
2017年12月20日 星期三

The Hill's 12:30 Report: Happening now - Final tax vote in the House | Trump, Republicans plan victory lap at White House | House GOP ditches funding plan amid infighting | Lawmakers punt on DACA fix | The Hill Interview - McConnell sees 2017 as great year for GOP | NBC floats 'The Office' revival

The Hill 12:30 Report
Almost ready to send to the 'Sugar King'! http://bit.ly/2iBkwtY
Just face-swap a few Congressional Republicans and this is exactly how I imagine this afternoon’s Republican tax-cut celebration going down. Credit: Twitter / @realdonaldtrump
The House is about to re-vote on the Republican tax plan after a few technical changes were made to the bill in the Senate. Should Republicans be nervous?: Nah, House Republicans easily passed it 227-203 yesterday and we're not expecting a different outcome on this re-vote. Late last night: The Senate passed the tax-cut bill 51-48 along party lines. What's next: The passed bill goes to President Trump's desk to be signed. I.e. --> http://bit.ly/2kQHbzT

Livestream of the debate in the House right now: http://cs.pn/2BI1siQ

What's next -- 3 p.m. EST: Congressional Republicans celebrate at the White House. 

Tidbit from the Senate floor: Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin was on the Senate floor during last night's vote. Several GOP senators went up to talk with him and shake his hand.

Oh...: Rep. Sean Duffy (R-Wis.) this morning said that he has not read "every word" of the House tax bill. When asked if he read the bill: "So I have read -- I can't say every word -- I've read wide swaths of it and summaries on others," Duffy said. http://bit.ly/2CKFafR

Lol, OK Rosie: Rosie O'Donnell offered to give GOP senators $2 million each in exchange for voting against the tax bill. "Today in Rosie O'Donnell totally-illegal-to-make-such-an-offer news..." (Tweet from The Hill's Joe Concha) http://bit.ly/2CJntxh

USA Today's Herb Jackson breaks down when each tax change would take effect. The gist: Not much will change on the 2017 taxes you file in April, but you might not have to wait until April 2019 to get a tax break. Keep in mind about your paycheck: "The IRS has said new tables could be available as early as February, meaning people could see their take-home pay increase before the winter ends." https://usat.ly/2BI0sM1
Via The Wall Street Journal's Peter Nicholas, Richard Rubin and Siobhan Hughes, "Over rounds of golf at President Donald Trump's club in northern Virginia in October, Sen. Lindsey Graham offered a warning: If the tax plan fails, the Republicans are 'dead' as a party ... the message stuck. ... Congressional leaders set weekly deadlines and hit nearly all of them in a seven-week rush from introducing a bill to finishing it. They kept Mr. Trump and his aides involved, but at a distance." Full story on how this went down: http://bit.ly/2kPoOuZ

Ryan: 'Now get me a bottle of your finest Trump SP Reserve!' http://bit.ly/2ksIiWQ:
Notice that Speaker Paul Ryan (R-Wis.) gets so excited, the gavel actually falls off the lectern. Watch --> http://bit.ly/2kQnYhJ
What Ryan's gavel should be replaced with --> http://bit.ly/2kOhmjZ ;)

It's Wednesday -- Christmas is in five days! I'm Cate Martel with a quick recap of the morning and what's coming up. Send comments, story ideas and events for our radar to cmartel@thehill.com@CateMartel and on Facebook.

To view the 12:30 Report online --> http://bit.ly/2z4GGHv


'Stop playing games with me,' said the chicken:
House Republican leaders have ditched their current government funding plan with less than 72 hours to go until the government shuts down. The original plan: It would fund the government through Jan. 19, but fund defense spending for a full year, and it would include funding for the Children's Health Insurance Program and disaster aid. Why they ditched it: Some conservatives didn't like that it didn't offset costs through spending cuts. And the defense boost was dead on arrival with the Senate. The new strategy: ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ http://bit.ly/2kNeAvc

Was it? *looks to the left* Was it, now? *looks to the right* We're talking about 2017?:
In an interview The Hill's Alexander Bolton, Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) is hailing 2017 as a year of major Republican accomplishments, dismissing the unpopularity of the Republican tax bill as the influence of "left of center" press coverage. His reasoning: "If you look at 12 circuit judges, a new Supreme Court justice, the regulatory relief and now comprehensive tax reform for the first time in three decades, by any objective standard it's been one heck of a good year for us," McConnell said. Full interview: http://bit.ly/2DdON7I

DACA -- That's a tomorrow problem: 
Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) said Congress will not pass a fix for the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals program this year despite demands from Democrats and outside groups. That's for 2018: "No, we'll not be doing DACA this week. That's a matter to be discussed next year. The president has given us until March to address that issue. We have plenty of time to do that." http://bit.ly/2kquKeM
Sen. Jeff Flake (R-Ariz.) just said that he has secured a promise from Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) to bring up a legislative fix for DACA next month. http://bit.ly/2B5IIc9

Just another Wednesday...:

The House and Senate are in.

11:30 a.m. EST: President Trump held a Cabinet meeting.

3 p.m. EST: Congressional leaders celebrate their tax-cut victory at the White House.

Op-ed: Former Democratic Rep. Steve Israel (N.Y.) has an op-ed on the GOP tax plan and why it's risky. http://bit.ly/2kshcPA

6 p.m. EST: Last votes in the House.

8 a.m. EST Thursday: Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) and Sen. Mark Warner (D-Va.) speak at an Axios event.


4 p.m. EST: The House Rules Committee takes up an extension to the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act. Livestream: http://cs.pn/2Bmh5jc

Today is National Sangria Day!

I'm on Season 7 right now, so if they could prepare this revival before I finish, that would be great ;) 
Via The Hollywood Reporter's Lesley Goldberg, NBC is considering a revival of the popular show "The Office." However: Steve Carell would not return so a new regional manager would need to be cast. All the details: http://bit.ly/2BQIUQc

Today in weird stories I couldn't resist clicking:
You can invite llamas that are dressed in formal attire to a wedding. Video evidence: http://bit.ly/2oYb9am
And because it's close to Christmas, here's a viral video of children performing a nativity scene. Well, I've never seen this ending before: http://bit.ly/2BEuBvo
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