
2019年1月29日 星期二

The Hill's 12:30 Report: Stone pleads not guilty to Mueller charges | How lawmakers want to end shutdowns for good | Some Dems floating AOC primary challenge | Ocasio-Cortez fires back | Trump as White House tour guide | Flake rules out 2020 run | Polar vortex slams Midwest | DC braces for snow storm, frigid temps | McDonald's giving out free bacon for one hour

The Hill 12:30 Report

All I can think of when I see Roger Stone's entrance is Trump's 2016 announcement


--> https://abcn.ws/2S8Q3nb


President Trump's longtime informal adviser Roger Stone just pleaded not guilty in D.C. federal court today after being indicted on seven charges in special counsel Robert Mueller's investigation. http://bit.ly/2MEGRlc


The charges: Lying to Congress about his WikiLeaks interactions, obstructing an official proceeding and witness tampering.


Yikes -- it was a madhouse outside the courthouse: "Protesters and reporters swarmed the street around the black SUV picking him up (he didn't talk), a couple guys waved Russian flags, and there was music. It was a *scene*" Video -- this is pretty crazy: http://bit.ly/2FX8tBB


Photos of Stone leaving the courthouse: "Stone was mobbed outside the courthouses but slid into a black SUV without making any statements." (Via The Hill's Lydia WheelerPhotos — wow: http://bit.ly/2SfC2E7




It's been an eerie Tuesday morning in D.C. right before a frigid cold and winter storm hits. I'm Cate Martel with a quick recap of the morning and what's coming up. Send comments, story ideas and events for our radar to cmartel@thehill.com -- and follow along on Twitter @CateMartel and  Facebook.


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This is not what I signed up for. This is not what I signed up for.:

Snow and arctic temperatures are expected in the Washington, D.C., area starting this afternoon. The federal government and some schools are closing early today because of an expected messy evening commute. 


Live updates of the storm for the D.C. area: https://wapo.st/2SdGkMe


When federal employees in D.C. can leave work today: The Office of Personnel Management announced that D.C. area employees can leave two hours early today. https://wapo.st/2DHN8K3


Updated list of school closings: Via Fox 5 DC: http://bit.ly/2BaqtV4


Photo of snow forming in Maryland: http://bit.ly/2TlZnBg


Potentially record-breaking cold: "Nearly 90 million people will experience temperatures at or below zero degrees this week from the Midwest to New England, according to the National Weather Service, and 25 million of those will face temperatures below minus-20." https://wapo.st/2sVrKec


Omg: Wind chills in the Dakotas and northern Minnesota hit minus 50 this morning! https://wapo.st/2sVrKec


Fun fact: Here's a map of the coldest temperatures ever recorded in each state: https://wxch.nl/2FWNrDa


I'm on a beach. A warm, sunny beach.


What would a holiday season even look like without a shutdown threat...?

You mean we could book our Christmas flights ... early?:

Via The Hill's Cristina Marcos, after the longest shutdown in U.S. history with an estimated $3 billion in permanent losses, lawmakers in both parties have introduced bills to automatically fund the government if Congress can't make the deadline. I.e.: No more shutdowns, ever. http://bit.ly/2MIK976


Getting traction -- the AOC welcoming committee:

Via The Hill's Scott Wong, "Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-N.Y.) has infuriated colleagues by aligning with a progressive outside group that's threatening to primary entrenched Democrats. Now some of those lawmakers are turning the tables on her and are discussing recruiting a primary challenger to run against the social media sensation." http://bit.ly/2RTo6jG


Reaction from a Democratic lawmaker, who told The Hill: "What I have recommended to the New York delegation is that you find her a primary opponent and make her a one-term congressperson. You've got numerous council people and state legislators who've been waiting 20 years for that seat. I'm sure they can find numerous people who want that seat in that district." http://bit.ly/2RTo6jG


Reaction from AOC -- she referred to the quote above ^: "That broken mentality, that public office is something you wait in line for, instead of earning through hard organizing, is exactly what voters want to change. Shows you how disconnected some folks here are." http://bit.ly/2UrBys1


Good point — context from Luke Russert: "If this were to actually happen, AOC would set a fundraising record for a primary. She could go on the air for 6 months in the massively expensive NYC media market and still have money left over to canvass. She should fundraise off it today." http://bit.ly/2FWCcun


The odd couple:

Via The Hill's Alexander Bolton, "Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) has emerged as the senior partner in her relationship with Senate Democratic Leader Charles Schumer (N.Y.), and he appears happy to defer to her in the interest of maximizing their shared power." How this power dynamic will be testing for Trump: http://bit.ly/2FVAKsi


Where do I sign up for that tour?:

The Washington Post's Josh Dawsey obtained excerpts of a new book from former White House aide Cliff Simshttps://wapo.st/2HyMYZk


Donald Trump, tour guide: President Trump loves giving tours in the White House. "Trump relishes giving tours to acquaintances and strangers by the hundreds, bragging all the while about improving it while he lives there. ... With new chandeliers and imported artwork added during his tenure, showing guests around the White House is among his favorite activities." 


On former President Clinton and Monica Lewinsky: "I'm told this is where Bill and Monica..." Trump reportedly told a TV anchor on a tour in 2017. Others say Trump made similar comments: "Laughing and making facial expressions. The subject often leads to lengthy, sometimes crass conversations, aides said." 


On the Lincoln bedroom: "When the president finishes dinners with members of Congress, he often raises the same question. 'You want to see the Lincoln Bedroom?' he asks, before beckoning lawmakers up the stairs. He often remarks how tall President Lincoln was and how short the bed is during these visits, before noting the nearby Lincoln desk and the Bill of Rights, guests said." 


Read the preview and excerpts: https://wapo.st/2HyMYZk


The book on Amazon: https://amzn.to/2G9LxhU

2020 NEWS

Jeff Flaked out (rimshot):

Former Sen. Jeff Flake (R-Ariz.) announced this morning that he will not run for president in 2020. http://bit.ly/2B5ayaj


Flake said on "CBS This Morning": "I have always said that I do hope that there is a Republican who challenges the president in the primary. I still hope that somebody does, but that somebody won't be me. I will not be a candidate."


Instead: Flake said he's joining CBS News as a contributor.


Watch the announcement: http://bit.ly/2TmrujK


She's running:

Rapper Cardi B is making her Des Moines, Iowa, debut in May. Details -- ahem journalists and staffers who may be in Iowa: http://bit.ly/2UlBJow


Lol: "Before you ask, Cardi B will not be eligible to run for president until 2028." (Via The Washington Post's Dave Weigelhttp://bit.ly/2Wvc1zM


Yikes for everyone, but yiiiikes for Chicago and Minneapolis:


Give those poor people a color!


Sen. Thom Tillis (R-N.C.), you have a very cute assistant:


The House and Senate are in.


President Trump has no public events on his calendar.


2 p.m. EST: First and last votes in the House.


3:45 p.m. EST: Vice President Pence meets with Carlos Alfredo Vecchio, the Chargé d'Affaires of Venezuela. 


Today -- tomorrow: Top officials from the U.S. and China will discuss trade during meetings in Washington, D.C. Details: http://bit.ly/2MEu42j Op-ed: http://bit.ly/2HCEyA9


Feb. 5: President Trump will give his State of the Union address in the House Chamber. Keep in mind: The address was scheduled for today but was pushed because of the government shutdown. Details: https://cnn.it/2RTazso


Just announced -- Feb. 8: President Trump's former personal attorney Michael Cohen has agreed to testify before the House Intelligence Committee behind closed doors. Details: http://bit.ly/2G8lFmi


This morning: A Senate Intelligence Committee hearing on threats to the United States. Testifying: CIA Director Gina Haspel, National Intelligence Director Dan Coats and FBI Director Christopher WrayLivestream: https://cs.pn/2sWbCZT


Wednesday morning: Former Starbucks CEO Howard Schultz, who is considering running as an independent presidential candidate in 2020, will appear on MSNBC's "Morning Joe." http://bit.ly/2RoZcn3


Today is National Corn Chip Day.


ALERT -- Free bacon at McDonald's today -- ALERT, THIS IS NOT A DRILL:

McDonald's is offering free bacon from 4 to 5 p.m. today to celebrate bacon's arrival to its nationwide menu. http://bit.ly/2Baesiq


Bacon entrees that will be available at McDonald's starting tomorrow: Cheesy Bacon Fries, the Big Mac Bacon burger and the Quarter Pounder Bacon burger. Photos: http://bit.ly/2Baesiq


And because you made it to the end, here are two bunnies posing for their next album cover: http://bit.ly/2Rp6sPV

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