
2018年10月17日 星期三

The Hill's 12:30 Report: Trump says US requesting audio, video on missing journalist | How Saudi crisis could divide Trump, GOP | Takeaways from Cruz, O'Rourke debate | Mueller reportedly ready to deliver two key findings after midterms | Trump tells AP he won't take blame for elections | Later blasts AP headline as 'fake news' | First lady's plane lands safely after 'mechanical problem' | National Pasta Day deals

The Hill 12:30 Report
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Why Trump has been humming "Wake Me Up When [November] Ends":


--> http://bit.ly/2pZNCUd


Via Bloomberg's Chris Strohm, Greg Farrell and Shannon Pettypiece, special counsel Robert Mueller is wrapping up two key components of the investigation into Russian interference in the 2016 presidential election. https://bloom.bg/2PyPoGN


Which two parts of the probe are almost done: "Whether there were clear incidents of collusion between Russia and Donald Trump's 2016 campaign, and whether the president took any actions that constitute obstruction of justice"


When Mueller is expected to release his findings: Soon after the November midterm elections. 


Does that mean we will be able to read his findings?: Not necessarily. Mueller will give the findings to Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein, who will then decide what information is given to Congress and what is released to the public.


Why Mueller's timing is so critical: "Trump has signaled he may replace Attorney General Jeff Sessions after the election, a move that could bring in a new boss for Mueller. Rosenstein also might resign or be fired by Trump after the election."


Read the full Bloomberg report: https://bloom.bg/2PyPoGN


It's Wednesday. I'm Cate Martel with a quick recap of the morning and what's coming up. Send comments, story ideas and events for our radar to cmartel@thehill.com, @CateMartel and on Facebook.


New development — Trump is requesting audio and video evidence:

President Trump just told reporters that the U.S. has requested the audio and video from Turkey that reportedly shows that journalist Jamal Khashoggi was killed in the Saudi Consulate in Istanbul, Turkey. What the audio allegedly proves: The New York Times citing a Turkish official has reported that Khashoggi’s fingers were severed before he was beheaded and his body was dismembered. http://bit.ly/2ykzmKo


Stuck between your party and a hard place:

Via The Hill's Alexander Bolton and Jordain Carney, the disappearance of journalist Jamal Khashoggi is driving a wedge between President Trump and congressional Republicans. Why: Republicans want strong punitive action against Saudi Arabia if the country is found responsible for killing Khashoggi, while Trump has said he finds Saudi Arabia's denial believable. How this could play out: http://bit.ly/2CQ3W2i  


Op-ed: http://bit.ly/2J2sCVq


It's a he said/they said situation:

In a 40-minute interview with The Associated Press's Catherine Lucey, Jonathan Lemire and Zeke MillerPresident Trump said he won't take the blame if Republicans lose the House in November. Why: Trump argues his endorsements and campaigning have helped the party. http://bit.ly/2P2y8Nk


Trump lashed out at The Associated Press, calling the midterms headline "very different from my quote and meaning in the story." He then added: "They just can't help themselves. FAKE NEWS!" http://bit.ly/2QYcPKc


On whether Saudi Arabia was responsible for missing journalist Jamal Khashoggi's disappearance: "Well, I think we have to find out what happened first. Here we go again with, you know, you're guilty until proven innocent. I don't like that. We just went through that with Justice [Brett] Kavanaugh. And he was innocent all the way."


On whether calling Stormy Daniels "Horseface" was inappropriate: Trump said, "You can take it any way you want."


On Attorney General Jeff Sessions (his bff): "I could fire him whenever I want to fire him, but I haven't said that I was going to."


On climate change: "But what I'm not willing to do is sacrifice the economic well-being of our country for something that nobody really knows ... I have a natural instinct for science, and I will say that you have scientists on both sides of the picture."


On Paul Manafort: Trump said he hasn't even considered pardoning his former campaign chairman. 


On his next meeting with North Korean leader Kim Jong Un: Trump said it will likely happen next month somewhere out of the U.S. 


Read the full interview -- there are a lot of good nuggets: http://bit.ly/2P2y8Nk


Melania's plane was forced to turn around:

The plane carrying first lady Melania Trump returned to Andrews Air Force Base this morning because of a mechanical issue that led to smoke in the aircraft. https://cnn.it/2RWYvCM


Who else was on board: Health and Human Services Secretary Alex Azar


Livestream of the plane at Andrews: http://bit.ly/2RW86tK


Video of Melania Trump deplaning: http://bit.ly/2Et22pN


These debates are giving me PTSD for 2020 debates -- that's PRE-traumatic stress disorder:

Via The Hill's Lisa Hagen in San Antonio, "Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Texas) and Rep. Beto O'Rourke (D-Texas) clashed in a heated second debate on a cold and bitter night in San Antonio, less than three weeks out from the midterm elections." http://bit.ly/2P3vsyY

  1. O'Rourke went on offense
  2. Cruz was on defense over the GOP tax law
  3. Cruz got the upper hand in the health-care exchange
  4. Immigration is still the biggest wedge issue
  5. Candidates made their final pitch

Context and details for each: http://bit.ly/2P3vsyY


The Onion is giving me life these days:


Interesting tidbit: "Since the 2016 presidential election, over 25 million people have registered to vote for the first time or have used a registration form to update their address, name, or party affiliation. (Tweet from NBC's Jesse Rodriguezhttp://bit.ly/2J6gbbq


Interesting read -- tornadoes are forming more in the north and west and scientists don't know why:

Via The Associated Press, "Over the past few decades tornadoes have been shifting -- decreasing in Oklahoma, Texas and Kansas but spinning up more in states along the Mississippi River and farther east, a new study shows. Scientists aren't quite certain why." Which states with increasing tornado activity: "Mississippi, Arkansas, Tennessee, Louisiana, Alabama, Kentucky, Missouri, Illinois, Indiana, Wisconsin, Iowa and parts of Ohio and Michigan" https://nbcnews.to/2CQ0EvY  


Why Tucker Carlson is getting creative with his dinner recipes:

Fox News host Tucker Carlson said that he can't dine at restaurants anymore because people always yell at him. In Carlson's words: "I can't really go to a lot of restaurants anymore because I get yelled at ... I can't wait for this revolution to end, so I can go back out to dinner." Except one unnamed restaurant: "I go there because I love it and nobody hassles me." http://bit.ly/2yuicdp


Lol -- not everyone is enjoying Chrissy Teigen's cookbook:


Here's the recipe if you're curious: http://bit.ly/2NMFSOC


The House and Senate are out.


11 a.m. EDT: President Trump met with workers to discuss "Cutting the Red Tape, Unleashing Economic Freedom."


11:30 a.m. EDT: President Trump held a Cabinet meeting.


5 p.m. EDT: Vice President Pence campaigns for Georgia Republican gubernatorial candidate Brian Kemp


4 p.m. EDT: President Trump presents the Medal of Honor in the East Room of the White House.  Livestream: http://bit.ly/2pVgwES


3 p.m. EDT Thursday: Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services Administrator Seema Verma speaks at a Brookings Institution event. Details and livestream: https://brook.gs/2CQHCpd


Today is National Pasta Day! Here's where to get free pasta today to celebrate: http://bit.ly/2OvHjpV


Just add a few deconstructed appetizers and hipsters are going to love this:

A historic plane has traveled 300 miles to become a hotel bar at JFK airport in New York City. Video of the plane traveling on the highway: http://bit.ly/2EBeFzs


This feels like an appropriately sized lunch:

A restaurant in Seattle is serving 13-pound bowls of pho. Video: http://bit.ly/2yJknc6


And to leave you on a good note, here's an amazing video of inspirational quotes from The Office's Michael Scott. http://bit.ly/2P2J0L8


My favorite: "Would I rather be feared or loved? Um, easy, both. I want people to be afraid of how much they love me."

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