
2018年6月24日 星期日

Tipsheet: In Syria, Trump travel ban case is being watched closely

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In Syria, Trump travel ban case is being watched closely
By Alicia Cohn
AMMAN — The Trump administration’s travel ban and cuts to foreign aid are being keenly felt in Jordan by Syrian refugees, many of whom have been in limbo for years as they’ve sought to resettle in the United States.

The Supreme Court is expected to issue its decision on President Trump’s travel ban this week as it completes its term. The case brought by the state of Hawaii questions whether the ban was based in part on an anti-Muslim prejudice.

The decision will be closely watched not only in Washington but around the world — including in Amman, where the president of a group working with Syrian refugees describes today’s climate as a “perilous time.”
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Senate left in limbo by Trump tweets, House delays
By Alexander Bolton
Senate immigration talks are in limbo after Trump tweeted Friday that Republicans should stop wasting their time negotiating with Democrats and wait until after the election to take action.
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'Occupy ICE' protests emerge across the country
By Emily Birnbaum
Protesters are occupying Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) facilities across the country, inspired by a protest that resulted in the indefinite shutdown of an ICE detention center. 

"Occupy ICE" protesters are blocking the loading dock of ICE headquarters in New York, have set up tents in front of an ICE facility in Los Angeles and are gathered outside of a detention center in Washington state.
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Nail manufacturing exec who voted for Trump blames him for layoffs, asks Democrat for help
By Emily Birnbaum
An executive for the largest U.S. nail producer who voted for Trump said he is so dismayed by the president's trade policies that he is lobbying a Democratic senator for help.
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Trump calls Nevada Dem Senate candidate 'Wacky Jacky,' renews 'Pocahontas' jab at Warren
By John Bowden
Trump slammed the Democratic lawmaker challenging Sen. Dean Heller (R-Nev.) on Saturday, dubbing Rep. Jacky Rosen (D) "Wacky Jacky" in a fiery campaign speech. Speaking at the Nevada state GOP convention, Trump attacked Rosen for campaigning with Massachusetts Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D), whom he again called the racially charged nickname "Pocahontas."
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Sarah Sanders response to being kicked out of restaurant: Owner's actions 'say far more about her than about me'
By Avery Anapol
White House press secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders on Saturday responded to being kicked out of a Virginia restaurant after a server's post about the incident went viral.
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Restaurant owner says she asked Sarah Sanders to leave over her defense of Trump transgender military ban
By John Bowden
The owner of a Virginia restaurant who asked Sanders and her family to leave Friday night explained her actions, saying Sanders's support of Trump administration policies was at the heart of her decision.
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Ex-White House ethics chief: Sarah Sanders tweet violates ethics laws
By Morgan Gstalter
The former director of the Office of Government Ethics said on Saturday that Sanders’s decision to tweet about being kicked out of a Virginia restaurant violated ethics laws.
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Mulvaney aims to cement CFPB legacy by ensuring successor's confirmation
By Sylvan Lane
Consumer Financial Protection Bureau acting Director Mick Mulvaney is going to bat for his potential successor, and in doing so he's poised to extend his influence at the watchdog agency.
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Boston school superintendent resigns one day after lawsuit claims school system shared student immigration info with ICE
By Avery Anapol
Multiple civil rights groups had sued the Boston Public Schools on Thursday after the school district declined repeatedly to say how often they provide student information to immigration authorities. 
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There's room in America for domestic violence victims
By Nancy K. Kaufman
OPINION | Ours is an immigrant country. Our efforts to welcome the stranger have surely been wanting at times. Our policies toward refugees have even been devastating, but surely in the 21st century we can do better than turn away abused women and their children, vulnerable by virtue of their legal status for persecution in their home country. 
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Cheer the US exit from UN Human Rights Council — but demand more
By Elan Journo
OPINION | The Trump administration was right to withdraw from the U.N. Human Rights Council. But to truly uphold the principle of rights, the U.S. itself needs to take seriously the moral difference between freedom and tyranny.
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The Washington Post: Trump embraces hard-line immigration policies as linchpin of GOP’s midterm strategy
By Philip Rucker
Democrats “just want to use this issue — and I like the issue for [the] election, too,” President Trump said while stumping for Republican Sen. Dean Heller in Nevada. But the strategy could be risky, especially for vulnerable candidates in diversifying swing states, such as Heller.
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CNN: Government details how separated families will be reunited -- eventually
By Tal Kopan
The Trump administration is releasing its plan for putting back together the thousands of families it separated at the border -- but the reunions won't happen quickly.
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The New York Times: As critics assail Trump, his supporters dig in deeper
By Jeremy W. Peters
With President Trump’s approval rating at 90 percent among Republicans, his supporters say they defend him because they feel criticism of him is constantly overblown.
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The Associated Press: DOJ gives Congress new classified documents on Russia probe
By Mary Clare Jalonick
The Justice Department says it has given House Republicans new classified information related to the Russia investigation after lawmakers had threatened to hold officials in contempt of Congress or even impeach them.
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Reuters: Trump adviser Kushner criticizes Abbas, says US peace plan near: newspaper
By Stephen Farrell
Jared Kushner, U.S. President Donald Trump’s senior adviser, said Washington would likely announce its Middle East peace plan even if Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas, angered by U.S. policy so far, chose to remain on the sidelines.
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