
2018年3月7日 星期三

What's the Jewish View on Abortion?


Your Questions
What Is the Jewish View on Abortion?

What Is the Jewish View on Abortion?

The question of abortion is perhaps one of the most sensitive and charged topics in the political sphere.

by Yehuda Shurpin

Does Judaism Believe in Unicorns?

Does Judaism Believe in Unicorns?

Does Judaism believe in unicorns? I once heard that the Torah says they really do exist!

By Aron Moss

What Does “Treif” Mean?

What Does "Treif" Mean?

A Yiddish word with a violent Hebrew past.


The Answer to the Mother of All Questions

The Answer to the Mother of All Questions

The Torah devotes one chapter to its account of the creation of the universe, three chapters to its description of the revelation at Mount Sinai, and eleven chapters to the story of the Exodus. In contrast, no less than thirteen chapters are devoted to the making of the Mishkan.

Based on the teachings of the Lubavitcher Rebbe

Your Piece of the World

Your Piece of the World

No one can transform the corner of the world reserved just for you.

By Sara Blau

The High Priest’s Breastplate (Choshen)

The High Priest's Breastplate (Choshen)

The breastplate was a garment worn by the high priest while serving in the Holy Temple.

By Yehudah Altein


Why Now Is the Time for a Moment of Silence in Our Schools

Why Now Is the Time for a Moment of Silence in Our Schools

What could be more valuable to a young mind than respite from the noise?

By Tzvi Freeman

New Course: Soul Talk - The Sience of Being

New Course: Soul Talk - The Sience of Being

How much do you know about the soul and its inner workings? Have you ever wondered about the big questions: why are we here? What's the purpose of evil in the world? Join us as we delve into the paradoxes and mysteries of the human condition - and glean answers to some of our most essential questions. Based on the teaching of R' Shneur Zalman of Liadi in his seminal chassidic text, 'The Tanya', this course will introduce you to the Jewish understanding of the soul... and what it means to have one in the 21st century.

By Yehuda Refson

Watch (8:22)

The Red Heifer Lives On

The Red Heifer Lives On

Fundamentally, the commandment of the red heifer – sprinkling its ashes upon the impure to purify them, is most unusual. One of its laws, however, expresses an important and powerful lesson. When the ashes of a new red heifer are prepared, the ashes of the new cow are mixed with the old ones. This was done with all the red heifers – from the first red heifer of Moses to the heifer to be prepared by Moshiach in the near future.

Watch (6:31)
How to Lift a Heavy Beam

How to Lift a Heavy Beam

Something Spiritual on Parshat Pekudei

By Yehuda Stern

Watch (1:41)

Jewish News
 From Bahrain to Puerto Rico, Online School Offers Jewish Lifeline for Kids

From Bahrain to Puerto Rico, Online School Offers Jewish Lifeline for Kids

Easing feelings of isolation for families around the globe.

By Tzipora Reitman

At SXSW, Hundreds to Find a Shabbat Oasis

At SXSW, Hundreds to Find a Shabbat Oasis

TechTribe events to bring Jewish spirituality and networking to festival that begins March 9.

By Phreddy Wischusen

This Rabbi’s Picture Is Worth 10,000 Mitzvahs

This Rabbi's Picture Is Worth 10,000 Mitzvahs

Rabbi Yitzi Hurwitz receives a unique gift for his 46th birthday.

By Menachem Posner


Why the Rabbi’s Wife Is Off-Limits (and Will Stay That Way)

Why the Rabbi's Wife Is Off-Limits (and Will Stay That Way)

Did you know that there are no outright jokes about a rebbetzin? Are rebbetzins taboo?

By Dena Schusterman

I Got Engaged in 10 Days: Here's How

I Got Engaged in 10 Days: Here's How

All my deeply ingrained fears and doubts smirked at the glorious opportunity to rule over my mind in a moment of weakness.

By Chava Hinsey


Vegan Butternut Squash Pot Sticker Dumplings

Vegan Butternut Squash Pot Sticker Dumplings

By Miriam Szokovski

Art: Spiritual Flow

Art: Spiritual Flow

By Fabian Lijtmaer


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