
2018年6月17日 星期日

Tipsheet: Trump’s trusted diplomat faces daunting task with North Korea

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Trump’s trusted diplomat faces daunting task with North Korea
By Rebecca Kheel
Secretary of State Mike Pompeo is confronting a daunting task in putting meat on the bones of President Trump’s agreement with North Korean leader Kim Jong Un.

Pompeo was instrumental in putting together the historic Trump-Kim summit and worked to engineer the meeting while he was still serving as Trump’s CIA director. He has seemingly won the full confidence of his boss, who sent him to Pyongyang and entrusted that his secretary of State could pull off what could easily be Trump’s biggest success on the foreign policy stage thus far if negotiations yield results.
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Trump’s danger on North Korea? Raised expectations
By Jordan Fabian
Trump’s rhetoric has raised expectations for an ironclad nuclear deal with North Korea following his historic summit with Kim, posing diplomatic and political risks for the White House if the unpredictable country fails to follow through.

Trump even declared that North Korea no longer poses a nuclear threat, a statement contradicted by his own pick to serve as U.S. ambassador to South Korea, and a remark that experts said could be a serious mistake.
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'Art of the Deal' co-author: Trump would act like Kim Jong Un if he had the same powers
By Max Greenwood
Tony Schwartz, the author who ghostwrote Trump's famous 1987 book "The Art of the Deal," accused the president of possessing the "lack of conscience," "sociopathy" and "inner sense of emptiness" to go down the road of a dictator if he were permitted to do so.
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Pruitt’s new problem with the GOP: Ethanol
By Miranda Green
Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Administrator Scott Pruitt is facing harsh criticism from two Republican senators who say he is failing to follow through on Trump’s pro-ethanol agenda.
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Doctors group warns of health risks for migrant children separated from parents
By Luis Sanchez
Medical experts are cautioning that there are long-term health risks for migrant children who are separated from their parents, including "irreplaceable harm" to those children's lifelong development.
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Obama Homeland Security secretary: Trump immigration policy 'unsustainable'
By John Bowden
Former Homeland Security Secretary Jeh Johnson criticized the Trump administration's "zero tolerance" immigration policy on Saturday, calling the practice "unsustainable."
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Obama administration official: Separating migrant families undermines Melania Trump's 'Be Best' initiative
By Max Greenwood
Former Pentagon spokesman George Little suggested Saturday that the Trump administration's zero tolerance policy undermines first lady Melania Trump's "Be Best" initiative. The initiative, rolled out last month, promotes the well-being of children and their social, emotional and physical health. 
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Cardinal Dolan hits Sessions's use of the Bible to defend family separation: There's 'no Bible passage' that would justify it
By Avery Anapol
Cardinal Timothy Dolan fired back at Attorney General Jeff Sessions for using the Bible to defend the Trump administration’s policy of separating families at the border, which he called "unbiblical."
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Americans favor Trudeau over Trump on trade policy: poll
By John Bowden
A Global News/Ipsos poll released Saturday finds that Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau enjoys a 20-point advantage over Trump among Americans when it comes to which leader respondents think is better handling the discussions over tariffs and other trade issues.
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Des Moines Register front page warns Iowa could lose up to $624M from Chinese tariffs
By John Bowden
The newspaper, which reaches more than 140,000 Iowans in the state Trump won by just under 10 points, declares on its front page that the cost of Trump's moves to punish China for intellectual property theft would begin to "add up" for Iowa farmers, according to a copy obtained by the Newseum.
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Trump’s right, China and the G-7 countries do have higher tariffs
By Merrill Matthews
OPINION | If Trump is serious about getting other countries to lower their trade barriers against the U.S., he should be highlighting the World Trade Organization's assessments. That puts facts in front of the public, not just accusations.
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Trump must resist temptation to pardon Manafort for real crimes
By Jonathan Turley
OPINION | The pardon power is not a ShamWow for presidents to clean up scandals. True, the Constitution gives a president total discretion in the granting of pardons and commutations. However, it was not designed, and should not be used, to protect figures like Trump campaign chairman Paul Manafort or Trump personal attorney Michael Cohen.
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The New York Times: Trump’s path to enforcing separation of migrant families
By Julie Hirschfeld Davis and Michael D. Shear
Inside the Trump administration, there is unease about the practice, but immigration hard-liners like Stephen Miller never gave up on it after the idea was dropped early in President Trump’s term.
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The Washington Post: Fierce and personal allegiance to Trump has helped Scott Pruitt keep his job
By Josh Dawsey, Juliet Eilperin and Brady Dennis
Amid a bevy of transgressions, the embattled EPA administrator has ingratiated himself personally to President Trump, extolling his abilities and strongly backing his policies. He dines often at the White House Mess, which offers him the chance to wander the West Wing. Sometimes, he tells people to let the president know he is in the building.
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Reuters: Trump's consumer watchdog pick draws criticism from left and right
By Jeff Mason and Michelle Price
The White House said on Saturday that President Donald Trump will pick Kathy Kraninger, an Office of Management and Budget (OMB) official, to head the U.S. consumer watchdog, drawing criticism from consumer advocates and dividing conservatives.
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CNN: Giuliani calls for an end to the 'possibility of a ridiculous impeachment' of Trump
By Veronica Stracqualursi
Rudy Giuliani told voters at a campaign rally in New York on Saturday that they have to put an end to the "possibility of a ridiculous impeachment" of President Donald Trump.
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The Associated Press: Arizona Republicans brush off talk about McCain Senate seat
By Melissa Daniels
Sen. John McCain’s legacy was thrust into focus nearly one year ago when he announced his brain cancer diagnosis. The six-term Senator and decorated Vietnam War veteran is now fighting the illness from his beloved Arizona, and filling the role of one of the few Congressional Republican voices to publicly rebuke Trump administration decisions.
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