
2018年6月20日 星期三

Our List of 20 Prophets Every Jew Should Know


By the Numbers
20 Jewish Prophets Everyone Should Know

20 Jewish Prophets Everyone Should Know

Our forebears were prophets. Later, prophets and prophetesses guided us, chided us and comforted us.

By Menachem Posner

8 Ideas for Managing Change and Upheaval in Life

8 Ideas for Managing Change and Upheaval in Life

How do I restore my equilibrium and get back some sense of security?

By Rosally Saltsman


Your Questions
Can Wine Be Holy?

Can Wine Be Holy?

I am a Muslim. In my religion, wine is forbidden. Does Judaism honestly believe that such a sensual indulgence can be considered holy?

By Aron Moss

What Makes Kosher Pickles “Kosher”?

What Makes Kosher Pickles "Kosher"?

Even if a pickle jar is marked as containing "kosher pickles," it does not necessarily mean that the pickles are actually kosher to eat.

by Yehuda Shurpin

What Is a "Tchotchke"?

What Is a "Tchotchke"?

The kids, who are the guardians of our faith, are still delighted by the simple pleasure of a tchotchke.


The Consolations of Mortality

The Consolations of Mortality

Before any of the deaths are mentioned we read about the strange ritual of the red heifer, which purified people who had been in contact with death – the archetypal source of impurity. That ritual, often deemed incomprehensible, is in fact deeply symbolic.

By Rabbi Jonathan Sacks

How I Find Meaning Within the Mystery of Judaism

How I Find Meaning Within the Mystery of Judaism

Embrace the struggle that is part of a nuanced and complex life. Be humble and stay open to the lesson.

By Hanna Perlberger

Moses Strikes the Rock: The Full Story

Moses Strikes the Rock: The Full Story

Moses striking the rock is among the most famous and enigmatic stories in the Torah.

By Shlomo Chaim Kesselman


The Lost Boy and the Secret Slip of Parchment

The Lost Boy and the Secret Slip of Parchment

"I have three very strong horses, fast as deer," he whispered. "If you're willing to pay, I'll take the innkeeper and his family to a city far from here. Tonight."

By Asharon Baltazar


Daily Life
It Took a Teen to Reconnect With My Torah Learning

It Took a Teen to Reconnect With My Torah Learning

Though she is 13 years my junior, after every one-hour learning session with her, I leave feeling reinvigorated, ready to dive deeper into Judaism and to take on more mitzvot.

By Kylie Ora Lobell

What Does Fatherhood Mean to You?

What Does Fatherhood Mean to You?

In a healthy relationship, the word father means love.

By Velvel Gurkow


How to Teach Children to Be Solution Oriented

How to Teach Children to Be Solution Oriented

When confronted with a challenge, teach your child to ask direct questions like "what can we do to solve this problem?" And "how can we get this obstacle out of our way."

By Dena Gorkin

Watch (3:17)
What Happens When You Help Others

What Happens When You Help Others

Rabbi Shlomo Riskin, rabbi of Efrat, Israel, comes to the Rebbe with a concern about one of his children and ends up with a life-lesson from the super-rational commandment of the red heifer. (1991)

By Shlomo Riskin

Watch (3:22)

Sweet & Spicy Pickled Vegetables

Sweet & Spicy Pickled Vegetables

By Miriam Szokovski


Jewish News
Demand for Books of Rebbe’s Teachings Leaves Print Houses Scrambling for Paper

Demand for Books of Rebbe's Teachings Leaves Print Houses Scrambling for Paper

The scholars at Vaad Hanachos B'Lahak complete their 62nd volume

By Dovid Margolin

Vandalized Again, Historic Jewish Cemetery in Mariupol Is Near Destruction

Vandalized Again, Historic Jewish Cemetery in Mariupol Is Near Destruction

Gravestones toppled, ground overrun with weeds and trees

By Menachem Posner

Danny Green, 46, Inspired San Diego Friendship Circle

Danny Green, 46, Inspired San Diego Friendship Circle

Born with a rare Down Syndrome-like condition, grew to model positivity and inclusion

By Musia Gurevitch


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