
2019年1月25日 星期五

DAILY DOSE: Deeply Humbled


Deeply Humbled

By Tzvi Freeman

Look deeply within each person you encounter, no matter how simple, how crude or ugly you judge this person to be.

Beyond their clothes, beyond their skin, beyond their behavior, beyond their words.

Beyond the emotions they show, the personality in which they dress, past the glee they pretend in being who they are.

Look deeply and see the vicious war each one fights inside, the battle to remain human in a maddening world—a world you could never know, for no two of us live in the same world and no two of us come with the same challenges—

—the sickness at knowing one's own failures and deficiencies, the yearning to be more, the disappointment at not being that, the struggle to fight every sorrow, every pain, every plummeting, disastrous trauma of life…

True, perhaps not all fight every battle. Some have long surrendered.

But the very fact that this person was assigned such a battle tells us more than can be spoken, for the One who created him knows he has the power to win.

That alone is enough to admire, and to be humbled, asking yourself, "Do I fight a battle nearly as fierce as the one I expect this person to win? In what way am I any better?"

Tanya, Chapter 30.

By Tzvi Freeman

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