
2018年3月13日 星期二

Tipsheet: GOP seeks to stave off big Dem upset

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GOP seeks to stave off big Dem upset
By Ben Kamisar
CANONSBURG, Pa. — Republicans are rushing to avoid a crushing defeat on Tuesday in Pennsylvania, where a Democrat looks poised to win an upset special election victory deep in Trump country six months before the midterm elections.

President Trump’s son, Donald Trump Jr., traveled to the district Monday in an attempt to boost Republican House candidate Rick Saccone, while Democrat Conor Lamb spent the last days before the election rallying the union workers who are seen as key to his victory.
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House Dems see chance for big gains in Pennsylvania
By Scott Wong and Mike Lillis
New congressional district lines combined with retirements and political turmoil in the Trump era have Democrats hoping to make sizable gains in a lopsided delegation that now includes five Democrats and 13 Republicans.
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House GOP ending Russia probe, says no collusion found
By Olivia Beavers and Katie Bo Williams
The House Intelligence Committee is shutting down its contentious investigation into Russian interference in the 2016 presidential election, the top Republican leading the probe announced on Monday.
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Conservatives press for action on FBI bias
By Katie Bo Williams and Olivia Beavers
The probe, derided by Democrats as an effort to discredit special counsel Robert Mueller, has been hotly sought by conservative members.
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White House insists Trump has not 'chickened out' on NRA
By Jonathan Easley
White House press secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders said Trump “hasn’t backed away” from his support for expanding background checks or raising the age limit on gun purchases, although neither was addressed in a plan the administration rolled out Sunday night.
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Trump blocks Broadcom deal over national security concerns
By Harper Neidig
President Trump on Monday blocked what would have been the biggest tech deal in history.
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British spy drama echoes through Washington
By Niall Stanage
The reverberations of an attempted murder of a Russian double agent in Britain are reaching American shores, sharpening questions yet again about President Trump’s relationship with Russian President Vladimir Putin.
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Dem unity shatters with debate on banks
By Alexander Bolton
The Senate Democratic Conference is splitting apart in an angry debate over a banking reform bill that has ended months of party unity in opposition to President Trump’s agenda.
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Vulnerable Republican embraces Trump in NY
By Melanie Zanona
While insisting that she is not tied to the president, the freshman lawmaker at times sounds like a mini-Trump.
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Utah GOP wrestles with party purity
By Reid Wilson
At issue is whether candidates seeking Republican nominations can gather signatures to appear on the primary ballot or whether they must compete in a caucus-convention process that allows hundreds of party activists to choose a nominee.
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America faces growing number of complex national security crises
By Michael Dempsey
OPINION | I was asked at a conference recently what is one takeaway I have from my experience working on national security issues for the past three decades.
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Do Republicans think record federal spending is what voters elected them to enact?
By Rachel Bovard
OPINION | Republicans are crafting an omnibus spending bill that, if reports are true, will be worse than any spending bill passed under President Obama.
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The New York Times: Bowing to NRA, Trump abandons gun control promise
By Michael D. Shear and Sheryl Gay Stolberg
After a made-for-television moment in which he appeared to embrace expansive gun control, President Trump completed his walk-back on Monday.
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The Associated Press: Trump’s strong words on guns give way to political reality
By Catherine Lucey and Jonathan Lemire
Not two weeks ago, President Donald Trump wagged his finger at a Republican senator and scolded him for being “afraid of the NRA,” declaring that he would stand up to the powerful gun lobby and finally get results on quelling gun violence following last month’s Florida school shooting.
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Reuters: With immigration on his mind, Trump heads to California
By Steve Holland
President Donald Trump will bring a tough message on illegal immigration to California on Tuesday, taking aim at “sanctuary cities” in his first visit in office to the heavily Democratic state that has served as a base of resistance to many of his policies.
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The Washington Post: ‘This visit is a political stunt:’ Trump’s California trip draws criticism from state leaders
By John Wagner
While the move is being enthusiastically welcomed by Trump’s supporters, it is expected to draw protests on both sides of the border.
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The Wall Street Journal: Democrats’ path to a November majority has hurdles
By Gerald F. Seib
Strong economic news and polling on GOP tax cut could impede the blue wave.
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