
2018年3月8日 星期四

The Hill's 12:30 Report: White House turmoil worries GOP | Trump hints at tariff announcement today | Trump says Cohn could return | Dems say Uranium One informant gave 'no evidence' of wrongdoing by Clintons | Trump to meet with video game execs | Lewandowski back before House Intel | 'Which Trump ex-staffer are you?' quiz

The Hill 12:30 Report
Happening today -- It feels like just yesterday these Russia interviews started...:
Former Trump campaign manager Corey Lewandowski. / Credit: Getty
Former Trump campaign manager Corey Lewandowski is scheduled to appear for his second interview before the House Intelligence Committee today. Why this is big: Some view this interview as perhaps *the last* witness testimony in the beleaguered panel's yearlong investigation into Russian interference in the 2016 presidential election. http://bit.ly/2Fyjo47

Trump: Give me the scoop, the deets, the 411:
Via The New York Times's Michael S. Schmidt and Maggie HabermanPresident Trump has asked at least two witnesses who were interviewed by special counsel Robert Mueller to describe the meetings. Why this is important: "The episodes demonstrate that even as the special counsel investigation appears to be intensifying, the president has ignored his lawyers' advice to avoid doing anything publicly or privately that could create the appearance of interfering with it." http://nyti.ms/2FrzusK

It's Thursday. I'm Cate Martel with a quick recap of the morning and what's coming up. Send comments, story ideas and events for our radar to cmartel@thehill.com@CateMartel and on Facebook.

To view the 12:30 Report online --> http://bit.ly/2Fp7c6c


Cabinet meetings are always newsy these days:
President Trump just held a cabinet meeting in the White House. http://bit.ly/2FpklMQ

Here are some of the highlights:

On Gary Cohn: "He may be a globalist but I still like him.  He is seriously a globalist, there's no question. But in his own way, he is a nationalist because he loves our country."

^^ On Cohn -- Trump then added: "He's going to go out and make another couple hundred million, and then he's maybe going to come back.  I have a feeling you'll be back."

On the tariffs: "We're going to be very fair, we're going to be very flexible, but we're going to protect the American worker, as I said I would do in my campaign." http://bit.ly/2oURrdj

On bump stocks: " 'Bump stocks are going to be gone.' Says the paperwork for banning them is almost finished." http://bit.ly/2G6uTxr

On federal gun legislation: " 'Background checks, making them tougher, it's not easy,' Trump referring to federal legislation on guns post Parkland." http://bit.ly/2Dbl0vc

On space: "'Rich guys, they love rocket ships.' -President Trump on private space exploration." http://bit.ly/2oQNDK4 "Said at the cabinet pool spray, seated behind a table with model rockets on it." http://bit.ly/2tun81y

Watch: http://bit.ly/2oZlbox


Uranium whaaaaa?:
A confidential informant billed by House Republicans as having "explosive" information about the 2010 Uranium One deal approved during Hillary Clinton's tenure as secretary of State provided "no evidence of a quid pro quo" involving Clinton, Democratic staff said in a summary of the informant's closed-door testimony released Thursday. Full story: http://bit.ly/2oVX8Xs

Two SWAT officers suspended over response to Parkland, Fla., shooting:
Via The Florida Sun-Sentinel, two SWAT team members from a Florida police department have been suspended from duty over their decision to respond without permission to the shooting at a high school that killed 17 students and faculty last month. Full story: http://bit.ly/2FnnMDO

Latest with the Stormy saga:
Yesterday, the White House denied that President Trump had an affair with adult-film actress Stormy Daniels, who is aggressively pursuing legal avenues to free herself from a contract that prohibits her from talking about their alleged relationship. From White House press secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders: "The president has addressed these directly and made very well clear that none of these allegations are true." http://bit.ly/2FF7a9E
Via CNN's Jim AcostaPresident Trump is "very unhappy" with White House press secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders for her handling of questions about allegations of an affairs with Stormy Daniels after Sanders acknowledged the legal dispute over a nondisclosure agreement. How so: "The source tells CNN 'Sarah gave the Stormy Daniels story line steroids yesterday.' " http://bit.ly/2Hi21BK

I think the administration could use a #MAGA Spa Weekend:
Via The Hill's Jordan Fabian and Jonathan EasleyPresident Trump says he thrives on conflict, but the turmoil engulfing the White House has GOP lawmakers more concerned than ever about the direction of his administration. In just the past month: Trump has lost three of his closest advisers and lashed out at others on the ropes, including his attorney general and national security adviser. http://bit.ly/2Hi51hD

Yikes, this headline:
Via The Associated Press, "The Georgia Center for Missing and Exploited Children says 39 missing girls match the description of a body found in the Yellow River last weekend." According to the autopsy: "The findings describe the girl as possibly black or biracial, between 12 and 17 years old and with no tattoos or identifying marks. The center says there are 125 missing children in Georgia, and 39 of them match that description." http://ti.me/2Debqbe

Local TV anchors, blink twice if you need help:



The House was in this morning. The Senate is in.

10:15 a.m. EST: First and last votes in the House. Their schedule today: http://bit.ly/2jYhqPv

11:30 a.m. EST: President Trump holds a Cabinet meeting.

12:50 p.m. EST: Vice President Pence has lunch with Interior Secretary Ryan Zinke.

2 p.m. EST: President Trump hosts a roundtable with lawmakers and video game industry leaders about violence following the Florida school shooting. Details: http://bit.ly/2Da4M5L

Keep in mind: Per the White House pool reporter, there is still no livestream for this event, but it will likely air on the cable networks.

3:30 p.m. EST (??): President Trump hinted in a tweet that he would take actions to impose steep tariffs on steel and aluminum. He tweeted: "Looking forward to 3:30 P.M. meeting today at the White House," Trump wrote. "We have to protect & build our Steel and Aluminum Industries." Keep in mind: The event isn't listed on his public schedule. http://bit.ly/2FkKuw9

Tidbit on whether the announcement will happen: The Washington Post's Josh Dawsey tweeted, "There could be a tariff announcement today. Or there could not be. No one knows. Senior officials don't know. The president will do what he wants. Anything you tweet could be inoperable within an hour. Let's all have a nice day."

Today: First lady Melania Trump is scheduled to present the 2018 International Women of Courage Award. http://bit.ly/2HjAdNr

Today: International Women's Day.

Curious what that means?: Vox explains the origins of International Women's Day. http://bit.ly/2DbSOZb

Op-ed: Former first lady of France Cécilia Attias argues for "a realistic roadmap to increase women leaders in the corporate world." http://bit.ly/2FkEFiu 


2:30 p.m. EST: State Department spokeswoman Heather Nauert and Global Aids Coordinator Ambassador Deborah Birx hold a press briefing. Livestream: http://cs.pn/2FrDzgA


Today is National Peanut Cluster Day.


Getting traction -- you're looking at Steve Bannon over here!:
BuzzFeed published a "Which Ex–Trump Administration Official Are You?" quiz. Apparently, I'm a Steve Bannon. It's pretty great. Take the quiz -- and let me know who you got: http://bzfd.it/2Iat1UW

A link I keep seeing referenced in the Washington, D.C., area:
Washingtonian's Mimi Montgomery writes "Why It's Hard for Conservatives to Date in DC Right Now: Fewer people are hooking up across party lines, and Republicans say it's because Democrats are too quick to dismiss their dating-app profiles." http://bit.ly/2If1oKr

And because you made it this far, here's a little boy's incredible reaction to finding out he's getting a new baby sister. Keep in mind: He already has THREE sisters. http://bit.ly/2oYSU1n

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