
2018年3月25日 星期日

Tipsheet: Seven most memorable moments from 'March for Our Lives'

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Seven most memorable moments from 'March for Our Lives'
By Max Greenwood
The "March for Our Lives" rallies that took place in cities across the country on Saturday underscored the momentum of a political movement that emerged following a deadly mass shooting at a Parkland, Fla., high school last month.

The marches featured students delivering impassioned calls for Congress to pass stricter gun control measures, and drew hundreds of thousands of people to the streets of large cities and small towns alike.

In Washington, the epicenter of the protests, students from Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School, where the Feb. 14 shooting took place, sought to galvanize support for the movement they started more than a month ago.
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Lawmakers spotted at 'March for Our Lives' rallies across US
By Max Greenwood
Democratic lawmakers turned out in force on Saturday as hundreds of thousands of protesters gathered in cities across the country to call for an end to gun violence.
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Thousands register to vote during 'March for Our Lives'
By Brooke Seipel
At least 4,000 people registered to vote on Saturday at "March for Our Lives" protests across the United States, according to organizers of a registration drive.
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The Memo: Unbound Trump breaks from restraints
By Niall Stanage
After a tumultuous week, President Trump has exiled several voices of restraint from his administration, added more hawkish supporters to his team and shown an ever-greater reliance on his own gut instincts.
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Five things to know about new Trump adviser John Bolton
By Ellen Mitchell
Former U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations (U.N.) John Bolton, President Trump’s new national security adviser pick, will enter the White House next month carrying a host of views revered by some and feared by others.
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Trump tweets solidarity with France after extremist attack
By John Bowden
President Trump on Saturday tweeted support for France and the country's president, Emmanuel Macron, after a terrorist attack in Trèbes on Friday in which four people were killed and others injured.
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Republican Pa. congressman won't seek reelection
By Josh Delk
Pennsylvania Republican Rep. Ryan Costello will reportedly not seek reelection to his district in 2018 as he faces a difficult midterm race in a district with a growing Democratic voter base.
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Companies pull ads from Facebook after Cambridge Analytica controversy
By Luis Sanchez
Several companies have suspended their advertisements on Facebook after it was revealed that the data firm Cambridge Analytica improperly used the Facebook data of tens of millions of people.
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In China, Apple’s Tim Cook calls on Trump to embrace free trade
By John Bowden
Apple CEO Tim Cook espoused the virtues of free trade and bashed tariffs at an economic forum in China on Saturday, amid growing fears of a potential trade war between the U.S. and China.
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Landmarks go dark for 'Earth Hour'
By Max Greenwood
Landmark buildings around the world went dark on Saturday in an international effort to draw attention to climate change.
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The key job for Republicans is maintaining grip on Congress
By Michael Stopa
OPINION | With President Trump’s approval ratings hovering in the 40 percent range and the generic congressional ballot polls favoring the Democrats by six points or more, many Republicans at both the national and the local levels are pondering their strategies to avoid a wave election in midterms this year and maintain legislative control of Congress.
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Illinois election shows Democrats can win by embracing the center
By Douglas Schoen
OPINION | Last week’s primary election results in Illinois reinforced the opportunity that Democrats have in 2018.
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The Washington Post: How Trumpism has come to define the Republican Party
By Ashley Parker
Using legislation and unilateral actions, the president seems to have overtaken his party’s previously understood values, from a willingness to flout free-trade principles and fiscal austerity to a seeming abdication of America’s role as a global voice for democratic values. “I would argue that Trump is more a reflection of where the voters are today,” said a former campaign adviser.
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CNN: Trump's midterms rallying cry: 'I need allies'
By Veronica Stracqualursi
Fresh off a staggering loss for Republicans in Pennsylvania's deep-red 18th district, President Donald Trump has a message to supporters: "I need allies."
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The New York Times: ‘America First’ bears a new threat: Military confrontation
By David E. Sanger and Gardiner Harris
Not since the immediate aftermath of Sept. 11, 2001, have key national security leaders so publicly raised the threat of armed confrontation if foreign adversaries do not meet America’s demands.
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The Associated Press: Why Trump’s latest steps heighten risk of a global trade war
By Paul Wiseman
President Ronald Reagan once likened trade wars to the pie fights in old Hollywood comedies. One pie in the face leads to another. And then another.
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BBC: Cambridge Analytica-linked firm 'boasted of poll interference'
By BBC staff
The company that became Cambridge Analytica boasted about interfering in foreign elections, according to documents seen by the BBC.
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