
2018年10月3日 星期三

13 Super Polite Yiddish Words You Want to Know


Your Questions
Where Is the Garden of Eden?

Where Is the Garden of Eden?

Where Is the Garden of Eden located? Learn the literal as well as esoteric answer to this age-old question.

by Yehuda Shurpin

Missing Kaddish and Yahrzeit

Missing Kaddish and Yahrzeit

I love my dad very much and I want to pay him the proper respect. Am I allowed to travel to the show if I know that I possibly won't find a minyan there to say kaddish on his yahrtzeit?

By Menachem Mendel Wineberg


By the Numbers
13 Super Polite Yiddish Words You Want to Know

13 Super Polite Yiddish Words You Want to Know

Yiddish is a beautiful language, replete with compliments, terms of endearment, and gentle wisdom. Here are our top 13 Yiddish words to use when you want to be nice.


Meet the Rabbi Who Donated a Kidney to a Total Stranger

Meet the Rabbi Who Donated a Kidney to a Total Stranger

Rabbi Nosson Blumes shares the story of how he ended up volunteering to donate a kidney to a women he had never met.

Watch (8:38)
The Small Luminary

The Small Luminary

The book of Genesis relates that on the fourth day of creation G-d created the two luminaries; the great luminary, the sun, to shine by day, and the small luminary, the moon, to shine by night.


The Power of Feminine Beauty—And How to Protect It

The Power of Feminine Beauty—And How to Protect It

G‑d created Adam and Eve unclothed, and they walked around the Garden of Eden . . . naked. If public nudity was fine with G‑d, why does the Torah tell us to be modest, to cover up, to subdue our natural allure? What changed?

By Rochel Holzkenner

Where Are You Is a Very Good Question

Where Are You Is a Very Good Question

"Why" questions are often less of a genuine inquiry into the truth of the matter and more like veiled accusations and criticism.

By Hanna Perlberger


Jewish News
Chabad Comes to the West Village

Chabad Comes to the West Village

Center will serve an evolving mix of longstanding residents, business people and young families

By Menachem Posner

Sensory-Sensitive Sukkah Celebration a New Kind of Inclusion in Wisconsin

Sensory-Sensitive Sukkah Celebration a New Kind of Inclusion in Wisconsin

Friendship Circle provides special headphones and the dancing goes on

By Howard Blas

Preschool in Brooklyn Heights Park Provides First Jewish Contact

Preschool in Brooklyn Heights Park Provides First Jewish Contact

Program sends kids home with a weekly taste of their heritage

By Karen Schwartz


The Obstinate Rabbi

The Obstinate Rabbi

The Rabbi sighed. "You don't know what a difficult time I've been having with the stubborn people here. Ever since I got back, they've been under the delusion that Shabbat is a day later, and I can't seem to convince them"

By Yerachmiel Tilles


Art: Jewish Blessing on the Home

Art: Jewish Blessing on the Home

By Lesley Friedmann


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