
2018年3月28日 星期三

Important Passover Request

By the Grace of G-d
12 Nissan, 5778 • March 28, 2018

Dear Friend,

Real quick:

What do hundreds in the Cook Islands, Guernsey, Mozambique, Palau and United Arab Emirates, have in common this week?


They were empowered with information, inspiration, community and much more on Chabad.org, joining another 1.6 million unique individuals who were similarly affected during the past seven days alone!

Child or scholar, poor or wealthy, seeker, dabbler, or advanced questioner, Chabad.org serves each one, individually, 24 hours a day.

With G-d's help, during the pre-Passover (Pesach) season so far your charitable dollars have helped place Jews of all stripes at seders from Kodiac to Kochi; sold chametz for college kids in Grenada and businessmen in Bahrain; and responded to email queries from Afghanistan to Zambia.

The Rebbe, Rabbi Menachem M. Schneerson, of righteous memory, taught our generation to work selflessly to ensure that "No Jew is ever lost to the Jewish people." In time for Passover the Rebbe would urge that every Jew search for the "Fifth Son" — the Jew who does not even know that Passover exists — and bring him and her to our seder table

The Rebbe further advocated that every human being devote personal time and effort to the cause of ethical and moral education throughout our society. In fact, to promote these efforts, yesterday – the 116th anniversary of the Rebbe's birth – was pronounced "Education Day, USA" nationally and by each of the 50 states, to highlight society's responsibility to focus on Education. (See more about this below.)


It is for this reason that we keep expanding and deepening the content of Chabad.org. Check out the site, you'll find hundreds of new features for people of all ages — from tots to grandparents — and for all levels of knowledge and scholarship. Every day brings something new.

But we know that our job has only barely begun. As the Rebbe taught, we dare not rest until every child is given a proper education, including every Jewish child a Jewish education.

Which, of course, takes serious financial commitment.

So we turn to you today to ask:

Please help us meet this challenge! Please open up your heart wide to bring life-affirming services to the countless thousands whom you may never meet but whose destiny is ours collectively to share.

Please join our Passover campaign. Donate today.

Remember: Every dollar you contribute today is an investment in your own future, and in the future of our brethren worldwide!

Please take a few moments to contribute online here:


You can also contribute via PayPal or E-check. Checks can be mailed to:
Chabad.ORG • 770 Eastern Parkway • Room 405 • Brooklyn, NY 11213

And please remember Chabad.org in your will.

And please be sure to tell your friends and acquaintances to check out the amazing Passover offerings at Passover.org!  (If you have not yet sold your chametz this year, you can still do so by clicking here.)

With blessings for a truly liberating and enjoyable Passover — a Happy and Kosher Passover to you and all yours!


The Chabad.org Team

Please join our Passover campaign. Donate today.

P.S. Here are some important links about Education Day and about the impending Passover holiday:

