
2018年10月9日 星期二

The Hill's 12:30 Report — Presented by Citi — Haley resigns as UN ambassador | Says she'll campaign for Trump in 2020 | Kavanaugh hears first oral argument as justice | Protesters outside court | Collins becomes new Dem target | Kanye West coming to the White House | Hurricane Michael strengthens

The Hill 12:30 Report
Presented by Citi | View in Browser

And another one bites the dust:



Nikki Haley just announced that she will resign at the end of the year as U.S. ambassador to the United Nations. http://bit.ly/2yqMTix


Why she's leaving -- she didn't really say: "Haley sheds little light on reason for leaving now and announcing before midterms. 'There's no personal reason,' adding that 'sometimes it's good' to rotate new people into positions." http://bit.ly/2y9WT0f


Keep in mind about Haley: "Haley, a former South Carolina governor and rising Republican star, was a forceful voice in pushing Trump's agenda at the U.N. but has also been unafraid to break with the president at key moments." http://bit.ly/2yqMTix


Trump said during the announcement: "She's done a fantastic job and we've done a fantastic job together."


Trump on whether Haley will return: "In announcing her resignation at year's end, Trump says he hopes Nikki Haley will come back to his administration in another capacity. 'You can have your pick,' he says. http://bit.ly/2yrbhRj


On serving as U.N. ambassador: "It has been an honor of a lifetime ... I am such a lucky girl." http://bit.ly/2C5nHSk


On 2020: Haley says, "No. I am not running in 2020." 


Hey, Jared, hey: Haley said about the president's son-in-law Jared Kushner
"Jared is such a hidden genius that no one understands." http://bit.ly/2Cy6IZH


Important context from political scientist Ian Bremmer: "Stunned to see Nikki Haley resignation. Easily one of the most capable and successful appointees in the Administration." http://bit.ly/2OhaGw8


Earlier this morning: The president previewed the announcement by tweeting, "Big announcement with my friend Ambassador Nikki Haley in the Oval Office at 10:30am." http://bit.ly/2ypQDAS


It's Tuesday -- welcome back to anyone who had yesterday off. I'm Cate Martel with a quick recap of the morning and what's coming up. Send comments, story ideas and events for our radar to cmartel@thehill.com@CateMartel and on Facebook.



Kavanaugh's first day on the Supreme Court:

Justice Brett Kavanaugh will hear his first arguments on the Supreme Court today. His first two cases: The first case involves whether a state robbery charge should be considered a "violent" offense under federal law. The second involves how the same law deals with burglary. Details of his first two cases: https://abcn.ws/2OLkxd8


Video of protesters outside the Supreme Court: http://bit.ly/2RCMUc6


Women dressed as handmaids to protest: Here's a photo: http://bit.ly/2OgDhBE


Getting traction: A woman posted an interesting Twitter thread that has been getting traction. It starts: "A quick reminder for men: Common events for you can turn into really scary situations for women in a snap. Case in point: This week I listed a clothes dryer on the Letgo app. Because it was a dryer, a neutral meeting location was impractical. I needed it taken out of my house." Read the rest of the story: http://bit.ly/2A0nEWw




Sen. Susan Collins (R-Maine) http://bit.ly/2IJXoCf


Yeezy in the (White) House:

Rapper Kanye West is having lunch with President Trump on Thursday. What they will be discussing: From White House press secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders: Topics will include "manufacturing resurgence in America, prison reform, how to prevent gang violence, and what can be done to reduce violence in Chicago."  


A big shout-out to all Michaels reading this -- I'm sure you're hearing so many 'clever' Hurricane Michael jokes :)

Hurricane Michael is expected to hit the Florida Panhandle on Wednesday afternoon. https://wxch.nl/2QFqvJW


The storm's strength: Hurricane Michael is currently a Category 2, but is expected to hit Florida as a Category 3. 


Where else to expect heavy rain: Georgia and the Carolinas. https://wxch.nl/2OdsmZv


Here's a good storm tracker: https://cnn.it/2pHnnl4


Take that, China:

Via The Hill's Morgan Chalfant, "the Trump administration is pushing forward with an aggressive and public effort to condemn China for a wide series of transgressions, a strategy that risks intensifying an already high-stakes standoff with Beijing." How so: http://bit.ly/2Nw86NB


To the security footage!:

Adult-film star Stormy Daniels said she ran into President Trump's former lawyer Michael Cohen at LaGuardia airport over the weekend. Daniels described the encounter: "I was with my bodyguards and my tour manager and stuff and we were like, 'Hi,' and he was like, 'Hey, guys!' And turned around and smiled at us. It was very strange." How Daniels said Cohen looked: She said he looked "happy and healthy," like he "had a weight off his shoulders." Watch Daniels describe the encounter: http://bit.ly/2E9XaG4


Keep in mind: Stormy Daniels is suing Michael Cohen. 





Watch: http://bit.ly/2OgZBuW



The Senate will meet later today. The House is out.


Today: The last day to register to vote in 15 states. List of the 15 states: http://bit.ly/2y90vjj


11:30 a.m. EDT: President Trump received an intelligence briefing.


12:15 p.m. EDT: Vice President Pence campaigns for Rep. Troy Balderson (R-Ohio).


12:30 p.m. EDT: President Trump has lunch with Secretary of State Mike Pompeo.


3 p.m. EDT: The Senate meets. The Senate's full schedule today: http://bit.ly/2CwKTdb


3:25 p.m. EDT: President Trump leaves for Council Bluffs, Iowa.


4 p.m. EDT: Vice President Pence meets with Nadia Murad, who received the 2018 Nobel Peace Prize.


5:30 p.m. EDT: The Senate holds a procedural vote. 


6 p.m. EDT: Vice President Pence campaigns for congressional candidate Carol Miller.


6 p.m. ET: The RAND Corporation is holding an event on the future of U.S.-Russia relations. Details: http://bit.ly/2OMyAPt Op-ed: http://bit.ly/2OLw24b


11:35 p.m. EDT: President Trump gets back to the White House.


Oct. 17: The Stanley Cup will be on Capitol Hill. http://bit.ly/2pLmckG


7:30 p.m. EDT: President Trump holds a campaign rally in Council Bluffs, Iowa. Livestream: https://cs.pn/2yr77c9


This morning, Trump tweeted: "Will be going to Iowa tonight for Rally, and more! The Farmers (and all) are very happy with USMCA!" Btw: USMCA stands for the "United States–Mexico–Canada Agreement." http://bit.ly/2Odu1yd


Today is National Moldy Cheese Day.


Trending -- this baby could have given Ashlee Simpson a few pointers...:

A father had a lip sync battle with his toddler daughter. Watch -- she's a natural!: http://bit.ly/2EcdRR9


Remember when Ashlee Simpson performed "Pieces of Me" on "Saturday Night Live" in 2004 and had the infamous lip-syncing fail? Watch -- it's so painful. I can't even make it through the whole video: http://bit.ly/2Of9PMF


I won't knock it till I try it:

Pickle pizza is now a thing. Video: http://bit.ly/2yahuSm


And because you made it to the end, here's a pug puppy who is extremely focused on getting a treat: http://bit.ly/2OPEijy

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