
2018年3月12日 星期一

Tipsheet: Moment of truth for Trump in Pennsylvania

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Moment of truth for Trump in Pennsylvania
By Niall Stanage
President Trump and the GOP are playing for high stakes in Tuesday's special election in Pennsylvania.

A loss in a district Trump carried by 20 points in 2016 would amplify Republican anxiety about November's midterm elections and sharpen questions about the damage the president's low approval ratings are doing to the party.
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White House unveils proposals to 'harden' schools in wake of Fla. shooting
By Brett Samuels
The Trump administration on Sunday unveiled a series of proposals on school safety and gun restrictions in the wake of the recent shooting in Florida, including a push for states to provide firearms training for school staff members.
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Parkland survivor: Trump 'owned' by NRA just like other politicians
By Jacqueline Thomsen
Parkland, Fla., shooting survivor David Hogg criticized President Trump after the White House unveiled new gun proposals on Sunday, saying that Trump walking back his calls for certain gun measures shows that “he’s owned” by the National Rifle Association (NRA) just like other politicians.
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This week: House turns to school safety after Florida shooting
By Jordain Carney
House lawmakers are preparing to take Congress’s first legislative step on measures responding to last month’s shooting in Parkland, Fla., which reignited the nation’s debate over gun control.
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GOP has sold its soul on Russia
By Juan Williams
OPINION | Sam Nunberg, the former Trump campaign aide, made news last week when he dared Special Counsel Robert Mueller to arrest him for refusing to testify before a grand jury.
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It's not the economy, stupid....yet
By Judd Gregg
OPINION | Bill Clinton's 1992 presidential campaign made famous the saying “It’s the economy, stupid.”
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Tariff fight tests Trump, GOP
By Jordain Carney and Melanie Zanona
President Trump's decision to slap steep tariffs on steel and aluminum imports is fraying his relationship with congressional Republicans.
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Trump tariffs create uncertainty for Pentagon
By Ellen Mitchell
Military officials are still grappling with President Trump’s new tariffs on steel and aluminum, uncertain as to how they might affect the Defense Department.
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Possible North Korea summit raises anxiety in Washington
By Mallory Shelbourne
A potential North Korea summit that could feature the first face to face meeting between President Trump and Kim Jong Un is raising the anxiety level in Washington, D.C.
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Trump lawyers want to stop '60 Minutes' from airing Stormy Daniels interview: report
By Julia Manchester
President Trump's lawyers are looking at options to stop CBS's "60 Minutes" from airing an interview with adult-film star Stormy Daniels, who allegedly had an affair with Trump in 2006, according to BuzzFeed News.
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For press and public, big risks lurk behind 'opposition research'
By Sharyl Attkisson
OPINION | It’s like a political game of “Who’s on First?” (If you’re too young to know, that’s a reference to an old Abbott and Costello comedy routine.)
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To defend against hostile nations, America needs fierce cyberpower
By Michael Hayden
OPINION | The “Russia story” is big news here in Washington, rightly consuming a lot of the oxygen around town, but there are also some important subtexts at work in the Russia plot line. Like, what should be the ground rules for any future confrontation in the cyber domain?
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The New York Times: As Trump seeks one nuclear deal, he could kill another
By David E. Sanger
Iran and North Korea will be paying close attention to President Trump’s decisions regarding each nation’s nuclear ambitions in the coming months.
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The Wall Street Journal: Talks on trade set as allies push back
By Emre Peker and William Mauldin 
American and European officials are planning new talks this week as U.S. allies seek ways to avoid steel and aluminum tariffs and China signaled it is poised to retaliate.
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Reuters: Trump to visit Boeing plant in Missouri to tout impact of tax overhaul
By David Shepardson
U.S. President Donald Trump will visit a Boeing Co plant in St. Louis on Wednesday to tout the impact of the tax overhaul bill signed into law in December, a White House official said on Sunday.
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The Washington Post: ‘Still his little girl’: Ivanka Trump tries to strike balance as president’s daughter and adviser
By Ashley Parker and Philip Rucker
Ivanka Trump likes to be in complete control — in contrast to her freewheeling father — but at this moment of turmoil in the West Wing, she controls increasingly little. She has faced challenges shifting from an executive running her own business to a West Wing staffer carrying the public messages of an administration with which she does not always agree.
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The Associated Press: Lots of talk, little action on curbing health care costs
By Alan Fram
It started as a bipartisan attempt to curb soaring health care premiums.
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