
2017年12月17日 星期日

Tipsheet: GOP chairman worried by Trump's stance on Russian interference

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GOP chairman worried by Trump's stance on Russian interference
By Scott Wong
The chairman of the House Homeland Security Committee says he is worried that President Trump has not issued an “outright condemnation” of Russia for meddling in the 2016 election.

Rep. Michael McCaul (R-Texas), who was widely viewed as a contender for Trump’s secretary of Homeland Security, told The Hill in a sit-down interview that he has told the administration the president needs to “more forcefully” stand up to Moscow. 
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Republicans at state level fret over GOP tax overhaul
By Reid Wilson
While Congress races to pass a massive tax overhaul by the end of the year, Republicans in state capitals across the country find themselves in a bind as they plan their own state budget requirements.
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FCC vote won't end net neutrality fight
By Harper Neidig
The Federal Communications Commission (FCC) vote to repeal net neutrality won’t end the fight over the regulation.
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Kihuen won't seek reelection amid sexual harassment allegations
By Julia Manchester
Rep. Ruben Kihuen (D-Nev.) announced on Saturday that he would not seek reelection amid sexual misconduct allegations against him.
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Special counsel has thousands of Trump transition emails
By Max Greenwood
Special counsel Robert Mueller's team of investigators is reportedly in possession of tens of thousands of emails from the Trump transition team.
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Trump lawyer says Mueller obtained transition emails illegally
By John Bowden
A lawyer for President Trump's transition team said Saturday that Robert Mueller's special counsel office obtained tens of thousands of emails from the Trump transition organization illegally.
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Democrat: Rumor is Trump could fire Mueller before Christmas
By Josh Delk
Rep. Jackie Speier (D-Calif.) said Friday that "rumors" on Capitol Hill suggest President Trump could fire special counsel Robert Mueller before Christmas, after Congress leaves Washington for the winter recess.
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Words banned at CDC were also banned at other HHS agencies
By Brooke Seipel
Multiple agencies in the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) have reportedly been told by the Trump administration that they cannot use certain phrases in official documents.  
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Pentagon acknowledges program to investigate UFO encounters
By Max Greenwood
The Pentagon has acknowledged for the first time the existence of a program charged with investigating unidentified flying objects.
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5 stories Omarosa might tell after leaving the White House
By Julia Manchester
Omarosa Manigault Newman's dramatic departure from the White House this week is fueling speculation about what stories she might share after leaving the administration.
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Republican elite — not Trump's base — lost the Alabama race
By Frank Cannon
OPINION |The rise of Roy Moore — and Donald Trump before him — was not an accident, but rather a predictable consequence of the GOP’s inability to follow through on campaign promises for decades.
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Tax reform will allow America to invest in workers and grow the economy
By Dan Eberhart
OPINION | America’s tax code is overly complicated, confusing, and, at more than 74,000 pages long, a burden on working American taxpayers. For decades, politicians have talked about fixing our broken tax system, but little ever happened.
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The Washington Post: Trump is not on the 2018 ballot, but White House plans full-on campaign for GOP candidates
By Josh Dawsey and Michael Scherer
The president’s aides have met with 116 political hopefuls in recent months, senior White House officials said. The president has told advisers he wants to travel extensively and hold rallies. The strategy carries risks for a historically unpopular commander in chief and could help drive angry Democrats to the polls.
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The Associated Press: For GOP, tax bill’s most visible win may be averting failure
By Alan Fram
Despite the sheer size and society-spanning impact of the $1.5 trillion tax overhaul, the quickest and most potent political victory that Republicans would savor by pushing the bill through Congress next week may be what it averts: another big GOP legislative crash in the age of Trump.
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Reuters: Trump defends tax plan as 'great Christmas gifts' to middle class
By Valerie Volcovici
President Trump on Saturday defended a Republican tax-cut plan against Democratic charges that it favors the rich, saying it will be “one of the great Christmas gifts” for the middle class with just days to go before Congress votes.
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The New York Times: Homeowners have it good. Too good, says the tax bill.
By Conor Dougherty 
The tax code has long offered rewards for buying rather than renting, an equation that has troubled some economists — and that the Republican bill upends. 
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The Arizona Republic: President Donald Trump calls Cindy McCain with 'best wishes' for Sen. John McCain's health
By Dan Nowicki
President Donald Trump telephoned Cindy McCain, the wife of ailing Sen. John McCain, to extend "best wishes" and see how her husband was doing, the Associated Press reported Saturday. 
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