utilizing marketing automation for years, it is still a relatively underutilized technology in many sectors. This puts agencies in a great position to pitch services in the form of a bundled offer.

Facebook unveils Trip Consideration for travel advertisers
  Mar 6, 2018 by Susan Wenograd

New optimization option aims to reach trip-takers in the early stages of consideration.

Report: Just under 400 brands ran video ads on Snapchat Discover channels in past 3 months
  Mar 6, 2018 by Amy Gesenhues

MediaRadar study shows nearly half of the video ads on Snapchat Discover channels came from media & entertainment brands.

How well do you know your customer?
  Mar 6, 2018 by Evan Magliocca

You may think you know your customer, but what is your understanding based on? Contributor Evan Magliocca lays out some of the ways brands' insights fall short.

Maximizing conversion rates
  Mar 6, 2018 by Chris Sherman

Learn how to create a structured approach to improving online conversions to significantly impact both sales and ROI.

What is GS1 SmartSearch Schema markup and why should e-commerce sites use it?
  Mar 6, 2018 by Tony Edward

Contributor Tony Edwards explains the new, more advanced schema markup for products called GS1 SmartSearch and how it helps listings gain visibility in the search results.

Get inside your customer's head: A guide to writing irresistible calls to action
  Mar 6, 2018 by Jacob Baadsgaard

Contributor Jacob Baadsgaard looks at common search motivations and different types of CTAs you can use to motivate people so they can't help but click.

Facebook gives more than 50 publishers access to 'Breaking News' label
  Mar 5, 2018 by Amy Gesenhues

The site first rolled out its "Breaking News" indicator in a test run last November that included a small number of local and national publishers.

Recent Headlines From MarTech Today, Our Sister Site Dedicated To Marketing Technology
Pixability offers a new self-service video ad platform
  Mar 6, 2018 by Barry Levine

The company says this is the first to enable integrated campaigns across Facebook, Instagram and YouTube.

Expect only the best at MarTech next month
  Mar 6, 2018 by Scott Brinker

MarTech® is coming to San Jose, California, next month, and we have a pretty amazing lineup of marketing experts, executives and seasoned practitioners who will show you how they use marketing technology. Join us April 23-25, and you'll learn from their real-world experiences.


For more marketing news from around the web, check out the full Marketing Day article on our site.


Search Engine Land's SMX West returns to the West Coast March 13–15, 2018 in San Jose

Attend SMX West for actionable tactics to drive your SEO and SEM campaigns. If you're obsessed with SEO and SEM, don't miss this opportunity to learn from the experts. View pass options and register today!


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This email was sent by: Marketing Land - a Third Door Media, Inc. publication with headquarters at 279 Newtown Tpke. Redding, CT 06896 USA

Overnight Energy: Dems probe EPA security contract | GAO expands inquiry into EPA advisory boards | Dems want more time to comment on drilling plan

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DEMS QUESTION EPA OVER SECURITY CONTRACT: Two Democratic senators are questioning whether the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) awarded a security contract to a company linked to EPA Administrator Scott Pruitt's chief of security, in violation of ethics rules.

In a letter sent to Pruitt on Tuesday, Sens. Sheldon Whitehouse (D-R.I.) and Tom Carper (D-Del.) say a contract awarded to Edwin Steinmetz Associates, a company owned by the vice president of technical surveillance countermeasures at Sequoia Security Group, may represent a conflict of interest.

Pruitt's head of security detail, Pasquale "Nino" Perrotta, is a principal of the same security company, according to his LinkedIn page.

"These facts raise questions about Mr. Perrotta's compliance with EPA regulations and concerns that he may have used his position at the agency to influence the award of EPA contracts to a person or company in which he has a financial interest," the two senators said in their letter.

They said Perrotta's business ties could violate a number of government ethics rules and asked the EPA to provide them with details proving that Perrotta's outside employment with his security company was in compliance with the law.

Edwin Steinmetz Associates conducted a security sweep for listening devices in Pruitt's office, as first reported by The Associated Press last year. The EPA paid the company $3,000 to sweep Pruitt's office for bugs.

Read more here.


GAO EXPANDS EPA ADVISORY BOARD INQUIRY: Congress's watchdog agency is looking into the role that political appointees at the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) played in picking new scientists and other agency advisory committee members.

In a letter that Senate Democrats made public Tuesday, a Government Accountability Office (GAO) official accepted the request last month by Sens. Tom Carper (D-Del.) and Sheldon Whitehouse (D-R.I.) to add the matter to an existing review the agency is conducting.

The GAO agreed last year to examine EPA Administrator Scott Pruitt's actions and policies regarding the agency's 22 advisory committees, which advise the EPA on matters like science, health and air quality.

Pruitt refused last year to renew the terms of many advisory committee members. He then barred anyone receiving EPA research grants for being on the committees and filled many of the empty spots with industry-friendly people.

Last month, Carper and Whitehouse published documents that showed that the EPA's career staff responsible for reviewing potential advisers had flagged some candidates for potential problems in their qualifications or conflicts of interest, but political appointees overrode the recommendations.

Read more here.


DEMS WANT MORE TIME FOR OFFSHORE DRILLING COMMENTS: A group of Senate Democrats is asking the Trump administration to extend the comment period for its controversial offshore drilling plan.

Sen. Maria Cantwell (Wash.), the top Democrat on the Energy and Natural Resources Committee, led 22 colleagues in a Monday letter to Interior Secretary Ryan Zinke seeking the extension.

Friday is the end of a two-month period in which the Interior Department is taking comments on its plan. The plan, released in January, floated drilling almost everywhere it could be legally allowed: along the entire Pacific, Atlantic and Gulf coasts, as well as all around Alaska, except Bristol Bay.

"Given the large scope of the Draft Proposed Program, we believe a 60-day extension of the deadline for comments is necessary to allow for more public hearings in coastal areas and to give the public sufficient time to submit comments on offshore drilling proposed for nearly the entire U.S. Outer Continental Shelf (OCS), encompassing over 90 percent of total OCS acreage -- the largest number of potential offshore lease sales ever proposed," the Democratic senators wrote.

Read more here.


ON TAP WEDNESDAY I: The House Natural Resources Committee will meet to vote on three bills concerning strategic minerals, Western federal land transfers and federal land in the Virgin Islands.


ON TAP WEDNESDAY II: The House Energy and Commerce Committee's environment subcommittee will hold a hearing on the future of transportation fuels and vehicles.



A California judge rejected environmentalists' attempt to slow down the hearing process for the Delta tunnels proposal, the Sacramento Bee reports.

New Mexico's highest court cleared a plan to close half of the coal-fired San Juan Generating Station, the Albuquerque Journal reports.

Thirty-six exotic animals disappeared from a Florida wildlife refuge after a fake advertisement was posted encouraging people to take them, The Guardian reports.



Consultant James Durso argues that Russia's controversial Nord Stream 2 pipeline would help U.S. energy interests.

James Stock of Columbia University's Center on Global Energy Policy says various stakeholders would benefit from reforming the renewable fuel standard.



Check out Tuesday's stories ...

-GAO to examine EPA political appointees' roles in picking advisory committee members

- Senators question whether EPA security contract is conflict of interest

-Dems ask for longer comment period on Trump's offshore drilling plan

-UN taps Bloomberg for top position on climate change


Join The Hill on Wednesday, March 21, for Leadership in Action: The Hill's Newsmaker Series featuring Sen. Lamar Alexander (R-Tenn.) and Reps. Nanette Barragán (D-Calif.), and Joe Crowley (D-N.Y.). RSVP Here


Please send tips and comments to Timothy Cama, tcama@thehill.com; and Devin Henry, dhenry@thehill.com. Follow us on Twitter: @Timothy_Cama@dhenry@thehill

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