
2018年3月28日 星期三

Tipsheet: GOP donors fret about Dem wave

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GOP donors fret about Dem wave
By Jonathan Easley
The nation’s top conservative donors and fundraisers are increasingly alarmed by the prospect of a midterm election wave that could cost Republicans control of the House.

But the party’s deep-pocketed donors aren’t ready to abandon their efforts to keep the House in GOP hands — not yet at least. 
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Hillary foe turns heads with Trump talk
By Katie Bo Williams
It’s getting harder to figure out whose side Rep. Trey Gowdy is on. 

A fierce Hillary Clinton critic who led the deeply polarizing investigation into the 2012 terrorist attacks on the U.S. diplomatic compound in Benghazi, Libya, the South Carolina Republican has more recently tweaked President Trump publicly over the federal investigation into his campaign, exhorting him, “When you are innocent, act like it.”
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Centrist lawmakers eye growing power in 2019
By Melanie Zanona
Moderate lawmakers in both parties believe their influence will rise after the midterm elections no matter which party takes control of the House.
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Trump pushes for added powers in spending fights
By Naomi Jagoda
President Trump’s call for a line-item veto of spending bills is the latest example of his frustration with the rules of Washington.
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The Memo: Trump legal-team turmoil poses perils
By Niall Stanage
The disarray in President Trump’s personal legal team has serious implications as he faces off against special counsel Robert Mueller at a critical juncture in the Russia investigation, experts say. 
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Dems to party: Go on offense with Trump’s alleged affairs
By Amie Parnes
Democrats say their party should seize on President Trump’s alleged affairs with adult film star Stormy Daniels and Playboy model Karen McDougal to highlight flaws in the president’s character and credibility.  
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Trump: ‘The Second Amendment will never be repealed’
By Kyle Balluck
President Trump in a tweet early Wednesday said the Second Amendment will never be repealed, despite a former Supreme Court justice's words, and called for more Republicans to be elected in this year’s midterm elections.
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GOP ponders how to fill rest of 2018
By Alexander Bolton
Republican leaders are mulling what to do for the rest of the year after passing a $1.3 trillion omnibus spending package. 
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White House 'not probing whether Jared Kushner violated the law'
By Jordan Fabian
The White House on Tuesday downplayed reports it is investigating more than $500 million in loans made last year to presidential son-in-law and senior adviser Jared Kushner’s family real estate firm.
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Blue states sue Trump over census citizenship question
By Reid Wilson
Democratic attorneys general in several states said Tuesday they would bring legal action to stop the Trump administration from adding a question on citizenship to the next U.S. census, a question they said would lead to serious undercounts that could reverberate for years to come.
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Bolton’s fiery style reduces risk of war and promotes the Iranian people’s desire for change
By Ivan Sascha Sheehan
OPINION | President Trump’s appointment of former U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations John Bolton as his new national security advisor faces resistance in some quarters. 
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We didn’t send Trump to DC to pass a bill 'Jeb' would have happily signed
By Ned Ryun
OPINION | President Trump’s signing of last week’s $1.3 trillion omnibus bill was “business as usual” in Washington, typical of the one-party ruling class of Republicans and Democrats
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The Washington Post: Md. case provides Supreme Court an opening to draw line on gerrymandering
By Robert Barnes
A high court challenge to be heard Wednesday on Maryland’s Democratic-led congressional redistricting, along with the yet-to-be-decided lawsuit that was heard last fall on a Republican remapping effort in Wisconsin, could signal that justices are on the brink of a historic change in the way elections are conducted in the United States.
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CNN: Supreme Court prepares for right turn
By Joan Biskupic 
As the White House and Congress descend deeper into turmoil, the US Supreme Court is showing signs of becoming as politically fractured as the rest of Washington.

It may likewise be shifting more to the right.
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The Associated Press: Trump suggests paying for US border wall with Pentagon funds
By Jill Colvin
Still angry about the budget deal he signed last week, President Donald Trump has floated the idea of using the Pentagon budget to pay for his long-promised border wall with Mexico, despite the fact that such spending would likely require approval from Congress.
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The New York Times: North Korea is firing up a reactor. That may upset Trump-Kim talks.
By K.K. Rebecca Lai, William J. Broad and David E. Sanger
As President Trump plans to meet Kim Jong-un, satellite evidence suggests that North Korea is expanding the complex that makes fuel for its nuclear weapons.
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Reuters: On China trade clash, Wall Street embraces Trump's poker face
By Noel Randewich
To Wall Street money managers who make bets for a living, U.S. President Donald Trump’s aggressive stance against China on trade looks like a high-stakes poker hand - but they believe they can play it for all it’s worth.
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