
2018年3月15日 星期四

2 Things you need to do before Passover

Passover is the holiday in which we eat matzah and refrain from eating or possessing any chametz (leavened). In the weeks preceding the holiday, we clean our homes and rid them of all chametz.

Dear Friend,

Passover is right around the corner (March 30 - April 7, 2018). As you prepare for this joyous holiday here is a reminder about two special mitzvahs to do before the holiday.

First, let's sell!

As you know, Passover is the holiday in which we eat matzah and refrain from eating or possessing any chametz (leavened). In the weeks preceding the holiday, we clean our homes and rid them of all chametz. If, however, we still own any chametz—whether food products or dishes —that we'd like to use after Passover, we may designate a rabbi to sell it all for us to someone not Jewish so that we do not own it for the duration of Passover. After Passover the rabbi acquires it back for us.

Most local rabbis offer this service to their communities, and it's best to contact your local rabbi to make this sale.

If you cannot do it locally, Chabad.org is pleased to provide this chametz sale service free of charge. Click here to read more about the sale of chametz and to sell yours online today!

Sell Your Chametz

But don't just sell; buy something good, too!

Passover is the holiday of matzah, and it is recommended to use handmade shmurah matzah, especially for the Seder night. Not only do many enjoy the special taste, but using these matzahs helps us fulfill the mitzvah in the best possible manner.

Handmade shmura matzahs are now sold at many supermarkets, and are often available for purchase at synagogues and at Chabad centers around the world. Make sure to include handmade shmurah matzah at your seder table and share this sacred tradition with your friends and family.

In case you cannot find shmurah matzah locally, here are several links where you can order shmurah matzah online.

Get Shmura Matzah
We wish you a kosher and happy Passover!
Your friends at Chabad.org

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