
2019年1月24日 星期四

DAILY DOSE: Inner Voice


Inner Voice

By Tzvi Freeman

There is an outer world and there is an inner world. As deep as you penetrate, as high as you reach, there is always something breathing inside.

The outer world is made of things. Breathing inside the things are words.

Words are the outside. Inside the words are stories.

The story is the outside. Inside the story is a thought.

Thoughts are the outside. Inside the thoughts is a great light.

At the origin of all light is the beginning that cannot be known.

The outside we can touch and come to know.
The inside—we must wait and be still, so that it may speak to us.

As it did at Sinai. As it does whenever we learn Torah with all our heart and soul.

Maamar Gal Enai 5737.

By Tzvi Freeman

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